The Jobs Inventory tab is highly integrated with the Moveware mobile applications Mobi, MoveSurvey, and MoveCrew. It is designed as the place where the Inventory entered onsite by Surveyors (estimated) and Crews (actual) automatically gets stored.
How to Access the Inventory tab:
Click on the Jobs menu.
Search for and Select the Job you are looking for.
Click on the Inventory tab.
What can you do in the Inventory tab?
In the Inventory tab, you can view all inventory that has been estimated during the survey. The estimated inventory listing will sync from Mobi or Movesurvey, but can also be manually entered if no mobile application is being used.
The Inventory tab replicates the experience and flow that a Surveyor or crew member will have onsite while entering a detail inventory. It gives you the ability to enter information using a pre-established inventory pick list volumes, weights, default packing material, etc. to make the process faster, simpler and according to company standards. The Inventory tab allows you to edit the following:
Actual or Estimated inventory lists
The room that the item is located in
The destination of the item (into storage, sea freight, air freight, etc.)
Insured value
Packing Material required for the item
Item condition and special notes
Item dimensions for crating
View the photo of the item
Who is packing it (carrier packed or packed by owner)
The Inventory List
A predefined list of Inventory templates to choose from when building your inventory list for a Job is displayed on the right-side of the screen. This allows you to quickly add commonly moved items, along with their standard weight/volumes (which can be updated when the item is added to a Job).
Once the inventory has been entered, Moveware allows you to use the weight/volume of the inventory to update the overall weight/volume of the Job. The System Parameter “Update Volume from Inventory Tab”, when set to Y, will automatically update the Job Volume with the Inventory Volume.