Moveware has partnered with Stripe to provide a convenient and efficient way for Moveware Clients to process customer payments. This may include Real Time payments as well as Direct Debit Payments.
Once the payment has been validated in the Stripe portal, it will be written back against the Moveware Invoice, Customer or Job as appropriate. Alerts can be sent to nominated Moveware Users including notification of either success or failure of payments.
Key Functionality
Real Time Payments
Real time payments can be made by the Moveware user utilizing a hyperlink generated from Moveware that allows the customer to enter in their payment details through a portal. The hyperlink may contain the Customer/Debtor Code and Invoice/Job Number and/or Invoice Amount as applicable.
This link can be generated:
In an email template to send to the client
From within a Moveware document, eg. Invoice report, quotes, etc.
Direct Debit Payments
Moveware provides the capability for client credit cards and bank accounts to be stored securely.
With the saved card or account the Moveware user can process Customer payments singularly or in batches such as required for monthly storage invoicing. In this way Customer payments can be initiated by the Moveware user from within several areas of Moveware:
From the Invoicing screen
From the job
From the Debtor (Customer) Invoice Update screen
Processing Stripe Transactions