Moveware Version 5.6.1 Release Notes

Moveware Version 5.6.1 Release Notes

Moveware Release Notes
Version 5.6.1
Upgrade Rollout: April/May 2011
Release Notes Generated: 2010-2011


206971C              DSP Function

Description of Functionality: Moveware has extended it functionality to include a Destination Services Provider (DSP) module.  The module is designed for clients who provides destination services to their clients.

For more information on this module please contact Moveware Support.

207360          Destination Summary for European Movements 

Description of Functionality: Addition of Country and Code to the Destination Summary for European movements.  This enables users to view moves going from or to a particular country or destination code in the one view.  Previous users could only filter on the details at either the origin or the destination.  Now with Country and Code they can do these both in the one search.

208052          Agent Code Should be System Driven Not Users

Description of Functionality: A new system parameter has been added to the Debtors tab ‘Use System Generated Agent Codes’. When set to Y, Agent codes are not user-controlled and are not editable.  They are generated by the system upon creation.  Existing codes will remain unchanged.

208201          Additional Event Logging

Description of Functionality: Extra Event Logging added to Creditor Products > Details and Cost Rate tabs, Rates Management, and Codes Management.

208433C        Tidy Up – Administration > Moveware Setup

Description of Functionality:  Branches:

  • Added validation checks for Branch code, branch G/L Code upon save to ensure they are valid and not already used.  Also validation added to the bank account to ensure that it is valid.

  • Added deletion checks to see if branch is used on Removals/Jobs, Invoices, Purchases, General Ledger transactions and General ledger Accounts.

  • Removed ‘Upgrade Only’ tab.

Cost Centres:

  • Added validation for saving a cost centre to ensure that the code value, description and GL code (if GL uses cost centres) are not blank. 

  • Added validation for when deleting cost centre to ensure that the cost centre is not used on Purchases, GL transactions and G/L accounts (already had validation for Removals/Jobs & Invoices).


  • Added validation for when changing or deleting a destination to ensure that is not used in Rates and also to ensure that it does not currently have destinations assigned to it if it is a region.

Tax Codes:

  • Added validation checks upon deleting a tax code to ensure that it has not been used in Removal/Job or Creditor Products, Destination Codes, Invoices, Purchases or Costing.

Removals Products:

  • Added deletion validation checks for Job Type, Costing and Rate Requests (already checks Invoices).

 208505          Cannot Cancel Jobs with Receipts Applied 

Description of Functionality: System Parameter Allow Cancel of Removal Plan with Receipts Applied has been added.  When this is set to Y a warning message displays detailing to the user that the Removal/Job have receipts allocated to it, but still allows the user to cancel the Removals/Job.

208656          Word Merge Field – User Title

Description of Functionality: User Title is now available as a word and email merge field.

208837          Mandatory Fields in Bank Deposits

Description of Functionality: For Clockwork, the Description and Reference fields are Mandatory in the Bank Deposits screen.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Clockwork Only

208868          Rates Tabs

Description of Functionality: On the Rates tabs of Removal/Job Products, Creditor Products and Inventory, the font has been decreased to fit more information in the columns displayed.

208912          Export Import Tab – New field

Description of Functionality: New field Employee Number has been added to the Export and Import tabs of Removals/Jobs Management.

209334          Add validation to Debtor and Creditor import

Description of Functionality: Added validation for creditor/debtor terms and currency when importing via the data import menu.

 Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Debtor and Creditor Imports

209404              Error Changing Rates in Debtor >> Removal Products

Description of Functionality: Fixed the error message ‘rates table has no-lock’ that comes up when save a rate =.

209479          Allowance Field

Description of Functionality: Linked the Notes Field from CRM Profile Tab to Allowance field in Job.

Description of Use: Ability to set CRM Allowance and show at Job level.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: CRM and Removals Management

 209520          Rate Request Port Field Lookup

Description of Functionality: Creates destination upon creating a port code that is not a valid destination code

Description of Use:  When creating a port code, it will:

  1. Check if a port with this port code already exists. If so, give validation error.

  2. If port code is not used then check to see if a destination code with this port code exists.

  3. If destination code doesn’t exist, create destination code.

  4. Create port.

209594          DSP/DSI Time Alerts

Description of Functionality: Added popup to show an alert if the actual time allocated exceeds the Estimated Time for DSP,DSI jobs

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: DSP only

209611          Job Types

Description of Functionality: Removed Validation to have a mandatory Removal Product in the Job Type Setup

  • CC Field in Report Config Email Tab                                                            

Description of Functionality:  In report config setup, there is now two ‘cc’ fields that work the same was as the ‘to’ fields. Anywhere in Moveware where the reports can be emailed, the cc functionality will pull the information that is set and populate the cc field.

Description of Use: Set up a report under report config, email tab. Enable the ‘cc’ field as required. 

  • Report Config – Email Tab – To Email Field

Description of Functionality: When setting up the email config of a report, the ‘To’ field can use the same auto text fields (entered by, salesrep, etc) as the ‘from’ field.

209682          Duplicates Check on Moveware

Description of Functionality: For UK clients, the duplicates check will match clients against the postcode for possible duplicate records.

Description of Use: When leaving certain fields (ie: client name field) the system will check against the postcode for removal plans that are             possible duplicates. It will then offer a list so the user can determine if it is a duplicate plan, or if it a new removal plan, in which case they can continue entering in the data.

209692          Purchase Orders

Description of Functionality: Added a check in costing when creating purchase order on multiple cost lines to see if any costs already have a purchase created, an error message would appear asking user if they wish to deselect first before proceeding

209716          Estimate Move Date-Trade

Description of Functionality: For EXT jobs on Anglo, the est move date is set to today if it is already blank.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: ANGLO specific

209721          Rate extracts missing data

Description of Functionality:  Added date, base, int type and weekday to rates import export

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Rates management

209721          Rate extract missing data

Description of Functionality: Added date, base, int type and weekday to rates import export

209734          Accruals missed

Description of Functionality: We now have the ability to create accrual journals using prior report option, the figures created should differ from if prior report is not ticked. For the report, when prior report is ticked, actuals that are entered after the run date will not be shown

209740          Event Log – Change to Items

Description of Functionality: When changing items in a removal’s inventory, the event log will update with the change in total volume and the change in no. of items.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Removal management Event log

209910          Regions being Removed from Destinations

Description of Functionality: Added event logging for Country Codes update

Description of Use:  Updating of Destination Codes through the ‘Update Destinations’ dialogue gets event logged. Destination codes are listed if 20 or less destinations are updated, otherwise the number of destinations updated is listed.

209931          Rate Request Tax Issues

Description of Functionality: When a Debtor, Branch, Job Type, Destination Code or Tax date changes in a Rate request, we need to find the new tax and rate using the new factors. 

210043              Increase field format to 6 digits on the sort filed in Removal products         

Description of Functionality: Increase field format from 4 digits to 6 digits on the sort column

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Removal Products Admin

210050          Mismatch between net and gross weights in details page in costing

Description of Functionality: Cost header values are now used to calculate measurements rather than Removal details measurements

210126          Sort order for Special Instructions

Description of Functionality: Sort Codes Lookup for Special Instructions will sort by Sort field then Description

210174          Event Log

Description of Functionality: Added event log to changes to the suburb fields from the Removals Management screen.  Also added to the PocketMove/Movesurvey 1 interface import to detail in the event log the changes imported into Moveware.

210459          Add container import to Data Import screen

Description of Functionality: Allows import of containers in csv format via the data import screen.

Description of Use: Imports containers and their corresponding number, description, make, date acquired, purchase price, size, volume, branch, comments, supplier, owner, cost centre and tare.

210624          Automated emails

Description of Functionality: New email/SMS merge field

Description of Use: <Dest Client> now in the list of Email/SMS merge fields available.  This will pull through the destination name from either the Rate Request or Removal screen depending on which source is selected in the email/SMS setup screen.

210638          Sales Followup Sort feature not working

Description of Functionality: Sales Followup – Column Sorting.  Sales follow is now able to sort the search screen by the Est Move column.  Clicking on the column lable Est Move the user can sort the list in ascending and descending order.

  • Tariff Look up in Details – Status Filter to be set to Tariff

Description of Functionality: When looking up Debtors from the Tariff field in the new Removals Details Viewer it will default to show Tariff Debtors Only

  • Validate Tariff Currency against Debtors Currency

Description of Functionality: Added validation if customer status is ‘tariff’, check the currency is same as CRM currency, otherwise throw up an error.

  • DSI and DSP -Resources Tab to Hold Logged time Comments

Description of Functionality:Added Details Editor to view Resource Details

210823          Houses for Viewing are not sorting by Date and Time

Description of Functionality: Sort the DSP Housing List by Date and Time Visited

211026          Customer/Creditor Attachments Enhancement

Description of Functionality:Added ability to copy the files linked to a debtor/creditor/agent to new location when the debtor/creditor/agent code has changed..

211054          Security Group Open Bracket ‘(‘

Description of Functionality: Only Moveware Admin can now make changes to the details tab of security screen (administration -> system setup). Also added for selected companies so that ‘(‘ security group is required to view CRM tab of reports.

211171          MTC Requirements

Description of Functionality:

Added ‘MTC Contract #’ field on agents screen visible to UK clients only.  Added ‘MTC Contract #’ field on waybill screen visible to UK clients only.

When selecting a freight agent on a waybill, the MTC Contract # will autofill from the selected agent’s MTC Contract #. Any data in the MTC Contract # field on the waybill will be overwritten by the new data from the selected agent.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: UK Companies

211240          Rate Management Global Update

Description of Functionality: Added a date field to the rate management global updater to update/clear Rates’ date (rates.rate-date).


204131          Diary – Copy Resources

Description of Functionality: On copying a resource from big diary, the resource is always copied as dark blue (confirmed field set to blank)

206769          Removals/Jobs Diary – Additional Notes Event Logging

Description of Functionality: Event logging has been added to the Addition Notes field on the Diary tab of Removals/Jobs Management.

207892          Un-Assigning Labour Using Diary Name Not Shortcut

Description of Functionality: Fix for bug when un-assigning labour from the Daily Diary (Big).  When double clicking on the job in the bottom RHS browser, Moveware should now take this out of the labour list if the diary name is used instead of shortcut for that labour Inventory record.

208390          Validation on Add of Employee

Description of Functionality: When adding an employee, the initial check will now check employees and inventory labour items (both active and inactive) to ensure that there is no duplication.

208586          Creditor Purchases Approved

Description of Functionality: In Creditor Purchases, when changing the Approved field, an alert message will be sent to the user set to approve the Purchase.

208633          Security Group

Description of Functionality: Security Group 1 is used to Close Operations, not Security Group 5. Moveware has updated the Security Group descriptions.

208887          Copy and Paste in the Operations Diary

Description of Functionality: In the Operations Diary (Big Diary), when copying resources Moveware now allows copying template labour as well as long as it is assigned to the diary action.

209043          Diary Tasks – Updating to MoveManager  

Description of Functionality: Added Assigned To to set field in Diary Actions

Description of Use: The Administrator can set the person that will be set on a diary action when a Job Type Creator is run or if one of the staff fields is modified on the Details page of a removal (Entered By, Move manager, Sales Rep and Account Manager)

209066              When going into Modify Existing Task Details an error occurs             

Description of Functionality: When using the Modify Existing Task Details but on the Diary tab of Removals/Jobs Management or the Contact tab of  Debtors & Creditors Management, an extra type has been added for diary actions that are not either a Task or Appointment.  At the top of the dialog an extra option is added labelled ‘Other’.  This allows user to edit existing diary actions that are not Tasks or Appointments without having to set them as either Task or Appointment.

209395          Pack Dates  

Description of Functionality: System now caters for Unpack days in Job Type Creator for Import Jobs

209574          Ops diary service schedule for vehicles

Description of Functionality: When add items from the Task section at the bottom of the resources list, they will show as personal not removal items

209922          Task assigned to wrong persons

Description of Functionality: For manual adding of a diary action, in job diary, waybill diary, it should look up diary action in codes management and determine the assigned to person on what is setup in codes

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Diary management Task allocation

210157          Appointment Diary

Description of Functionality: We now have the ability to show the appointment diary in half hour blocks. This is driven by the system parameter on job other tab under diary “user 30 minute blocks in appointment diary”, when turned on shows half hour blocks.

210186          Daily Diary – Tasks – Edit Recurring Action

Description of Functionality: On the add diary popup screen, if a diary is a recurring diary, we now have the ability to unlink it, and edit just this diary action. There should be a ‘unlink recur’ toggle that can be checked to unlink this particular action from the recurring actions

210657          Branch filter

Description of Functionality: Fixed bug where branches filter in diary actions does not work when creating JTC in Rate Requests which in turn carries the non-filtered diary entries to removals diary when the rate request is converted to removals. Also added filters for countries which also existed in removals JTC but not rate request JTC.

210682          Diary not showing crew

Description of Functionality: On big diary, right click on a template should not allow entering actuals(assining to this job), to assining actual, double click on the resource. This fixes the problem with diary not updated from assigning actuals that way

210856          Filter in task diary set to attachments/pdf

Description of Functionality: Removals/Jobs Management > Diary tab.  Added new functionality to filtering the diary actions by File Attachments (from the combo box the top left hand corner of the tab).  The list will filter all diary actions that have an associated file attached, not just diary File Attachment diary actions.

211000          Diary – volume

Description of Functionality: Daily Diary.  Totalling in the Daily Diary now totals per removal/job.  In previous versions of Moveware the totalling was based on every diary action displayed for the day.  Now the totalling will be based on removal/job.  Eg. If a removal/job with a volume of 2.0 has three operational diary actions for one day, the totalling on the Dialy Dairy screen will only total these three diary action as one removal/job, 2.0.  Previously it would have totalled the diary actions separately, 3 x 2.0 = 6.0

211408          F2 – Appointment diary

Description of Functionality: The task diary (f2) and the appointment diary now have 4 and 6 week recurring diary actions.

Description of Use: As per normal recurring timeframes, select the 4 or 6 week options and set an end date. The diary actions will be created  with this interval until the end date is reached.


211365          DSP _Allocating set times to DSP Diary Actions

Description of Functionality: Added 0.25 hour increments to hour selection tool in the removals diary screen as well as the jobtypes diary setup screen for DSP enabled clients.

Email & SMS

208223          Additional Email Merge Field

Description of Functionality: New email/paragraph merge tags <Origin Text XXXXX> and <Dest Text XXXXX>.  These tags are to be used to display text for a specific location.

When these tags are used (doubled click the <Origin Text XXXXX> or <Dest Text XXXXX> field from the list of merge fields) the text box will populate with <Origin Text XXXXX></Origin Text XXXXX> or <Dest Text XXXXX></Dest Text XXXXX>.  The text that is to appear should be placed between these tags and the destination code that the text is to appear for should replace the XXXXX within the tag.

Eg. For the text to only appear for AU destinations the email/paragraph should be setup as follows.

<Origin Text AU>This is the text that will appear for AU</Origin Text AU>

When this is merged for a job that originates from an AU destination the tags will be removed and the email/paragraph will look like:

This is the text that will appear

If the origin destination code does not begin with AU then this section of the email/paragraph will not appear once it is merged.

208806          Outlook Signatures

Description of Functionality: When send an email from Moveware the signature should always appear unless the email is a reply (using the Reply button in the Removals/Job Diary for example).

208855          Release v5.5 3 – 205651 – Saving of Files to Correct Directories

Description of Functionality: For Harrow Green only, when emailing through the Storage Management > Details tab, the Attachment button will take the user to Storage folder instead of Debtors folder.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Harrow Green Only

208911          Email Merge Fields

Description of Functionality: Changed the Salutation field to handle Foreign Language.

208935          Creditors Management – Reply

Description of Functionality: Added email reply button to Creditor Management > Contact tab.  This button works in the same manner as the reply button on the on the Debtor Management > Contact tab.

209293          Sms to employees

Description of Functionality: New input parameters have been added to MoveSMS to enable more message types.

209638          Time range for reporting

Description of Functionality: In email setup for report configuration, new auto text <Time Range-N> has been added. This incorporates the range into a diary action time, using the diary action time as the middle of the block. Eg: 9:00 am will become 8:00-11:00 for <time rang-2>. If no time has been set on the diary action, the default is 09:00 – 18:00

Description of Use: Use like all auto-text functions. Replace N with the number of hours to use in the range.

209666          Paragraph setup not working in Emails

Description of Functionality: When using the insert paragraph function on sending email, if an invoice is selected (via a cost option in removals) then  the invoice details will be able to populate in the paragraph, as auto-text.

209771              Debtor management email

Description of Functionality: When opening a file, the system now checks to make sure that the file actually exists, to stop diary actions, etc, saving references to invalid file locations.

210026          Rates template

Description of Functionality: On the diary tab of Rate Request Management, the report that is used is now a crystal report.

210220          Outlook Integration

Description of Functionality: Added new system parameter ‘Enable Outlook Syncing’ – General tab. This controls whether Outlook syncing is enabled system-wide.

211002          Direct Debit – Email advice

Description of Functionality: When Emailing a remittance advice from the banking deposit screen, a diary action is created on the debtors contact tab with the details of the email that is sent.

Description of Use: Create a receipt that needs to be deposited via banking deposits. Go to the bank deposit screen and email the remittance. A diary action will have been created on the debtor’s contact tab.


207656          Employees – Skills

Description of Functionality: Automatically create skills OP-0020 and OP-0042 for newly created/copied/converted employees on the Harrow Green System

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Harrow Green Only

208483          Credit Note Security

Description of Functionality: Security group validation has been added to creating and modifying of Credit Note and Adjustment Invoices.  Only users with security group A or & can create or modify Credit Note or Adjustment Invoices.  Also only users with security A or & can post these types of Invoices.

208796          Password Security  

Description of Functionality: Moveware has added password security to Moveware V5.6. This feature is controlled by System Parameter Maximum Password Age, which is located on the Security tab of System Parameters. When this is set as non-zero, Moveware will check for password security on login to Moveware.  There are several other System Parameters that can be set to configure this feature.  They are:

Minimum Password Length – minimum number of characters a password can be set with.

Password History – number of previous passwords stored in Moveware.  Moveware will not allow the user to use one of these previous password when they attempt to set a new password.

Maximum Password Age – the maximum number of days a password can be used before it expires.

Minimum Password Age – the minimum number of days a password can be used before it is changed. Password Complexity Restrictions – Not Implemented.

Each user can be setup as to ignore password security (Employee Management > User Details tab > Ignore Password Security), by default each user is set to not ignore.

On the login screen, if the user has no password set or no password expiry date set, Moveware assumes it is a new user and pops up a message to ask user to set password. Otherwise if the user’s password has expired Moveware pops up a message to ask the user to change the password. If the password is to expire in the next 5 days, the user will be asked if you would like to change the password, if they choose yes then the change password dialogue will pop up. Otherwise the user is logged in.

On the change password dialogue, the user needs to input the new password and confirm it.  Moveware checks these passwords match, then it checks the length against the password length set System Parameters, then it checks if the password has been used recently using the Password History System Parameter.  Finally Moveware will check if the Minimum Password Age has been reach prior to allowing the password change to be complete.

When the password is changed successfully, the date of the change is written to Employee Password Expiry Date, which is set in conjunction  with Maximum Password Age to determine when the password expires. If password history is set, then the old password is written to a list of previous passwords and stored against the employee.

Finally there is a toggle on password change screen that allows the user to see the password as text. If the password expiry has been reached then the user is not able to exit the password change screen from the login unless the password is changed successfully.  Please note Moveware no longer show the name of the user when the username is entered on the login screen.

209842          Employee Log – Annual Leave

Description of Functionality: For diary resource costing. Employees no longer need to be labour items in the inventory for logs (eg: annual leave) to be added to their entry.

210830          Time Sheet / Payroll Problems

Description of Functionality: Fixed a bug with the rounding of tax on the timesheet payroll screen, also added the code to show salary sacrifice super as A part of the super total in that screen (this was already added to the pays screen in employee management but missed in the timesheet screen).

Description of Use: Pays created from the timesheet screens should no-longer be off by 50cents. Pay categories that are deductions with allowance code ‘SS’ and belong to group ‘S’ with expense set to ‘Superannuation’ will show as apart of the super calculations in the timesheet payroll screen. 


203701          Credit Notes

Description of Functionality:

We now have the ability to create credit note of a cost option. This is system parameter driven (Removals/Jobs Other tab, under Costing, ‘Use Credit Note for Costing’). When turned on, there will be a ‘Create Credit Invoice using selected Invoice’ button on the Costing tab of the removals/Jobs Management screen. This creates a cost option with negative values and assigns cost option number of the original + C. For example 01 will create 01C. A credit invoice is also created.

The credit invoice can be posted and automatically applied to the original invoice, if the system parameter ‘Automatically Apply Credit Note to Invoice’ is set to Y (Debtors tab under Receipting).  The credit note is applied directly to the Invoice.  In the case of the credit note having a larger amount than the oustanding amount on the original invoice, the apply would not go ahead, an error message will appear.  In the case of different exchange rates on the original invoice and the credit note, the user will need to apply the receipt to the invoice manually.

This only works for cost options that have a posted invoice. A fully credited cost option will have its status changed to ‘credited’, and have the word ‘credited’ show on the invoice in red. Fully credited cost options and credit cost options cannot have actuals applied. On waybill costing, they cannot be selected for applying actuals

204194          Importing Inventory Rates                                                   

Description of Functionality: In Rates Management, when using the Import and Export function, Moveware now has an option to Import/Export Inventory rates. 

Description of Use: In the Export dialog, pick Inventory from the Export Type drop down and select Inventory item you wish to export.  In the Import dialog, select the Inventory from the Import Type drop down and select file the file to import.

207512          Debtors – Credit Field

Description of Functionality: When a Debtor is selected on a Removal/Job the Credit Amount of the Debtor is displayed in the Comments box that pops up.  This is similar to how the Purchase Order flag display in the comment box if it is set to Yes.  This also writes the credit limit amount to the Internal Notes box.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: HG only

207807              Costing Page Delete field  

Description of Functionality: Added second warning messages when deleting Cost Option header and cost option lines for PSS.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: PSS Only

207894          Debtors – Selecting Specific Invoices to Print

Description of Functionality: New functionality add to Debtors Management > Inquiry tab to select and print Invoices.  Using Shift or CTRL keys users can to select multiple invoices on the inquiry tab, then from the quick print list of reports users can select the option ‘Selected Invoices’.  This will print the selected invoices from the Inquiry tab.  The quick print option ‘Outstanding invoices’ will print all outstanding invoices for the client, regardless of any that have been selected.

NOTE: The invoice has to be set to print from the debtors screen for this to be enabled.

207934          Swiss Franc Rounding

Description of Functionality: Moveware has now added an option for Swiss Franc (CHF) rounding for costing and invoicing.  A System Parameter has been added under Removal/Job Setup, bottom right ‘Use 0.05 Rounding on CHF Transactions’.  When turned on, it always round the CHF values to 0.05

208095          International Agents    

Description of Functionality: The default result list of the agent browser now returns agents of status ‘A’. The exception to this is OSS, in which case the agents returned have a status of ‘A’, ‘P’ or ‘Y’. Searching for agents by multiple statuses is now possible by entering a comma separated list inside the search box. (eg: ‘A,C’)

208221          Additional Validation on Apply of Receipt  

Description of Functionality: An additional check has been added to applying receipts to transactions.  Moveware will no longer allow users to apply a receipt to a transaction that has already been applied to another transaction (eg applying a receipt to another receipt that has been used to pay an invoice).  The feature affects Debtor Receipting, Debtor Apply, Creditor Payments and Creditor Apply.

208371          Debtor Contact Screen

Description of Functionality: Reply to email button added to the Debtor Management > Contact tab.  This button operates in the same manner as the Reply button on the Removals/Jobs diary.

208485          Purchase Orders

Description of Functionality: For Elliott International, Purchase Orders will default to Order Status of Requested.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Elliott International Only

208546          Debtor Batch Invoicing

Description of Functionality: Functionality added to Invoice Update that allows import of invoices.  A button has been added to the screen (labelled Import).  This pops up a dialog that asks the user to input the file to import the invoices from and few other details. The file format is to import is:

Type (SI),Debtor Code, GL Code, 0, Tax Date, Invoice No (not used for Moveware), Description (Removal Product), Value (inclusive), Tax Code, VAT, 1

208650          Rates Lookup – Don’t use State

Description of Functionality: A new System Parameter has been added under Removals/Jobs Other tab, labelled Don’t Use State in Rate Lookup.  When set to Y the lookup of rates doesn’t use the state of the destination code, this includes Creditor/Removal Product and Inventory rates

208694          Invoice Rate – 5 Decimals

Description of Functionality: The invoice rate has been formatted to display 5 decimal places, previously it was 4 decimal places.

208698          Job Type Creator Costing Toggle

Description of Functionality: System Parameter Always Tick Costing has been added to the Removals/Jobs Other tab that controls if the costing toggle box on the job type creator is always ticked.

208785          Default Branch in Creditor Purchases Approval  

Description of Functionality: Addition of the User’s default branch to the Purchase Approval screen.

208802          Costing – Credit Note Security

Description of Functionality: Security Group & has been added so users can view the Credit Note button in Costing.

208836          Saving attachments to a Creditor Invoice

Description of Functionality: A folder icon button has been added to Creditor Purchases so the user can use open files related to the Purchase.

208892              Costing Screen Pro Rata Calculation     

Description of Functionality: The pro rata calculation for updating Removal/Job Costs from a Purchase charge line that is linked to a Waybill with multiple Removals/Jobs allocated has changed for systems with System Parameter Volumes Entered in Cubic Feet set to Y.  The calculation will now use the ratio of the Removal/Job Net Feet / Waybill Net Feet.  Previously, regardless of the System Parameter, Moveware was using the Net Metres measurements for calculating the ratio.

208957          Costing Refresh

Description of Functionality: For systems setup with System Parameter Update Costs if Parameters Change = P (Moveware will not update the costs when parameters that effect costing change in the Removal/Job).  Now when users alter values in the Cost Option header record (eg. branch, volume or service) users will be prompted to if they want to update the costs.  Previously users would have been altered to update each cost manually.  As the user is in the costing screen these changes are consider specific to the cost option selected and are saved as such.

209157          Adding Debtor  

Description of Functionality: Set Pay Method and Collection fields to Blank on Add of a Debtor if no Default option set in Codes Table

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Debtor Management

209169          Overriding Tax in Journals

Description of Functionality: On quick deposit and quick payment, allow users to manually overwrite the tax calculated and post as the amount entered

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Quick payment and Quick Deposit

209302          Copying Purchase Invoice – Copying Approved

Description of Functionality: When copying a purchase, the approver and approval date are cleared out

209384          Acw calculation

Description of Functionality: ACW calculation altered for clients running cubic metres.  Previously there was an issue that the ACW was calculating based on the cubic feet, which did not give an accurate representation of the net acw due to round to nearest whole cubic foot. When the gross acw was calculated based on the net acw the rounding error was amplified causing the gross not to be accurate according to the gross cubic metres.

209460          Changing Cost Option Header Debtors and Costing line Creditors

Description of Functionality: When updating a creditor on a costing line, if 

  1. the currency is different, local amount is the same, and foreign amount is updated

  2. the currency is the same but ex rate is different, the user will be asked if they want to update the ex rate. If they choose yes then local amount is altered, foreign amount stays the same. IF they choose no nothing is changed. 

  3. Currency is the same and ex rate is the same, nothing changes

          When updating a debtor on the cost header, if

  1. the currency is different, local amount is the same, and foreign amount is updated

  2. the currency is the same but ex rate is different, the user will be asked if they want to update the ex rate. If they choose yes then local amount is altered, foreign amount stays the same. IF they choose no nothing is changed. 

  3. currency is the same and ex rate is the same, nothing changes

209505          Credit Cost Option error

Description of Functionality: For a Credit Cost Option, if diary resource is enable, we do not allow resources to be added through diary (both big diary and small diary). Also the cost lines should not be calculated from resources at all.

209633          Change Approver for Creditor Approval

Description of Functionality: Changed security groups needed to change purchase approver on the purchase screen, is now A and 3

209773          Event log debtor management

Description of Functionality: Added event log for tax code change in debtor management, and in apply tab when invoices/receipts are applied

209872          Invoice print from debtor management

Description of Functionality: New system parameter ‘Save Invoices to Debtors Folder Structure’. When set to ‘Y’, all invoices that are printed are duplicated from their current folder structure into the debtors folder structure.

209876          Jobs – Costing / Invoicing – Link/Unlink

Description of Functionality: Added code to only allow the Link/Unlink of the invoices to costs to user with security group X for HG

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: HG

209982          Locked records when doing storage invoicing

Description of Functionality: When two or more people are creating storage invoices, locks may be created on the storage records during the invoice that can kick users out of Moveware. This patch fixes this.

210085          Bank Rec Issue

Description of Functionality: On the journal screen, for GJ QD QP transactions that are not posted(status N), we can use the edit button to edit the journal. Now if the journal line is reconciled, the amount should not be edited, only description and reference can be edited for that line. For all other lines the amount can still be edited. When reposted, the reconciled flag should hold on the journal.

210088          Add Validation to Purchase Post   

Description of Functionality: Creditor Purchases – Validation added to the post button such that the Tax and Total fields on the Purchase hold the same values as the totals of the Purchase lines.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Selected companies only

210091          Move a Purchase Line from One Removal to Another

Description of Functionality: Now we have the ability to change the costing on the purchase even after the purchase has been posted. There is a red refresh button appearing for purchases that are linked to a removal and already posted. Clicking on the red refresh 

button should take you to select a different removal plan, and if there are more than one cost option, you would need to select which cost option to link to the purchase. The new cost is then created/updated, and old cost deleted/unlinked.

210191          Issue Loading Purchase Update/Approval screen  

Description of Functionality: Fix issue with flicking of the Purchase Screen when load purchase update screen

210198          Tax Type Pass

Description of Functionality: Added validation for Tax Type for new Tax Code setup

Description of Use: Tax Type is a required field when adding/modifying debtors

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Debtors details screen

210283          Debtors – Invoice Update – speed

Description of Functionality: Improved the speed of the Invoice Update Module

210384          Remove the Default Type

Description of Functionality: Fixed tab order in the Quick Payment and Quick Deposit screens along with the use of the F8 key for the lookup to the Creditors and Debtors.

210501          Purchases

Description of Functionality: If a cost is closed(accrual status C), then the act value cannot be entered, a purchase cannot be assigned to this cost from purchase screen or cost screen

210521          Adding Creditor Purchase  

Description of Functionality: Added indexing to selecting creditor on the creditor purchase screen, it should load faster after selecting a creditor in the lookup and press ok

210776          Creditor Banking Information for Direct Deposits

Description of Functionality: Modified Bank Accounts and Electronic Payments to cater for Canadian banking system

Description of Use: Canadian transit numbers are stored in the format


where XXXXX is a Branch Number, and YYY is an Institution Number. 

210956          Invoice Posting Levels  

Description of Functionality: When posting an an invoice (i.e. not to G/L), the invoice defaults to status ‘H’, which can then be set to ‘N’ by users with security group ‘A’.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Selected companies only

211434          Record lock on bank rec screen    

Description of Functionality: Fixed a bug that locks the gacc table when a user changes the cheque no. when making a creditor payment.


207013              Email Attachments Freezing Moveware       

Description of Functionality: An issue between Window Server 2008 and Progress Open Edge 10.1B which caused Moveware to crash when opening files has been addressed.  The issue was cause a call to the Windows Open dialog that allows users to select multiple files for attachments.  For Moveware systems running on Windows Server 2008 the open dialog will only allow the user to select one file not multiple.

208023          Second Web Service  

Description of Functionality: Moveware can now run 2 web services off the one server.  This may be desirable when wanting to setup a testing web service that points to a test database.  The ability to switch between a test and live database on the website using a switch parameter on the index.aspx or embed.aspx page (v=2) for MoveClient/MoveQuote.

208886          Removals/Jobs Details – Ports   

Description of Functionality: When systems are setup with System Parameter Use New Destination Configuration set to Y the Region field on Removals/Jobs Management Details tab is renamed to Ports and lookup for this field is changed to reference the Ports within Moveware.  Previously the lookup was referencing the Regions within Moveware regardless of the System Parameter setting.

209562          Debtors – Invoice Export   

Description of Functionality: For invoice update, if invoice has zero value, it is not exported to the csv, it should come up as an error message saying these invoices are not exported

210306          Screen Sizes  

Description of Functionality: Screen handling is now done via the codes table and uses the resolution rather than ‘A’, ‘C’, etc.

Description of Use: To set a new screen resolution, select ‘Screen Res’ from the codes table and assign a new letter. In the comments section, assign the X and Y value a a comma-seperated list. Eg: 1024,768 is the setting for screen size ‘A’.

210801          Document control 

Description of Functionality: When creating a removal from rate request, copy any existing attachments linked to rate request to the corresponding removal plan folder.


204210          Fleet Management   

Description of Functionality:

Fleet Management has been slightly redesigned to incorporate and sync the history with the dates displayed on the Details tab.  Buttons (+) have been added next to the service, rego due, odo date and RFL field on the Details tab. These fields are no longer editable.  The buttons open a dialog that allows the user to enter details about the action they are updating.  These details include date, description and comments.  Once the user updates these details the new date is displayed on the Details tab and also a history record is recorded against the Inventory item.  

When using these buttons for Service and Rego, Moveware will write an event log and also add a reminder for Employees setup to be notified for ‘Service’ or ‘Rego’ changes (Notify field in Employees > Employee Management > User Details.  These users will receive a reminder message 7 days prior to the next Service or Rego Due date.

The History can now be tired to the dates displayed on the Details tab, something that has never been implemented in previous versions of Moveware.  The records can also be edited through the History tab.  Editing the last record will update the date on the details screen, write an event and a reminder in the same manner. The + button on the history tab allows users to add new records, which include all dates plus a type ‘Defect’. The Defect tab has been removed and incorporated into the History tab (HG will keep the old Defect tab).

We have also added a folder icon to Fleet Management.  This will enable systems to attach and access files associated to the Inventory item.

Systems can be setup to auto populate the Next Service date from the Last Service date. In Codes Management > Vehicle Service > Service in the Default field enter either W, M or Y (Week, Month or Year) followed by the number in increment. For example ‘W8’ sets the next service date to be 8 weeks from the Last Service date. When adding a new Service date record with this setup the Next Service date will automatically populate.

Finally, on big diary, the bottom right browser should display these Fleet and defect dates, while also displaying the reminders for when the Next Service and/or Rego is due.

205809          Fleet Management – Additional Information

Description of Functionality: From Fleet Management and Inventory Management > Vehicles and new dialog pop up has been added.  A button next to the Make field has been added which opens the dialog.  When the dialog display is allows the user to enter additional information about the Vehicle including: 

Registration, Make, Model, Vehicle Type, Vin Number, Owned By, GVM, GCM, Serial Number, Volume, Size, Tare Weight, Length, Width and Height.

207633         Inventory Management Event Log

Description of Functionality: Event Logging has been added for all fields on the Inventory Management > Details tab.

207671          Employee Maintenance – cost type

Description of Functionality: On the Employee Management > Details tab, only show active cost type plus any inactive ones only if it has been assigned to that employee.  For inactive types display the text “Cost Type Inactive” in red next to the box. Then Moveware should not allow saving of inactive cost type.

209662          Operations – Materials – speed of loading

Description of Functionality: Added show total button on material screen, to speed up the loading of the screen. Totals will not need to be calculated   unless this toggle is ticked.

210430          Add fields to vehicle import

Description of Functionality: Included additional fields for Vehicle Data Import:

Date Aquired, Purchase Price, Cost Centre, Owned By, Hourly Rate

Description of Use: During the initial implementation of Moveware, data can be imported into the database for various areas.  For the data imports for vehicles, additional fields have been added as described above


209027              Ability to stop Miscellaneous diary actions from being transferred to Movesurvey or to delete them  

Description of Functionality: Added ability to stop Miscellaneous diary Actions from importing / exporting from Moveware and MoveSurvey V2

Description of Use: From Pocketmove Interface Screen – select ‘Incl Misc Diary’ to ignore diary actions that are not linked to a removal plan but is assigned to the Salesperson/Vehicle. E.g. appointments, tasks etc. From MoveSurvey V2 Sync Screen – check/uncheck ‘Included Miscellaneous Diary Actions’ to perform above mentioned action.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: All companies using MoveSurvey V2.

Description of Functionality: Bug: Renaming a room would not rename the room correctly.

Description of Use: In the inventory page, using the Rename button for the selected room.


207544          Tasks Updating Outlook  

Description of Functionality: When syncing with Outlook from the Appointment Diary, Removal/Job information (Removal/Job Number, client name, contact details, uplift and delivery addresses) is appended to the comments of the task.

209882          MoveClient

Description of Functionality: Added system parameter ‘Don’t create JTC for job status’ to disable job type creation on removals of status entered in the system parameter

Description of Use: Any job status entered in the ‘Don’t create JTC for Job Status’ system parameter will be forbidden from creating JTC from both the quick print button as well as clicking ‘add’ in the costing screen. By default all companies cannot create JTC on status ‘I’ jobs.


206113          Additional Search filters in Removals/Jobs Management

Description of Functionality: Removals/Job Management > Search tab now has date range filters. Each date column now has a date from and date to filter.

206971AU     Relabel ACN and ABN

Description of Functionality: The ABN and ACN relabelling to ‘VAT Registration No’, is now controlled by Codes Management > Country.  Moveware looks for ‘EU’ in the default field of the Country and matches against the Country entered in System Parameters.  If this is an EU country the ABN and CAN relabelling will take place.

206971BA     New Removals/Jobs Details Browser

Description of Functionality: Moveware has added the option to display the many of the details on the Removals/Jobs Management > Details tab in a browser on the Details tab.  The browser is positioned down the right hand side of the tab and replaces all of the fields that were displayed in this area on previous versions of Moveware.  This functionality enables the system to be setup to display information that is relevant to the Moveware client.

For more information on this function please contact Moveware Support.

206971D        Multi-Lingual Documents  

Description of Functionality: Moveware has added functionality to store and print documents in multiple languages.  These languages can be controlled through central location and allows Moveware clients to communicate to their clients in their native tongue.  This is controlled by a system parameter and allows systems to setup their own language interpretations for removal products, creditor products, inventory, paragraphs and job types.

For more information on the functionality please contact Moveware Support.

206971H       Visibility of Removals/Jobs

Description of Functionality: Amended Linked Waybill field in Removal/Jobs Management to show Linked Removal/Job Plans.  Allow users to see all linked Removal/Job Plans when inside the Job.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: PackImpex

206971I         Increase search criteria for duplicates

Description of Functionality: Increased checks for duplicates for systems setup to check for duplicate records (system parameter Check for Duplicates on Removals Add set).  The following checks are performed for duplicate Removals/Jobs.

Checks performed:

  • Client name, countrycode and postcode

  • Uplift address and suburb

  • Delivery address and suburb

  • Uplift email

  • Delivery email           

  • Uplift phone

  • Delivery phone

These checks are also performed when the user leaves one of these fields when adding a new Removal/Job. If duplicates are found, a list is displayed of the possible duplicates.  From here, the user can either cancel the new Removal/Job (the Removal/Job they are adding is a duplicate and they will use the Removal/Job already in the system), ignore the duplicates (add this Removal/Job as a new record) or link the Removal/Job to one of the duplicates found.

When linking with an existing removal, the user is prompted to add the new Removal/Job as a sequence of the duplicate found or add the new Removal/Job with a new Removal/Job number with a link set to the duplicate found.

206981          Destination Summary – Payment Status

Description of Functionality: Addition of a warning when using the Select All functionality in Destination Summary to create a Waybill advising the user that a list of Removals/Jobs are unapid and give them the ability to discontinue or proceed and select all Removals/Jobs to allocate to the Waybill.

The background colour of the unpaid Removals/Jobs is set to red.

207259          Waybill Unpaid Validation  

Description of Functionality: When adding non-paid jobs to a waybill, a warning comes up that the job is non paid, and asks to hold the job at the  destination. If the job is held, the agent code on the waybill is set to H otherwise it is set to I.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: PSS Only

207960          Lock Down Move Manager on Details Screen

Description of Functionality: For PSS if a removal/job has a move manager entered then it cannot be edited unless the user has security group 3 (branch manager).

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: PSS

208130          Removal/Job Filters  

Description of Functionality: Addition search functionality added to the Removal/Job Name column in Removals/Jobs Management.  Using the * wildcard in search for name should work in beginning and middle. Eg use *Smith to find Names that contain Smith anywhere in the name or *Smith*John to find Names that contain Smith and then John after Smith (eg *Smith*John will find Smith/Mr John but not John Smith because John appears before Smith).

208266              Name on RP from Rate Request

Description of Functionality:Conversion of Rate Request to Removal/Job should now automatically create Title and First Name on the Removal/Job from the details entered in the Rate Request, if they exist.

  • Cannot Lock Sell Unless All Prices Entered

Description of Functionality: Additional field in Creditor Products that flags them as being non zero.  When a Creditor Product has its field Non Zero Price set to Y, it cannot be deleted from Costing and cannot have its price locked if its Sell Price is set to zero.

  • Cannot Print Quote Unless Sell Price is Locked

Description of Functionality: A new System Parameter called Sell Price Must be Locked before Quote Print has been added to Moveware.  When this System Parameter is set to Y it stops quotes from being printed where the costing sell price has not been locked.  This works in conjunction with System Parameter Quotes Created from Costing, Invoicing or Both, when it is set to ‘Y’.  Further setup is required for the reports that are determined to be Quotation reports.  These reports need Quotation to be added to their list of filters.  This indicates that the report is a quotation report.

If the Quote report is run for a single Removal/Job and that Removals/Job fails the Locked Sell Price validation then an error will appear.  However if the Quote report is run for multiple Removals/Jobs then the report will run but not generate for the Removals/Jobs that fail this validation.

208506          Claims

Description of Functionality: Functionality added to Y/N fields, Branch and Sales Rep fields to change their value to capital letter on leave.  Also the address should use capitals if the System Parameter Run Auto Case on Detail Fields is set to Y.

208640          Claims

Description of Functionality: A Copy button has been added to Claim Detail section.

208646          Removals/Job Saving

Description of Functionality: When adding a Removal/Job, users cannot use the Quick Print until the Removal/Job is saved. This stops issues where all the fields are cleared and nothing is saved.

208688              Copying a Job – Date Entered

Description of Functionality:Default date entered to today’s date when a job is copied.  Previously it was holding onto the entered date of the copied Removals/Job.

208702          Locking when Removal/Job on Status H

Description of Functionality: When Removal/Job is on status H (Hold) then the Diary, Waybill, Removal/Job and Resources should all be locked.  Users should not be allowed to modify, add or delete any of these. To change status from H to another status, a password is required. Password is stored in Codes Management, Type: Comment, Code: Password

208773          Speed – Adding and Saving Removals

Description of Functionality: The Moveware 5.6 database has had new indexes added to aid in the speed of finding Removals/Jobs on the Removals/Jobs Management screen.  These indexes should also aid speed in areas such as the Job Type Creator, Diary, Costing, Invoicing, Resources and Inventory.

208775          Follow-up date

Description of Functionality: For Anglo Pacific, when saving a removal and changing the status, the follow-up dates have a default value according to the following table:

Status / Type

Removals (EXR)

Vehicles (EXV)

Any other value

Unsolicited (U)

Input date + 6 months

Input date + 6 months

No default date

New (N)

Last status change date + 3 months

Last status change date  + 3 months

No default date

Inspection (I)

Last status change date + 5 days

Last status change date + 5 days

No default date

Pending (P)

Last status change date + 5 days

Last status change date + 5 days

No default date

Won (W)

No default date

No default date

No default date

Lost (L)

No default date

No default date

No default date

Cancelled (C)

No default date

No default date

No default date

Any user-entered dates will take precedence over the defaults and in this case the defaults will not be used.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Anglo Pacific Only

208840              Origin & Destination Agent in Removal/Job Details             

Description of Functionality:Fields for Destination Agent and Origin Agent have been added to the Removals/Job Management > Details tab.

208894          Planner  

Description of Functionality: Fixed issue relating to Moveware crashing when the Planner screen was filtered by a date range greater than 10 days.  This error was caused by a string variable getting too large for Progress to handle.

208915          Changing CRN # on Waybil

Description of Functionality: For Brytor Only, the agent’s CRN field on the Waybills/Manifests Details tab has been made available.  When the CRN field in Agent setup is populated, and that agent is selected as the origin agent on a Waybill/Manifest, then the CRN number will populate with the agent’s CRN. If no CRN is assigned to an agent, then the default Brytor CRN is used.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Brytor Only

208962          Destination summary  

Description of Functionality: When a Job is copied with No Cost Option attached, the Service, Method and Type get cleared. Secondary Validation once job goes on R the Service, Method and Type get validated.

Description of Use: Used to reduce incidence of incorrect Service and Method being set for overspill, groupage and airfreight consignments when they are copied from an existing Job.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Removals Management/ PSS International

208967          Changes to Destination summary  

Description of Functionality: Filtering in Destination summary improved to match on the origin/destination code or the origin/destination port exactly 

209011          DSP -Select Addresses From Removals Details in DSP Module

Description of Functionality: DSP Addresses Perm or Temp populate in the Removals Address  lookup.

Description of Use: Used to allow the update of address informatiom from address lookup gathered by DSP module.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Address Lookup in Details Page and Job Diary

209040          DSP -Appointment Diary

Description of Functionality: Added new Relocation Consultant Flag for use with DSP. It allows the employees to be filteredwhen doing a lookup

  • Admin – Codes Management – Claim Category

Description of Functionality: Claim Category, Claim Type and Caused By combos on the Claims tab of Removals/Jobs Management now can be filtered to only display certain codes for certain types of jobs.  This is similar to how the combos on the Details tab of  Removals/Jobs Management operate.

  • Invoice search on manifest                                                            

Description of Functionality: Additional functionality added to the invoice filter on the Search tab of Removals/Jobs Management.  If the invoice number  entered in the invoice filter relates to an invoice that is a waybill/manifest invoice, the search screen will populate the waybill/manifest filter with this waybill/manifest number and filter the list of removals/jobs accordingly.

209102          Personal details from client

Description of Functionality: Added Birthplace field in Exports Tab. Used to store passport Information

209143          Validate Collection Date on change to R

Description of Functionality: Added new system parameter ‘validate collection date on status R’ , when turned on and shipment status is set to R on the removals, it validates the collection date

209362          Report filter functionality   

Description of Functionality: The ‘Use RP Filter’ in report management will now work better with sequenced jobs

Description of Use: This feature only comes into effect when there is no procedure run, and only the RP filter is used. Crystal Reports only.

209656          Tom Tom Integration

Description of Functionality: When creating a csv, if the diary is selected, it will output the tom tom file with what is present on the planner.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Outputting diary information to a Tom Tom device

209659          Rate Request -goods  

Description of Functionality: Made Goods field mandatory

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Selected companies only

209661          Jobs – Diary – Delete button  

Description of Functionality: New security group ‘|’ which is used for deleting job diary.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Selected companies only

209808          Foreign Currency Problem

Description of Functionality: Bug Fix

Description of Use: Foreign Exchange Invoicing

210079          Booking of jobs with more than one shipments

Description of Functionality: When creating a removal plan from a sequenced rate request, the removal plan is created as part of a sequence with the parent rate request. EG: 800012B will become a sequence of the removal plan for 800012.

210282          Jobs – Diary – Resource panel – Add column

Description of Functionality: Diary resource panel, no. column cannot be negative, add column can be negative but the total of both columns must be positive

210298          Estimated Move Date cannot be in the Past

Description of Functionality: Added option ‘X’ to the system parameter ‘Validate Estimated Move Date’ which does not allow user to enter an estimated move date that is in the past.

Description of Use: If System parameter ‘Validate Estimated Move Date’ is set to ‘X’, it basically functions the same as ‘Y’ but with the added validation that the estimated move date cannot be in the past. This applies to any valid date entered in that field or if the Month/Year combo is used (Sysparam: ‘Enter Estimated Move Date as a Date = ‘C’), then the month/year must be same or later than current month/year. If using the new job details browser then ‘C’ acts the same as ‘N’, i.e., user can type in anything in the estimated move date field.

The validation only kicks in when the field/combo boxes have been modified so that old jobs still can save with an old estimated delivery date.

The pop-up warning message when user enters the date prior to today will also validate if sysparam-estmove is set to ‘X’ and prevent date change at that point.

210371          F3 Lookup – Google Maps

Description of Functionality: When bringing up the appointment diary from the survey date double-click, and from their loading Google maps, the current removal is added to the list under -Current Removal- if it is not already present.

Description of Use: Enter a new removal, or select an existing removal. Double-click on the survey date field to bring up the appointment diary. Click the google maps icon. The current removal should be listed, as well as those present on the appointment diary page.

210502          Rate Request with Multiple Cost Options

Description of Functionality: Added option to select Cost Option when winning a rate request 

210504          Followup Diary Action – From Rate Request   

Description of Functionality: Task Diary – Added ability to see Rate Request Number and be able to Load Rate Request Management if task is related to a Rate Request

210741          New Operational Finish field in new details screen

Description of Functionality: Added ‘Operational Finish’ field to removals details screen that are using new details browser.

Description of Use: Requires the setup of code with type ‘Removals Details’, Code = ‘Date Operational’, Lookup = ‘date’, ‘Group = ‘Dates’ and lookup sort determines its order along the other date fields in the browser.

210759          Type of goods entered on Won jobs   

Description of Functionality: Added validation to check that the description of goods in the export tab of removals management is not blank when saving or adding a Won export job.

Description of Use: This will work so that when you save a Won job that is EXP, the system will check the ‘Goods’ field in the corresponding EXP tab and if this is empty, it will prompt for the user to enter the goods which will populate this field. If the user enters a blank value, an error will pop-up and the user will not be able to continue. If the user selects to cancel, no changes will be saved on the removal.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Removals, selected companies only

210908          Report Merge Fields

Description of Functionality: Two new email merge fields added.

<Origin Comments>
<Dest Comments>

These fields pull data from the comments section of Removals details.

211059          Agent Instructions

Description of Functionality: Added ‘Always update agent instructions from removals details’ in removals others which when set to ‘Y’ will always update the agent instructions in removals export tab from the removals details tab and will set the agent inst. in exports tab to be read-only.

211178          Weights issue  

Description of Functionality: Added measurements fill-ins to the cost option header details. Measurements should auto-calculate themselves when each field is changed – volume on the cost option should also auto up-date upon changes.

211201          Costing Issues with Estimates Vs Actual

Description of Functionality: Added system parameter ‘Allow editing of Est when price locked’ in the Removals Other sysparam tab to allow editing of cost lines est values when cost option sell price is locked.

Description of Use: When ‘Allow editing of Est when Price Locked’ is set to ‘Y’, it will allow users to edit cost lines’ Est values (qty, rate, cost) when the sell price has been locked (i.e. costsh.ch-complete = ‘P’) and it should not affect sell prices and any act values.

211470          Survey order

Description of Functionality: Validate surveyor if status I and type EXP, EUE or DOM

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Selected companies only

211475          Purchase orders

Description of Functionality: When system parameter on creditor tab to check invoice number is turned on, if invoice number is blank(for PO), then we don’t check if blank invoice has already been entered

211551          Creditors – Purchase Orders – Details

Description of Functionality: When creating purchase or purchase order from the costing screen, the costing line details will pull through to the purchase details. If there are multiple lines selected, their details should append to each other.


207292          Word Merge Field – BranchFormatted 

Description of Functionality: Addition of BranchFormatted merge field to the Storage Word Merge that displayed the Branch address formatted.

207429              Addition to Payment and Receipt Summary Reports           

Description of Functionality: For Debtor Transaction report Moveware no longer displays totals if there are multiple currencies on the report. For Debtor and Creditor Transaction reports the Period From, Period To and G/L Year filters have been added.

207729              Reciprocity Report Modifications  

Description of Functionality: Customized report for Anglo that uses grouping branch, country, port, service and world zone.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Anglo Only

208011              Inter Branch Report – Show Unreconciled

Description of Functionality: Added ‘Show Unreconciled Only’ toggle to inter-branch transaction report.  When this is selected the report will only show unreconciled transactions for the account entered or all accounts if no account number is entered.

208122              Revenue by Account – Addition to Report Selection         

Description of Functionality: Group filter for Revenue by Account report on Storage tab of Reports screen was incorrectly displaying Revision Group when double clicking field to display list of options.  Now displays Storage groups correctly.

208144          Additional Email Merge Fields

Description of Functionality: Addition of <Account Manager>, <Account Manager Position>,<Account Manager Department>,<Account Manager Phone>,<Account Manager Mobile>,<Account Manager Email>,<Origin Port> and <Dest Port> email and SMS merge fields

208246              Creditor Product Rates Report    

Description of Functionality: The report will only display rates for Creditor Products that are currently Active in Moveware.

208293          Statement HTML Email  

Description of Functionality: A toggle filter has been added to the statement report ‘Hide Branch Address’ so when emailing the html Statement, the branch address does not display at the bottom of the email. This is only for the hard coded HTML report, not for the Crystal version.

208343          Debtor Statements – Date From Filter

Description of Functionality: A Date From (datefrom) filter can be added to the list of statements filters that will allow the user to print a statement for a date period. Previously Moveware only had one date filter on this report that would display outstanding transaction to a particular date.

208433B        Tidy Up – Reports

Description of Functionality: Reports without Parents or Non-existent parent gets sorted under ‘Other’ and are indented like all other reports (unlike Report headings). When making changes to the dialogues field in Report Configuration, if the report is a standard report then also validate that the dialogue exists.

208503          Word Merge – No. of Copies

Description of Functionality: When printing a word merge document, the No. of Copies field in the document will correctly set the number of copies to print.

208552          Debtor Statements

Description of Functionality: Statements can now accept the istatus filter in their Report Configuration filters.  This will add a check on the transaction status so only updated transactions will show.

208715          Bulk Change for Removals/Jobs

Description of Functionality:

Addition of new functionality to bulk change the status of Removals/Jobs to L.  This can be done though the Administration > Utilities > Change R/P Information.  A toggle Change Status to L has been added to the dialog.  When selected the layout of screen changes and several filters appear for From Status, Followup Date and Branch.  Also there are fields to enter a Reason, Comments and to Close the Removal/Job (similar to the Win/Loss dialog that appear when user set a Removal/Job to status L through Removals/Job Management).

208847              Receipt Advice – Direct Debits

Description of Functionality: For Conroy Removals, the email of the Receipt Advice in the Bank Deposit screen will not have the “To:” line.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Conroy Only

208877          Canadian Customs 

Description of Functionality: In the Removals/Jobs export, the Customs Ref field is renamed to ‘HS Code’ for Moveware’s Canadian clients (System Parameter Country Code = CA). A new report (ENS report) has been created and merged with the AMS report, with two new fields: HS Code and Payment Type.

208909          Labels  

Description of Functionality: Added Crystal Report Label2x7_AveryL7163.rpt based on the Avery L7163 templates.

208958          Report Configuration – Copy

Description of Functionality: On copy of a Report in Report Configuration, if the name isn’t changed then Moveware will throw an error detailing the report name is invalid.  Previously Moveware would save a blank report record.

209004          Win/Loss/Cancel report data

Description of Functionality: When Links cancel a job, the date won field is set. In reports, they can now select ‘Won/Lost/Cancelled’ from radio sales.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Links only, Won Loss Report

209046          Multi Print on Creditor Remittance  

Description of Functionality: Remittance advice now has the same multi-print capabilities as invoices and statements

Description of Use: As per multi-print for invoice and statement

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Creditor Remittances

209096          Insurance Report

Description of Functionality: Added a count of shipments to the group footer and the report footer of the Insured Shipments Report.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Insured Shipments.Report

209400          Destinations – adding comment for quotation   

Description of Functionality: Two new word merge fields added:


Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Merging fields into documents

209491          Accrual Report picking up incorrect Accruals   

Description of Functionality: Altered the accruals by cost centre report to handle the case where invoices are not created from costs.

209504          Default Invoice Status in Reports

Description of Functionality: Enabled the functionality 

209527          Quote to corporate   

Description of Functionality: When a removal’s quote is to ‘Corporate’, any quote print will have the language default to the language of the corporate debtor.

209576              Order field duplicated on waybill with multiple instances of same removal  

Description of Functionality: The waybill report will now increment the ‘order’ field correctly and will be based off the waybill sequence. Previously, if a removal was on a waybill more than once, the order field did not update until a new removal plan was found. Now, all instances of a removal plan will have an individual order number, as per the removals tab of the waybill screen.

209734          Accruals missed ? 

Description of Functionality: We now have the ability to create accrual journals using prior report option, the figures created should differ from if prior report is not ticked.  For the report, when piror report is ticked, actuals that are entered after the run date will not  be shown.  For the screen, the figures should match what is on the report

209841          Bank Deposit Transaction Summary

Description of Functionality: When previewing a crystal report, the viewer no longer forces the page size to be A4 but uses the default paper size of the user’s default printer. This enables correct printing from the preview screen.

209851          Default the period from and to under transactions report to blank

Description of Functionality: For reports using period from/ period to and GL Year fields, these filters will default from the timeframe settings of each report setup (ie: last financial year, today, etc)

Description of Use: Set the time frame in report setup. When entering fields for reports where the Year, Period From and Period To are available, these will default from the ‘date from’ field.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Reports

209897          Standard Invoice   

Description of Functionality: Display branch information is now used for logos, address and Tax information. In addition, when a default foreign bank account is setup, and the invoice is in a foreign currency, these bank details are used in the payment section.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Standard invoice

210093          View Bank Deposit Journal From Receipt Listing

Description of Functionality: We have added a new button to the Receipts Listing Module to enable you to view the Bank Deposits Journal the Receipt   was processed for

210308          Invoice Summary report

Description of Functionality: The removals Invoice Summary report now has ‘Invoice Date ‘as a selection for the date drop down. 

Description of Use: Select ‘Invoice Date’ on the removals invoice summary report and the results will be filtered by the date on the invoice.

210341          New Non Removal Tasks Docket

Description of Functionality: New Non-Removal related task Docket

Description of Use: Run this report for any non-removal related jobs where a job docket or job sheet is required.

210438          Statement – Display Branch Log and Branch Details

Description of Functionality: When the system is setup for display branches, the statement will use the debtor’s display branch for all the branch, and   banking, details

Description of Use: Enable ‘Show display branches’ in system parameters. This will enable the display branch functionality.

210531          Merging cost option values into Quotes  

Description of Functionality: When running a word quote, zero-cost cost options will not appear unless they are a comment.

210537              Change to standard Moveware House Bill of Lading 

Description of Functionality: Changed layout of the House Bill of Lading report to match standard report layout and include enclosures and agent instructions.

210586          Debtor email address does not populate

Description of Functionality: When printing reports and customer from and customer to are the same, and the report is set to grab the debtor details for an email, then any emails will default to the customer as the ‘to’ address.

210621          Payment reminder letters

Description of Functionality: The payment reminder report can now run from the debtors quick print screen.

Description of Use: In report setup, set the report to print from the debtor’s quick print.

210964          Daily run sheet by Labour

Description of Functionality: Expanded volume field on report to allow for volumes up to 999.99

Description of Use: Report is used to display Labour assigned to Removal Plans for a given day and can be used as a timesheet to record employee times

211042          Email statements

Description of Functionality: When using the multi-print function of statements, invoices or remittance advices, the system will grab the default outlook signature unless they are set to not use outlook signatures, in which case it will use the standard Moveware default. In addition, a bug with duplicate signatures appearing on the email has been fixed.


208335          MOD Storage

Description of Functionality: For Whites Moving and Storage only, if the storage is MOD then Moveware will not update removal information into the Storage record when a Removal/Job is entered in the Storage screen.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: White Moving and Storage Only

208378          Problem when adding a new Storage job  

Description of Functionality: In Storage Management > Details tab, when users add a new Storage account they are prompted to select a Debtor to assign to the account.  If the use then selects a Removal/Job as the Reference In, and the Debtor on the Removal/Job is different to the Debtor initially selected on the Storage Account the user will be prompted if they wish to replace the Debtor initially selected with the Debtor associated with the Removal/Job.

Prior to this change the Debtor from the Removal/Job was always written to the Storage account.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: This change is for all clients accept John Mason

208854          Storage – Removal Reference

Description of Functionality:

A message popup “Do you want to Update Storage from Removal” has been added to Storage Management when the Reference In is entered for the Storage Account.

209452          Storage Rate Revision  

Description of Functionality: Total Pages for report resets on change of Storage Client

Description of Use: The report is designed to print letters to be sent to Storage Clients to advise of rate revisions.  The report was displaying             the total number of pages for all clients in the report run, which would mean that a client would receive a letter which for example showed page 10 of 50.  The report has been changed so it shows the total number of pages for each client, for instance 1 of 1 unless that particular client has more than one page for the letter.

209829 Storage Insurance Invoicing  

Description of Functionality:New Storage Insurance Calculations Types which gives the ability to enter a Per Annum rate and charge at a Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly Frequency.


Description of Use: Used to Calculate Per Annum Insurance Premiums on Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly Charge Basis

209926          Storage Rate Revision

Description of Functionality: When setting a storage charge line date out, the system will ask if the status of this line should also change to C, if it is not already,

Description of Use: Set a date-out on a charge line, the pop-up should either set the status to C or leave it as is.

210471          Storage – Insurance Policy Field

Description of Functionality: Added Insured By field to Storage Management Details Screen

210751          Storage charges based on Inventory  

Description of Functionality: For systems running inventory based storage invoicing, a fix has been implemented that will default the frequency of the charges for any inventory (Container, Storage Module or Location) that does not have it calculation frequency set to that of the associated storage charge line.  Previously it was defaulting to a weekly charge.

211273          Tab order in Storage details screen

Description of Functionality: On storage screen, when tab out of the meters field into the cubic feet field, should not try to recalculate meters from cubic   feet if the value of cubic feet has not been changed


206971AP      Waybills Measurements for Airfreight and LCL  

Description of Functionality: Resources (Containers/Vehicles/Storage) can now display the Length, Width and Height dimensions in Waybill/Manifest > Details tab.  The field are also editable and update the volume and ACW of the container.  This is controlled by a new System Parameter – Display Container Dimensions as L, W and H.  This system parameter also allows the user to enter the Gross weight of the container.

These values (volume, weight and ACW) are then used to update the gross measurements on the waybill.

208968          Hold for unpaid shipments – GRP

Description of Functionality:

  1. When changing agent code in export tab of removals; if code is not valid, an error appears on the save.

  2. When changing agent code in export tab of removals; an event is written on the save.

  3. When added a non-paid job to a waybill, a popup appears to confirm and/or to place on hold at the destination. A held             job will have the agent code against the removal set to H, an un-held job (but non-paid) will have this code set to I.

Description of Use: No changes to use, just extra pop-ups at certain steps along the process.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: PSS Only in Removal export tab, Waybills- add job to waybill and Destination summary

209177          Manifest total package count  

Description of Functionality: On the removal tab of the waybill screen, the total no of packages is displayed along with the volume, etc, at the top of the browser.

209364          Waybill Invoice Date

Description of Functionality: For waybill invoice, invoice date should get set when posted, not when invoice was first created

209569          Waybill Event Logging

Description of Functionality: Event Logging for deletion of waybill

Description of Use: Adds to the event log under the waybill reference when it has been deleted

210161          Waybill

Description of Functionality: When adding a waybill, origin and destination ports should now populate straight from the removal plan if they exist.

Description of Use: Populate the ports of the waybill from the removals if they exist, otherwise, default to the original way which is from the ports of the removal’s origin and destination agents.

Areas of Moveware/Companies Affected: Any companies using the new job details screen and has the system parameter ‘use new destination configuration’ set to ‘Y’.

211432          Change Print Options in Waybill Screen

Description of Functionality: Changed appearance of waybill quick print area to look more standard and added a select printer button.

211485          Cost Option Status  

Description of Functionality: When a cost option has been invoiced(number assigned), the status may not be changed other than W. If the invoice is cancelled, it is allowed to be changed to C other than W

211638          AMS Report from Manifest  

Description of Functionality: In waybill print, modified so not only use description to find the correct report, but also check standard report and appear in waybill flags, to avoid finding the wrong report with the same description.

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