Field | Description |
Product | The Product the rate applies to. Removal Products tab: Job (Removal) Products as set up in Job Product maintenance. Creditor Products tab: Supplier (Creditor) Products as set up in Supplier Product maintenance. Inv Costs: The Labour, Vehicle, Packing Material, or Storage Vault the rate applies to. Inv Charges: The Labour, Vehicle, Packing Material, or Storage Vault the rate applies to. |
Name | Customer (on the Removal Products tab) or Supplier (on the Creditor Products, Inv. Costs and Inv. Charges tabs) that this rate should apply to. Customer must exist in Customer Management. |
Code | The Supplier or Customer code. |
Calc | The Calc Type used for the rate. Can be each, Fixed, Distance or volume based. |
Branch | The Branch that this rate applies to. |
Type | The Cost Centre that this rate applies to. Can be used to restrict a rate to a specific Cost Centre (Job Type), if applicable. |
Service | The type of service this rate relates to, e.g. FCL, LCL, Air, Sea, etc. Can be used to assign a rate to a specific Service, if applicable. |
Int Type | Door to Door, Door to Port, Warehouse to Door, etc. |
Currency | Used to set the currency of the rate if it is not the default currency. The default/base currency applies if not modified. |
Origin Code | The Origin Code for this type of rate. Used to assign Rates to a specific Origin Code (city, country, etc.). |
Region | The code of the region the rate is applied to. Used to assign Rates to a specific Origin Region/Port. |
Distance | If the Origin Distance is below the number set here, the rate will apply. |
Destination Code | The Destination Code for this type of rate. Used to assign Rates to a specific Destination Code (city, country, etc.). |
Region To | The Region To Code, if set to apply this rate to. Used to assign Rates to a specific Destination Region/Port. |
Distance | If the Destination Distance is below the number set here, the rate will apply. Used in conjunction with Origin Code. |
Valid From | The beginning date in which the rate should apply. This is column is display-only; the field to enter the date is at the bottom of the screen. To understand how this date is determined, click here. here. |
Valid To | The end date in which the rate should apply. This is column is display-only; the field to enter the date is at the bottom of the screen. To understand how this date is determined, click here. here. |
Rate | The standard rate to apply to the selected line. |
Days | The day(s) of the week that this rate should apply. |
% | Used to add a percentage markup to the Est Cost. For Cost rates only (Creditor Products, Inv. Costs). Will populate the % column in Costing. |
Min | The minimum charge to apply for this rate. |
Max | The maximum amount to charge for this rate. |
Rate ID | A unique system generated number for this rate type. The Rate ID for each line displays below the Removal Products tab at the top of the screen. There is also a search box on the right side for Rate ID. |
Variable Rate Matrix – Base | The base for the rate break. For Calc Types beginning in "B" (i.e. BNL - Base Net Lbs) |
Variable Rate Matrix – To | The enter the maximum amount for the rate break to apply. If I have a rate of $65 that applies between 2000-4000 lbs, I should set 4000 here. If I then have a rate of $75 that applies between 4000-6000 lbs, I enter 6000 in the next row. |
Variable Rate Matrix – Rate | The field to enter the scalable rate breaks. Using the above example, I would set 65 in the first line, and 75 in the next line. |
Variable Rate Matrix – Min | The minimum amount to charge for this rate break. |
Variable Rate Matrix – Max | The maximum amount to charge for this rate break. |