Subcontractor Payments Process
1. Recording Subcontractor hours worked.
Recording hours that subcontractors work can be done for all Labour assigned to a particular job or task in the daily diary main page, or individually on the resources tab of a particular job. Note that actual (not estimated) hours must be entered in order to generate costs automatically for labour based on rates set up against the individual Employee record or Employee Cost Type record.
Applying hours to all Labour Resources assigned to a Diary Action
Navigate to Diary > Search tab, then select a Diary Action with Labour assigned.
In the HrsA (Hours Actual) field of the Diary Action, enter the number of hours worked for the selected job.
This will update the Act (Actual) value on the Resources tab of the Daily Diary Screen for all Labour assigned to the Diary Action. An Actual Cost, Sell Rate and Sell Price will be calculated and displayed if the system finds a rate and applies it to the Labour Resource that meets the relevant parameters of the job associated with the Diary Action.
Updating the Act value will also update the related Supplier Product if it already exists, or it will automatically add the supplier product related to the subcontractor to the first valid cost option available, using the assigned Rate to update the supplier product values.
Applying hours to an individual Labour Resource assigned to a Diary Action:
Navigate to Diary > Search tab, then select a Diary Action with Labour assigned.
Select the Resources tab on the Daily Diary screen.
Enter the Act (Actual) hours taken for the relevant subcontractor/s and click Save.
The Actual Cost, Sell Rate and Sell Price will be calculated and displayed if the system finds a rate and applies it to the Labour Resource that meets the relevant parameters of the job associated with the Diary Action. The system tries to find a valid rate for the Labour Resource then applies it to the Supplier Product that is associated with the Employee or Cost Type Record.
2. Adding additional costs
Apart from Labour hours, other cost lines can be used to capture subcontractor costs, such as Additional Services (Wrapping Services, Heavy Items, Difficult Access etc) as well as costs attributed to the Moving company (Wrapping Supplies, Cash Withheld, Document Fees, Clothing etc.).
Navigate to the Jobs > Search tab or the Diary > Search tab, then select the required Job and click the Costing tab.
Select a Cost Option.
Click Add at the bottom right of the Costing tab. A list of Supplier Products will appear.
Select the required Supplier Product and click OK.
*Note multiple supplier products can be selected at once.
For more information about adding Supplier Products to a cost option, see Moveware Wiki – Add a Cost Line to a Cost Option (
3. Creating Supplier Invoices from Accruals screen
Costs incurred by subcontractors can be consolidated on a supplier invoice (also known as a Purchase) via the Accruals Management screen. The Supplier Invoice can be provided to the subcontractor as a list of services and costs incurred. The removalist can then pay the supplier invoice to the subcontractor, either directly through a bank account or through the Electronic Banking module in Moveware.
Navigate to the Suppliers > Accruals Management screen.
On the Search tab, filter the open Accruals to show costs that can be combined on a single Supplier Invoice.
Click the Select All button to select all records displayed or double click to select specific records.
You must select only accruals with the same Supplier and/or no supplier to ensure only accruals with the same supplier are on the same Supplier Invoice. Accruals without a supplier are assigned to the same Supplier as other accruals with the same Suppliers.
Click the Post Button. A pop-up box will appear with the Supplier Invoice details. Add the Supplier’s reference and click the Create button.
The Supplier Invoice number will appear. Click OK to close it.
For more information, see Moveware Wiki – Accruals Management (
4. Posting Supplier Invoices to the General Ledger
Supplier invoices created on the accruals management screen are not posted to the general Ledger automatically. To post multiple invoices:
Navigate to Suppliers > Purchases Update. Existing Invoices are displayed in order of Invoice Number.
To find the required Invoices use the search boxes to filter and select the Invoice records. See Searching for Invoices for further details.
Select the Invoices to be posted by clicking on individual records or by using the Select All button.
To view the details of an Invoice, select it in the Search tab and then select the Details tab. The Supplier details, Account and Invoice Date, Invoice number and Terms are displayed. Charge lines on the Invoice can also be viewed.
Select the Post button. A pop-up window will provide a summary of the posting details.
The Status of each Invoice is set to U (Updated) and a Supplier Purchase (CI) Journal is created and posted to the General Ledger. Any invoices that are not successfully posted will remain in the Purchases Update module with a description of the error and can be edited in the Detail tab.
See Purchase Update for more information.
5. Supplier Invoice reports.
There are several reports available with different views of the supplier invoices created in Moveware that you can issue to your Suppliers, including the Purchase and Purchase Summary reports. The Purchase report can also be sent out via bulk emailing to suppliers.
To access the reports, go to the Reports > Suppliers tab and select the required report. You can set the report filters on each report to only show the records you require.
See Supplier Reports – Purchases, Generate Reports and Moveware Help Centre – Multi Print for more information.
6. Supplier Payments
Payments to suppliers can be created in Moveware. A payment can be created for a single supplier using batch payments or to multiple suppliers. You can also use the electronic banking procedure in Moveware to export transactions to your bank to automatically pay the suppliers through your bank account. Sending a remittance advice to your suppliers can also be done using the bulk emailing process known as “Multiple print”. For electronic banking, please ask your bank for more information how about processing an “ABA” file for electronic banking.
For information about single payments, batch payments, and Electronic Banking, see the wiki articles below: