What is a job type?
A Job Type in Moveware is a template that contains a standard set of Tasks, Costing and Invoicing structures and behaviors, quoting specifics and review questions for quality control. Job types are created based on a specific Job standard needs.
Some examples of a job type could include: Export agent booked FCL, Export agent booked air, or Export agent LCL. Even though all three if these job types are Exports Agent jobs, they all have different tasks, costing, invoicing structures and behaviours, quoting details, and associated review questions.
The Job Types module is used to record and set up information relating to each job type. This data is then utilised within various Moveware modules. See the Job Type Creator topic for more information.
Continue reading on this page for:
An overview of the tabs in the Job Types module
A detailed breakdown of each tab and its associated functionality
Overview of Tabs in the Job Types Module
Job Type Information | Description |
Setup | Overall job type information such as code and description. |
Other | Typical comments, inclusions and exclusions associated to a Job Type. |
Diary | The standard tasks completed when performing the job type. |
Costing | The standard costs that may be associated with the job type. |
Invoicing | Information on job type invoicing. |
Review | How the quality of a job completion is usually assessed. |
Setup Tab
The Job Types Setup tab allows Job Types to be created and modified. Each Job Type can be set with a default Job Product and set up with comments which can include Moveware fields to be inserted, specific to each job when used.
Other Tab
The Job Type Other tab (as shown below) allows for each Job Type created a specific set of Comments, Inclusions, and Exclusions. They can be used in screens and documents like the Option details and Invoicing screen, or documents like the Quotes and Invoices. This tab can pull dynamic fields from the database (right column).
Diary Tab
The Job Type Diary screen (as shown below), allows for each Job Type created a specific set of Diary Actions that are to occur each time a Job Type is assigned to a job. These Diary Actions are automatically entered into the Jobs Diary when the Job Type Creator is run.
Costing Tab
The Job Type Costing Tab (as shown below) allows for selected Cost types (Supplier Products) to be assigned to specific Job Types, ie for a Local Job (LR) there may only be Cost Types such as Labour, Packing and Vehicles assigned, Whereas an International Move may have Cost Types such as Destination Services, Freight and Quarantine Services. These cost types are automatically entered into the Jobs Costing Tab each time the Job Type Creator is run.
Invoicing Tab
The Job Type Invoicing Tab (as shown below) allows for an Invoicing Charge (Job Product) to be assigned for each Job Type, more than one Invoicing charge line can be assigned to each Job Type. These Invoicing Charges are assigned to the Jobs Invoicing tab each time the Job Type creator is run.
Review Tab
The Job Type Review tab (as shown below) allows for selected review questions to be added to the jobs Review tab each time the Job Type creator is run.