The standard paragraphs can contain both static text and merge fields that pull dynamic information from each job file. The purpose of these paragraphs is to reduce the time spent manually filling out information repeated across many different areas of a job.
See also: Editing the StgRevision (Storage Revision) Paragraph.
How to Add a Paragraph
Navigate to Administration > Company Setup > Paragraphs.
Click the Add button on the top left.
Enter a Code Value and a Description.
Enter Types, Exclude Types and Branches, if applicable
Set the Language, if applicable.
Enter a Lookup Sort if you’d like the paragraphs to appear in a certain order.
Add the required text in the text box on the bottom of the screen (if dynamic text is needed, use the ‘Insertions’ list to select the necessary merge fields).
Once finished, click Save.
System Parameter DiaryParagraphComments: When set to Y, it will select the Comments (2) instead of Description (1) when inserting Paragraphs in the Additional Notes section on the Diary Tab.
As mentioned above, this only applies to the Paragraphs being added to the Additional Notes on the Diary Tab. See screenshots below: