Several Moveware Codes used in Moveware are automatically transferred to MoveCrew, including:
Dom Type
Line Type
Packing Type
Pay Codes
See Synchronising Data for instructions on importing codes.
Note: These codes should be set up already for use inside Moveware. In a normal environment, changes may not need to be made. Altering the codes should only be done because a specific item is missing or wrong.
If a change to a Code is made inside Moveware (such as the default Access notes), and you need to update MoveCrew immediately, you can refresh the codes in MoveCrew. To refresh all the codes in your device, go to Sync, then Receive, then Refresh.
This will refresh all the codes on your device without losing your job information. In most cases, running a Codes Refresh is unnecessary, as the appropriate codes are updated automatically with every sync back to the device.