As long as all the input parameters have been correctly entered against the job prior to running the Job Type Creator, the returned price should be what is expected.
If a particular parameter has changed since running the job type creator, then the previous quote/invoice must be either cancelled or deleted and the job type creator re-ran in order to pass the changed parameters across to Techmate to re-generate it. I.e. changes will not be reflected automatically on the existing without re-querying Techmate.
If certain charge lines are not returned or returned incorrectly and the user has inputted everything correctly, then there are a couple of measures to take:
Open the job folder and look at the latest .XML and/or PDF file returned by Techmate. Do the charges appear correctly on those files?
If yes, then contact your Moveware admin as it means that certain removal products and/or rates are not set correctly in the back ground which is affecting what is shown on the quote.
If no, then it means that Techmate has not returned the charges due to either zero or incorrect parameters passed through to trigger the charge (e.g. no extra stop coming through because the additional address hasn’t been entered with a type containing either ‘Load’ or ‘Delivery’), so you’ll need to recheck that everything is entered correctly. If you’re 110% sure that all parameters are entered correctly then the problem may be due to set or programming issues at either Moveware’s end who is not passing the correct parameters across or at Techmate’s end who is not accepting the parameters and returning the charges associated with the parameter. If this is the case, please ask your Moveware admin to first check the removal product setup corresponding to the tariff item to ensure that it is setup with the correct Techmate code (see section on Setting up). If the setup is correct then please log a support request with Moveware with an example job number for it to be further investigated.
If you encounter the above scenario, in the meantime please note you can freely add any charge line manually after running the Job Type Creator and enter a price to continue with your quotation. You can also edit any of the returned charges to mirror the Access charges. This means that you can manually edit the rates so you may print and send an accurate quote to the customer.
If you cannot find an XML or PDF file in the job folder corresponding to the time that you ran the Job Type, then it means that nothing was generated and passed across to Techmate. This means that there is an internal issue with Moveware and your Moveware admin should log a support request with Moveware with an example Job Number for it to be further investigated.