The Purchases Tab of Storage Management displays all purchases made for the storage account and provides the option to set up recurring storage purchases.
The top section of the screen displays all purchases made against a storage account.
How to Link a Purchase to a Storage Account
A purchase can be linked to a storage account through the Supplier Purchases screen.
Navigate to the Supplier Purchases screen: Suppliers > Purchases.
Enter the details of the purchase as required.
Double-click the Storage field to add a line item.
Choose a storage account.
Recurring Storage Purchases
Recurring Storage Purchases are set up at the bottom of the screen. Recurring purchases are useful for instances where your client’s goods are being stored at another company’s warehouse and you are receiving invoices from this company on an ongoing basis.
In order to use the ongoing Storage Purchases feature, the System Parameter “Create Purchase From Storage” must be given a value of Y.
Recurring Storage Purchases function the same way as the Storage Charges that are set up on the Details tab of Storage Management.
Click the Add button on the right.
Choose the Supplier (Creditor).
Then choose the Purchase line(s) that the Supplier is charging you for.
Storage Invoicing
When Storage Invoicing is performed, the applicable Purchases for that Storage Account will also display on the Storage Invoicing screen in red.
When printing the Audit Trail during Step 2 of the Storage Invoicing procedure, a Purchase Audit Trail will display underneath the Invoicing Audit Trail.
Step 3 of the Storage Invoicing procedure will Create Purchase Invoices as well. These can then be managed in the Purchases section of Moveware, and will be viewable on the top half of the Storage Purchases tab as well.