For more information about adding Supplier Products to a cost option, see Moveware Wiki – Add a Cost Line to a Cost Option (moveconnect.com)
3. Creating Supplier Invoices from Accruals screen
For more information, see Moveware Wiki – Accruals Management (moveconnect.com)
4. Posting Supplier Invoices to the General Ledger
Navigate to Suppliers > Purchases Update. Existing Invoices are displayed in order of Invoice Number.
To find the required Invoices use the search boxes to filter and select the Invoice records. See Searching for Invoices for further details.
Select the Invoices to be posted by clicking on individual records or by using the Select All button.
To view the details of an Invoice, select it in the Search tab and then select the Details tab. The Supplier details, Account and Invoice Date, Invoice number and Terms are displayed. Charge lines on the Invoice can also be viewed.
Select the Post button. A pop-up window will provide a summary of the posting details.
The Status of each Invoice is set to U (Updated) and a Supplier Purchase (CI) Journal is created and posted to the General Ledger. Any invoices that are not successfully posted will remain in the Purchases Update module with a description of the error and can be edited in the Detail tab.
See Moveware Wiki – Purchase Update (moveconnect.com) for more information.
5. Supplier Invoice reports.
To access the reports, go to the Reports > Suppliers tab and select the required report. You can set the report filters on each report to only show the records you require.
See Moveware Wiki – Supplier Reports – Purchases (moveconnect.com),
Moveware Wiki – Generate Reports (moveconnect.com) and Moveware Help Centre – Multi Print (moveconnect.com) for more information.
6. Supplier Payments
For information about single payments, batch payments, and Electronic Banking, see the wiki articles below:
Moveware Wiki – Payments (moveconnect.com)Moveware Wiki –
Payment Batch (moveconnect.com)Moveware Wiki –
Electronic Banking (moveconnect.com)Moveware Wiki –
Bank Exports (moveconnect.com)Moveware Help Centre –
Multi Print (moveconnect.com)