Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





The Product the rate applies to.

Removal Products tab: Job (Removal) Products as set up in Job Product maintenance.

Creditor Products tab: Supplier (Creditor) Products as set up in Supplier Product maintenance.

Inv Costs: The Labour, Vehicle, Packing Material, or Storage Vault the rate applies to.

Inv Charges: The Labour, Vehicle, Packing Material, or Storage Vault the rate applies to.


Customer (on the Removal Products tab) or Supplier (on the Creditor Products, Inv. Costs and Inv. Charges tabs) that this rate should apply to.

Customer must exist in Customer Management.
Supplier must exist in Supplier Management.


The Supplier or Customer code.


The Calc Type used for the rate.

Can be each, Fixed, Distance or volume based.


The Branch that this rate applies to.


The Cost Centre that this rate applies to.

Can be used to restrict a rate to a specific Cost Centre (Job Type), if applicable.


The type of service this rate relates to,

e.g. FCL, LCL, Air, Sea, etc. Can be used to assign a rate to a specific Service, if applicable.

Int Type

Door to Door, Door to Port, Warehouse to Door, etc.


Used to set the currency of the rate if it is not the default currency. The default/base currency applies if not modified.

Origin Code

The Origin Code for this type of rate.

Used to assign Rates to a specific Origin Code (city, country, etc.).


The code of the region the rate is applied to.

Used to assign Rates to a specific Origin Region/Port.


If the Origin Distance is below the number set here, the rate will apply.

Destination Code

The Destination Code for this type of rate.

Used to assign Rates to a specific Destination Code (city, country, etc.).

Region To

The Region To Code, if set to apply this rate to.

Used to assign Rates to a specific Destination Region/Port.


If the Destination Distance is below the number set here, the rate will apply.

Used in conjunction with Origin Code.

Valid From

The beginning date in which the rate should apply.

This is column is display-only; the field to enter the date is at the bottom of the screen.

To understand how this date is determined, click here.


Valid To

The end date in which the rate should apply.

This is column is display-only; the field to enter the date is at the bottom of the screen.

To understand how this date is determined, click




The standard rate to apply to the selected line.


The day(s) of the week that this rate should apply.


Used to add a percentage markup to the Est Cost.

For Cost rates only (Creditor Products, Inv. Costs). Will populate the % column in Costing.


The minimum charge to apply for this rate.


The maximum amount to charge for this rate.

Rate ID

A unique system generated number for this rate type.

The Rate ID for each line displays below the Removal Products tab at the top of the screen. There is also a search box on the right side for Rate ID.

Variable Rate Matrix – Base

The base for the rate break.

For Calc Types beginning in "B" (i.e. BNL - Base Net Lbs)

Variable Rate Matrix – To

The enter the maximum amount for the rate break to apply.

If I have a rate of $65 that applies between 2000-4000 lbs, I should set 4000 here. If I then have a rate of $75 that applies between 4000-6000 lbs, I enter 6000 in the next row.

Variable Rate Matrix – Rate

The field to enter the scalable rate breaks.

Using the above example, I would set 65 in the first line, and 75 in the next line.

Variable Rate Matrix – Min

The minimum amount to charge for this rate break.

Variable Rate Matrix – Max

The maximum amount to charge for this rate break.