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nameRelease Notes - 9.25.02 - 20250203.xlsx



Description of Functionality

Description of Usage

Enhancement - Added new column 'Last Revisions Date (C)' to Storage data import

We have added a new column 'Last Revision Date (C)' to the Storage type on the Data Import screen. Previously, it was not possible to import storage records with the last revision date.

On the Data Import screen, select 'Storage' as the type and import storage as usual. The new column, 'Last Revision Date,' will be located as the last column.

New System Parameter - Reminder Converts Current Date Time Zone

Ability to create a notification with the converted time zone from the GMT Offset, set in the Branch of the receiver user. For example, if the branch of user A (receiver) has GMT Offset set as -11.00, the date and time in the notification will be converted to that time zone.

Code: ReminderConvertsCurrentDateTimeZone Description: Reminder Converts Current Date Time Zone Option: Y = Yes, N = No Default: N

Enhancement - Ability to sort on the CRM Screen's search tab

We have added additional sorting functionality to the CRM search screen. Users can now click on the column header and the system will sort the list by that column.

On the CRM screen > Search tab > click on a column header and it will sort the list by that column. Click on the sorted column to change from ascending to descending and vice versa.

Enhancement - added new button to copy Mobi group settings

We have added a new copy button to allow users to copy Mobi settings from a selected group to other groups.

Administration > Company Setup > Mobi Setup > Settings tab > Copy button

Enhancement - Event Log when changing Branches in Job Types > Costing tab

We have added an event log when changing branches in Job Types > Costing tab. This event log will show on the Creditor/Supplier product screen.

Job Types > Costing tab > select any creditor product and change the Branches



Description of Functionality

Description of Usage

Enhancement - New email merge field 'Diary Estimate Resources'

We have added a new email merge field called "Diary Estimate Resources" to display estimated diary resources.

On any screen which allows a user to insert mail merge fields, such as Report Configuration, Paragraphs, Job Type setup.
Note: This will work with email source 'Removal' and for systems with System Parameter 'Use Diary Based Resource Costing' = Y.

This will also need a filter “selectedoption” in the report configuration.

Please see the format below:

Diary Lines:
[Dairy Date] [Diary Description] [Estimate Labour] [Estimate Vehicle]

[Total of Other of all diary lines]

Diary Lines:
31/10/24 Delivery Labour: Packer 1 & Drivers 1 Vehicle: Vans 1
20/01/25 Carton Delivery Labour: All Labour 1 & Drivers 1 Vehicle: Trailers 1 & Vans 2
22/01/25 Carton Delivery Labour: Drivers 1 & Packer 2 Vehicle: Vans 2

Mileage 3
