Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.



Allows you to filter the report by job number (meaning the report will be run for a single job)


Adding this setting will display the inventory on the report


This setting allows the user to group the inventory by Room or Destination or not grouped on the report


This setting allows the user to sort the inventory numerically, alphabetically or by room on the report. The Room sorting is generally used when inventory is grouped by destination.


If the inventory is set to display (see inventactest above), this setting allows the user to choose to show or not show the volume on the report


If the inventory is set to display (see inventactest above), this setting allows the user to choose to show or not show the inventory condition at destination on the report


If the inventory is set to display (see inventactest above), this setting allows the user to choose to show or not show the inventory condition at origin on the report


If the inventory is set to display (see inventactest above), this setting allows the user to choose to show or not show the pack type on the report


Legacy setting that was replaced by: extraInventoryFields


Legacy setting that was replaced by: extraInventoryFields


If the inventory is set to display (see inventactest above), this setting allows the user to choose to show or not show the location of each item the report


If the inventory is set to display (see inventactest above), this setting allows the user to choose to show or not show the contents of packing items on the report


Adding this setting will display the Job diary on the report


Adding this setting will display the Job Materials on the report


Adding this setting will display the Job Materials Price (Rates) on the report


Adding this setting will display the Job Invoice(s) from the account menu on the report


Adding this setting will display the Inventory photos on the report


Adding this setting, the user can specify the name of different reviews to be displayed within the report


Adding this setting, the user can add signature fields for the Client, Staff or Both on the report


With this setting the user can specify the order and which Menus from within Mobi will show in the report. The options are: job, inventory, object, checkSummary, materials, special, diary, receipt, charges, photos, review, Timesheeting


This setting controls the default way in which the values are displayed on reports. These values can be set to display including tax or excluding tax based on the default setting of Inc Tax or Ex Tax, respectively. If the setting is not included in the report configuration, the default will be Inc Tax.


This setting allows for the tax to be split into two components and is used by clients who need a two tax solution on their reports. To set this up on a report, the below format must be entered into the Options field:

“<Description of tax subset>, <Multiplier of subset>”


This setting can be added so that the signature is displayed on every page of the inventory. The setting is a type=combo, Options=Yes,No


This setting can be added to any report to force a new signature to be collected whenever a report change is made. The setting is a type=combo with Options= Yes,No. When set to Yes, each time the report is opened in Mobi, the signatures are blank (even if the report has been generated previously and a signature was provided). When set to No, each time the report is opened in Mobi, the signature provided most recently will still remain in the report.


This setting can be added to any report to display an extra inventory summary at the end of the inventory list. The inventory summary shows the total inventory items groups by Destination and Room and shows total volume and weight of the items. When adding the Mobi code to report configuration, set the Type=combo, Options=Yes,No.


This Mobi code will make the report print all font in black text- regardless of review question set up. When adding this Mobi code to report configuration, set Type=combo, Options=Yes,No


This setting will allow a user to control which inventory item details are shown/displayed in inventory reports. To make use of this setting, the following code should be added to codes Management.
Type: “MobiReportFilter”, Code value: “extraInventoryFields”, Description “Extra Inventory Fields, Comments “Room,Location,Packing,PackMethod,Packer,Details,Special,Value, Weight(category),Weight(lbs),LotColor,LotNumber,SerialNo, DestinationCondition,OrgCondition.”, Extra: “Text”


This parameter controls whether or not the Diary action comments are displayed next to the diary action. To add this parameter, navigate to codes management and add the following:
Type:”MobiReportFilter”, Code value: “showDiaryComments”, Description: “Show Diary Comments”, Comments “Yes,No”, Extra “combo”.


This parameter controls whether or not the crew notes are displayed under the job details section in reports. To add this parameter, navigate to codes management and add the following:
Type: “MobiReportFilter”, Code value: “showCrewNotes”, Description: “Show Crew Notes”, Comments: “Yes,No”, Extra: “Combo”.


This parameter controls the staff being displayed in the Job Summary Section of local reports. Each report can be configured to show MoveManager, SalesRep or both. To add this parameter, navigate to codes management and add the following:

Type: “MobiReportFilter”
Code value: “staffMoveMgrSalesRep”
Description: “Staff”
Comments: “Move Manager, Sales Rep, Both”
Extra: “Combo”


This parameter controls whether or not voided items are displayed in the inventory section of reports. To add this parameter, navigate to codes management and add the following:

Type: “MobiReportFilter”
Code Value: “showVoidedItems”
Description: “Show Voided Items”
Comments: “Yes,No”
Default: “Yes”
Extra: “combo”


This parameter controls whether reports should display the header, footer or both. Without the parameter, the default behaviour is to show both on all reports. To add this parameter, navigate to codes management and add the following:

Type: “MobiReportFilter”
Code Value: “headerFooter”
Description: “Header & Footer”
Comments: “Header,Footer,Both,None”
Default: “Both”
Extra: “combo”

Header contains company logo. Footer contains report signatures and/or time and date of report.


This parameter allows you to control whether the timesheeting section on reports is grouped by Resource or by Job.

Type: MobiReportFilter
Code Value: timesheetgroup
Description: Timesheet Group
Comments: Job,Resource
Status: Active
Default: Job
Extra: combo


This parameter lets you choose whether you want to display all timesheeting on the job or just the timesheeting for a given day. This is particularly useful for workorders where the client signs off on a daily basis.
Type: MobiReportFilter
Code Value: timesheetDay
Description: Shows timesheet for either Today or All Days
Comments: Today,All Days
Status: Active
Default: Today
Extra: combo


This setting moves the resource type next to the employees name so it displays larger on the timesheeting section. Generally used for Hire labour/ commercial moves.

Type: MobiReportFilter
Code Value: enlargeresourcetype
Description: Enlarge Source Type
Comments: Yes,No
Status: Active
Default: Yes
Extra: combo


This setting allows Admins to change the sorting of the materials section on Mobi reports. It can be sorted Date, Diary Action and Description.
Type: MobiReportFilter
Code Value: materialsOrderByFields
Description: Materials Order By Fields
Comments: Date,DiaryAction,Description
Status: Active
Extra: text


This setting allows Admins to control whether Origin and Destination Comments from the Job details screen get displayed on reports.
Type: MobiReportFilter
Code Value: showOriginDestComments
Description: Show Origin and Destination Comments
Comments: Yes,No
Status: Active
Extra: Combo


This setting allows Admins to control whether Internal Notes from the Job details screen get displayed on reports.
Type: MobiReportFilter
Code Value: showInternalNotes
Description: Show Internal Notes
Comments: Yes,No
Status: Active
Extra: Combo


Code type: MobiReportFilter
code value: imageqty
code desc: report Image Quality
Comments: High,Medium,Low
Default: Low
Extra: combo
lookup sort: 147


This setting can be used to filter the charge lines being displayed on local reports. The filter can be added using the below details:

Code Code: MobiReportFilter
Code value: ChargesFiltering
Code Desc: Charges Filtering
Comments: DDID,Invoice Date,None
Default: None
Extra: combo

DDID: For DBRC customers Only. This would only display the invoice charges linked to the cost option linked to the selected diary action.

InvoiceDate-Only to be used for companies using sys param “ShowInvDetailsDate”. The charges section would only show the charges matching the date of the selected diary action.

None: Only for NON-DBRC. This will show all invoice charges regardless of date


This setting allows you to filter the Diary section of reports to show only the diary action selected in Mobi.
Type: MobiReportFilter
Code Value: limitdiarybyselectedaction
Description: Limit Diary By Selected Action
Comments: Yes,No
Status: Active
Extra: combo


This setting hides the Qty column of the inventory section
Type: MobiReportFilter
Code Value: hideInventorySectionQtyColumn
Description: Hide Inventory Section Qty Column
Comments: Yes,No
Status: Active
Extra: combo


This setting hides the Qty column of the inventory section
Type: MobiReportFilter
Code Value: hideInventorySectionRoomColumn
Description: Hide Inventory Section Room Column
Comments: Yes,No
Status: Active
Extra: combo


Each of the above content controls (codes), once added to a report, can be configured to manage default behaviour of such content. The table below explains those options available to the user:


Note: The defaults settings for the “sections” Mobi code should always be the same as those listed in “Options” to ensure all sections desired do appear in the report.


Updating Formatting of Local reports:
