The folder icon on the toolbars will open the file folder on your computer or server which can be used to store files. This location can also have sub folders by default.
To create a sub folder, go to the Code Management screen, which can be accessed from the Administration -> Setup -> Codes menu which is only available to users with security group X.
In the Code Management screen, select “Directory” from the drop-down box in the top right of the screen. Then click Add and enter a code value and description for the folder you want to create. Next enter “R” in the default field and click Save. Note the following valid codes for the default field are:
Value on Default | Description |
R | (R)emovals (for Jobs) |
W | (W)aybills |
B | (B)oth Removals (Jobs) and Waybills |
D | (D)ebtors (Customers) |
C | (C)reditors (Vendors) |
I | (I)nvoices |
S | (S)torage |
P | (P)ayroll in the Employee folder |
Blank | Blank will create folder in all the aforementioned types. |
For subsequent Directory codes, select an existing record and click copy and then change the code value and description to the desired values.