All inventory items being moved from a job can be entered in the inventory tab of a move. However, certain items may incur extra charges if considered ‘bulky’. Such inventory items are configured in the background with specific bulky types and codes so that Moveware will pick these ones up to send to Techmate who in turn will return a price based on the type and code of these items and the tariff used for the move.
Similar to configuring packing resources, the bulky types and indexes are also inputted in the Inventory management of Moveware:
Only inventory items with a bulky type and a bulky index inputted in the background will affect the Light & Bulky price returned.
Below is a statement from Techmate‘s notes on how some of the types and indexes should be configured:
For Pianos use Type=”X” and the Indexes are 1=Spinet, 2=Upright, 3=Baby Grand or Grand and 4=Concert Grand. Some Tariffs have the rates the same, some have different rates and some don’t have charges
For Weight Additives use Type=”W”. The Indexes are 1=Airplane by the foot (120), 2=700, 3=700, 4= 1600, 5=2500, 6=2500 and 7=7000. Not all tariffs used these values. Articles are described in the 400N Tariff.
For Flat Charges use Type = “F”. Indexes are 1 to 8. Refer to 400M Tariff for What Index should be used for Flat Charge Articles where 1 is for the lowest cost Item and 8 is the most expensive. 3 is for Grandfather Clock and is not used by 400N type Tariffs. 6 is Automobile, 7 are larger SUV’s, and 8 are for Farm Equipment. Again these are tariff dependent and most 400N type tariffs have the same rate for all categories.
For Automobile use “A” or “F”. Indexes are 6 and 7 (for Type=”A”, if Index is not specified, Index 6 will be the default). Make sure that the Tariff you are using allows Automobiles in their Tariff.