As soon as the barcode is scanned, Mobi will show all the information of the object/container/Location on the section “Object Information” (Please refer to Object Management Wiki Article for more information on how to create and manage objects and containers in Moveware).
By tapping on the Object/Container you will be able to see a series of buttons, most of them very similar to the ones seen on the MobiCrew Inventory Screen Wiki Article and some new ones:
Search Change the Search screen to show only the selected object.
Details Display all the information related to the object selected on a separate screen.
Condition Add a condition report to the Object or Container
Edit Change Details of the Object/Container
Locate Allow for the user to set a new location for the item selected (Barcoding can also be used on this screen) – Mobi will display an alert when modifying the location of the item.
Label Print the label for the item.
Photo Take pictures of the Object/Container
Images Gallery of images taken.
Unpack Object will be taken out of the current Container.