Client questionnaires to gather feedback about a Job are set up in the Review tab of the Jobs module. Any number of review ratings may be added from a list set up in Codes Management.
To set up client feedback:
Navigate to the Jobs module in the main menu.
Select the required Job number (see Searching for Jobs) and navigate to the Review tab.
A list of review ratings is displayed. The Review Type filter allows ratings only for Clients, Internal Reviews or External Reviews to be displayed. The total and average value of ratings is also displayed.
The list of review ratings may be populated with the Add Ratings button
, which will add ratings based on the type of Job.To add an individual rating, click the Add button in the Smart Panel. Click Add in the Ratings Lookup popup window to define a new rating (see Codes Management). Add as many review ratings as required.
The list may be cleared with the Delete All button
and updated with the Refresh button .
If the required rating and/or question type is not present click ‘Add’.
Goes to Code Maintenance/Management, setup the Rating type (if needed) , Questions and answer types without or with answers.
Add new or copy code from Codes Management screen under type ‘Rating’. Set the value of field ‘Review Type’ as the required Rating type (can be double clicked for lookup). Code value using the usual pattern with <Rating type><next-sequence-number>.
The Text of the questions can be set in the following ways:
Description field of the Codes Management screen under type ‘Rating’
If the above field is left blank then the following is looked up
Table: Rating
Field: ra-desc
Either of the above can be set as/with a merge field
The Ratings on the Review tab are sorted by code-default — Review type if left blank then ‘Client’, by codes Lookup Sort, and by (code-ex) codes Answer Type. Once this is all set up, client can see the updates in their feedback page once they login after the changes been applied.
Once a client has entered feedback online, their rating and corresponding score along with any comments is displayed in the Review tab.
The ratings will appear in the Feedback section of MoveClient and/or MovePartner to be filled in by your client. Once a client has entered feedback online, their rating and corresponding score along with any comments is displayed in the Review tab.