The DSP tab is designed to aid companies who offer Destination Service Provider services to their clients. The DSP tab allows you to manage the following aspects of a relocation:
The left side of the screen contains the above listed icons, allowing you to add instances all of the above options. Clicking on the People icon
, for instance, adds a person to your list of People being relocated.Above I have added Mr Mark Nicholson as a person. Clicking his name displays his details in the middle of the screen. There are many fields available to add data for each person, pet, etc.
The bottom table allows you to add Diary Actions for key dates pertaining to the Person, School, etc. Adding pertinent information to section 2 will automatically create a date/diary action. For instance for Mark Nicholson, all of the diary actions visible on the screen were automatically created when dates were set (Passport Expiry Date for instance).
The right side of the screen allows for adding comments to the Job overall, or to the record highlighted at the time.
Moveware comes with standard DSP reports which populate based on the information entered onto this tab, including
DSP Analysis
DSP Job Timesheet
DSP Lease Expiry
DSP Viewing Schedule
DSP Status Arrival
DSP Status Departure
These reports can be found in the Other tab of the Reports module.
How to Set Up DSP Job Types
A. Enable DSP Functionality
Go to System Parameters from Administration > System Setup > System Parameters and turn on “Enable Destination Services Provider (DSP) Functionality” and “Enable Internal Timesheeting”.
Turn “Use Tariff Debtors” to Y under System Parameters > Debtors tab.
A DSP cost centre must be setup which will be used for creating a removal plan for destination services. To set it up, go to Administration > Moveware Setup > Cost Centres.
A DSP tab is enabled for a DSP move on the removals screen where information can be stored related to DSP moves.
DSP services/job types including specific actions, tasks and costing elements must be configured (see below for details).
A Tariff type debtor needs to be configured which will be used to specify various services they are eligible for such as School Search, Home Search etc.. This is enabled in Debtors > Debtor Management > Job Types and activating the relevant services.
The DSP Tab
Within Removals Management, a new DSP tab will be available. The primary purpose of this screen is to facilitate additional data required for destination services.
Family Information
Visa Status
Pet Details
Multiple Addresses and Properties
The menu on the left side of the screen can be expanded or contracted using the +/- signs respectively.
B: DSP Job Types Configuration
DSP services are configured the same way as any other job type is under Administration > Moveware Setup > Job Types menu. It is efficient to categorise various services under a separate menu. This makes it easier to search for a service from a long list of services. For example, use a parent line for Home Search and have job types set up for 1 day search, 2 day search etc. as child records.
DSP Job Types will have specific diary actions and tasks and additional costing elements. These job types should be activated on every debtor to only include the services offered by the debtor. If there are multiple policies offered by one debtor, more debtors of Type Tariff should be created based on the number of policies.
The job types on a tariff type debtor can be configured by navigating to the debtor on the Debtor Management screen and clicking the “Job Types” tab. this tab will, by default, have all job types set to “Inactive” status. The relevant job types can be searched and made active depending on the allowed services based on the debtor.
The job types can be made Active by changing the status on the “Setup” tab. They can also have their own diary actions and costing elements, if required. For more information on how to set it up, see Job Types Management.
C. Tariff Debtors
Tariff debtors provide the ability to have one debtor and multiple tariffs or one tariff for multiple debtors. This helps in creation of multiple rates and job types based on the appropriate policies/agreements.
A Tariff type debtor can be created from Debtor Management screen which can then be linked to a debtor as highlighted below.
When adding a job in removals management screen, a tariff and a debtor can be selected. The tariff rates will then be applied when costing is run. If tariff field is not visible, please contact Moveware support.
Any rates that have been setup on the tariff will be used for costing on the said job. Rates are configured in the usual way.
D. Customize Job Type sby Debtor/Tariff Debtor
Job Types for a debtor are configured as they would be configured usually. Activating job types on a debtor provides the functionality of adding additional costs or diary actions pertaining to the said debtor.
To do so, select the tariff debtor in question from Debtor Management screen and navigate to Job Types tab. This screen looks much the same as the standard job type administration screen, and shows the job types on the left hand side.
The job types can now be modified, and the modifications will only apply to jobs added where this tariff is specified on the file.
E. Add Additional Actions or Costings as Needed
Additional costs and diary actions can be added to a tariff debtor which are specific to the debtor.
An additional action of ‘Check Authorisation’ has been added by simply double clicking from the right hand side to add it to the list as an example. It is highlighted pink to show it is a customised additional action over the standard diary actions.
To remove actions or costing elements for a Tariff debtor, select the action or creditor product and use the icon with the red cross to make it inactive.
The line with show in light grey to indicate it is not active for this customer.
F. Estimated Time Per Action
Each action can also be configured with a standard amount of estimated hours to complete the task. To set a default estimated time for an action, simply set this in Administration > Moveware Setup > Job Types menu as shown below.
G. Amend Default Time Allocations
For DSP job types, where default time allowances can be by action, the time allowances can be changed based on an individual debtor level.
Simply enter the customised time into the ‘Hours’ column on the debtor Setup as shown below. The pink colour indicates it is different to the default.
H. Diary Time Allocation
Moveware has the capability to record the time spent for moves.
Actual hours can be recorded against the diary action/task on the Diary tab of the removal by entering a value in the “Act” column.
If a standard diary action is not applicable they can be marked accordingly by selecting the action and clicking . Doing this will prevent it from showing outstanding. The action will go light-grey in colour to show it has been marked accordingly.