The Jobs tab of the Waybills module displays all Jobs attached to the Waybill. It has several tools for managing these Jobs.
Add Jobs to the Waybill | The Add button in the Smart Panel on the top left allows you to add Jobs to the Waybill from this screen. |
Set the Container Load Order | Use the arrow icons above the Name column to move a Job up or down to establish the load order. |
View Job Details | View the details of a Job with the View Details |
Set Job as Unloaded | Set the Job as unloaded from a container, including the unloading date with the Set Unloaded button. |
Set Job for Onforwarding | Set the Job for onforwarding with the Branch Onforwarding button. This is used to display the Job in the Destination Summary. This is useful for Jobs such as– an import shipment sent directly to a branch and then to an out-of-town location |
Add Job to Inventory Item | Add the Job to a container using the Select Inventory Entering a Container). button. This brings up a list of all Containers that have been added to the Waybill (see |
Refresh Job Volume | Refresh meterages and weights of a selected Job using the Refresh button. |
The Client Details section at the bottom of the screen allows you to modify Job details, including:
Load Order – Set the load order number here. You can also use the arrows above to move the order that way.
Date Unloaded
Packages – number of items/packages for each Job.
COD – amount to collect from the client at destination.
Insurance Value – Value of goods insured for each client.
Pay Code – Double click for options to provide client pay information to the Destination Agent.
Agent – Destination Agent for this Waybill.
Instructions – Instructions to the Destination Agent.
Weights/Volumes for the Job.