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Supplier Contacts are employees or contacts you have for a particular Supplier.  This contact information can then be used to communicate with a contact via email or SMS message.  In addition, this information can also be used to record comments about specific communication exchanged with the Supplier company for CRM purposes.

Note: If you are using MovePartner, suppliers can be given access.

How to Add a Contact to a Supplier

  1. In the main menu navigate to Suppliers > Supplier Management. Existing Suppliers are displayed in alphabetical order.

  2. To find the required Supplier use the search boxes to filter the Supplier records. See Searching for Suppliers for further details.

  3. Select the Supplier and navigate to the Details tab.

  4. At the bottom of the Details tab select Add.

  5. Add the employee contact information and any relevant comments.

  6. At the bottom of the Add a New Supplier Contact screen, there is a Web Access field.  If set to Y and given a password, this will enable the Contact to access MovePartner, using his/her email address as the username, and the Password entered here as the password. 

    A default Branch can also be assigned, as well as Restricted Access.  Setting “Restrictions” to Y will provide read-only access to MovePartner, while setting Restrictions to I will only allow the contact to access the Inventory screen in MovePartner. 

    The Type(s) field on the bottom-right limits the contact to only being able to view Jobs of a particular Type, such as Fine Art or Asset Management.  These Types correspond to the Cost Centre(s) that are set with matching “Avail Types” in Cost Centres Setup.  For instance, any Cost Centre configured as an Asset Management Cost Centre will be given an Avail Type of ASST in the Cost Centre screen.  If a Contact is then given a Type of Asset Management, they will only be able to view Jobs belonging to a Cost Centre configured as Asset Management type.

  7. Click Save in the Moveware Smart Panel.

  8. To edit information, double-click the Contact and click Save when finished.

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