Creating receipts
Once the payment has been validated in the payment portal, a receipt will automatically be created in Moveware against the invoice or customer as appropriate. Pictured below is a receipts recorded in Moveware showing the receipt id along with the receipt information.
The transaction will be receipted to undeposited funds and will be shown in Bank Deposits screen, where it will sit while processing. Once the payment clears, Ezidebit will pay the funds into your nominated bank account. The corresponding transactions can be selected and posted to the bank account from Bank Deposits.
When a transaction clears, Moveware will add the settlement date onto the Bank Deposits screen. By filtering using this date, the user will be able to more easily match the transactions which have been paid to their bank account against the transactions in the bank deposits screen. To make the settlement date appear, users can set the ‘Method’ to Ezidebit. processed transactions
If the user clicks the
to process a transaction which succeeds, a receipt will be created and will appear in the bank deposits screen.If the user has processed a batch Ezidebit payment through the invoice update screen, no receipt will be created until after the transaction has been processed which can take several minutes. Once the receipt has been created, it will appear in the bank deposits screen. If the transaction has failed, the user should receive a notification. If receipts are missing, the user can navigate to the contact tab of the customer to identify which payments have been processed/failed.
If the transaction is customer initiated via a payment link on the invoice or through MoveClient, then there will be no reference to the transaction in Moveware until after the payment has cleared.
The user can log into their Ezidebit portal to get a list of payments which have been processed through Ezidebit.
Ezidebit Transaction Notifications
Moveware will notify the user when a transaction has been processed successfully or when there is an error. When configured, this will popup on the users screen automatically .
Ezidebit Transaction Statuses
Moveware will record the transaction status on the following screens:
On the Banking -> Bank Deposits screen, Customers > Receipt Listing screen & Customer > Invoicing screen, the receipts would come up colour coded for the Ezidebit -related transactions as detailed below. Also, when a user hovers over transactions a tooltip with the legend of the colour coding would appear.
Below are the colour codes that a record may show:
Orange – The transaction is currently being processed by Ezidebit.
White – The transaction has cleared through Ezidebit and are awaiting payment to your bank account.
Red – (D or F) – failed. These transactions have been processed by Ezidebit and have been determined to be dishonoured transactions. The exact status of these transactions can be looked up on the event log under the G/L as below. The ones with Output as D, means that the transaction was dishonoured due to insufficient funds. The ones with F, mean a Fatal dishonour, which is for other reasons, as displayed on the event log, like incorrect details, payment stopped by payer, etc.
The red refresh button on the screen calls the api on the selected transactions and sets the appropriate colour code.