This information is provided as a reference, as the setup should already be completed by Moveware. The Status Codes are only accessible by the mwadmin user account, and are shown here for demonstrative purposes only.
When sending or receiving Waybills, the diary action is used as a flag and also contains the status of the transfer. The transfer status is used to quickly indicate the status of the waybill such as if it has been sent or received.
How to Add Status Codes
In the main menu of Moveware, navigate to Administration > Moveware Setup > Codes Management.
In the Codes Management window, filter the type by XML Status using the drop down box at the top left of the window.
Check if status records exist for Pending, Sent, Successful, Received Failed and Cancelled.
If one of these status records is missing, click Add to create a new XML Status.
Enter the following values in the relevant fields:
Code Value: enter the missing status (e.g. Successful).
Description: this is the same as the Code Value.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each missing status record.
There should also be a code of XML Type with the value SendWaybill. If it does not exist it can be created in the Code Management window.
How to Add ‘SendWaybill’ Code
Follow steps 1 to 4 of adding a status code above.
Enter the following values in the relevant fields:
Code Value | SendWaybill |
Description | MoveWaybill |
XML System | Moveware Connect |
Shortcut | MWC |
Click Save.
An XML Type code with the value SendMessage should also exist. If it does not exist it can be created in the Code Management window.
How to Add a ‘SendMessage’ Code
Follow steps 1 to 4 of adding a status code above.
Enter the following values in the relevant fields:
Code Value | SendMessage |
Description | MoveMessage |
XML System | Moveware Connect |
Shortcut | MWC |
Click Save.
Finally, check if an XML System code of type MoveConnect has the correct website set. If this is incorrect the Waybill will not be correctly exported to the Moveware servers.
How to Verify Code is Correct
In the main menu of Moveware, navigate to Administration > Moveware Setup > Codes Management.
In the Codes Management window, filter the type by XML System using the drop down box at the top left of the window.
Click on the record with the code MWConnect.
Review the comments field, most likely the current value inside the field is
Delete the contents of the comments field and replace with
Note: It is very important to make sure that there are no leading/trailing blank spaces in the field or the waybill will not be exported from your server.