Setting up your Moveware system for Single Touch Payroll is a two-step process.
Enabling STP system parameter
Enable “Single Touch Payroll” system parameter by going to the System Parameters screen, which can be accessed from the Administration -> System Setup -> System Parameters menu and is only visible to users with security group Z. Select the Codes tab and search for Single Touch Payroll in the description field. To enable STP Phase 2, set the Value field to U.
STP System Parameter Setup
If you require different STP reporting other than the standard summary report, ensure that you set the system parameter “Produce Reporting when Submitting Single Touch Payroll” as required (refer to STP Reporting).
Creating STP folder
Under Payroll System Management, set the STP Folder – this is where submission files to the ATO will be saved and will contain sensitive information, so ensure that this folder is secure and cannot be accessed by users who should not have permissions to view this information.
STP Phase 2: Please note that customers transitioning from STP Phase 1 to STP Phase 2 do not need to complete this step.