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Import the Statement from the Vanline

Upon receiving the van line statement, download a copy in an Excel or .csv file format (there may need to be some setup from Moveware to ensure formatting issues are resolved prior to initial import).

  1. Once downloaded, go to Administration -> Utilities -> Data Import

  2. Choose your Vanline in the Type dropdown (i.e. Atlas, United, Wheatons, etc.)

  3. Choose your Account on the bottom-left of the screen

  4. Select your csv file using the folder icon. Press “Import”. Press “Validate” to check for any errors. If there are errors, scroll to the right to see details of the error. If there are no errors, press “Create”.

Alternatively, this can be done from the General Ledger Journals screen.

  1. Once downloaded, go to General Ledger > Journals.

  2. In the row of icons at the top of this screen, there is an Import Journals from Excel Spreadsheet button. Click on this, in the popup window, browse to the location the statement is saved, select the statement, and click Open. 

  3. Finally, press the run button. This will provide a breakdown if successful or provide a list of errors if not successful. 

Start the Reconciliation

Go to Customers >Van Line Writeoff. Select the Van Line Clearing account from the drop-down menu. Once selected, the main body will show all currently un-reconciled transactions. From here, reconciliation can be done in two ways. 

  1. Without specifying any job, use the Automatic Apply. The module will go through every job, and if the total balance is within the discrepancy value, it will reconcile the job (Apply the payment to the invoice). By using the Post Receipt button, all these transactions will be removed from the list. This is highly recommended as the first step when beginning reconciliation. 

  2. Alternatively, reconciliation can be done at a job level by searching the Move Reg No in the left column. By filtering you will see all transactions against that job (invoices DI, and Payments GJ). Down in the bottom in the Outstanding column will be the total amount outstanding. If this job wasn’t cleared out by the above step it will be because the outstanding amount is larger than the allowed discrepancy balance. 

Handle the Unbalanced Payment

In the situation where payment has been received but there remains an outstanding balance, further action may be required. Either adjustments to the invoice (unposting, adjusting, and re-posting) or following up with the van line may be required in this situation depending on where the fault lies.  

Reconcile if Job Products Are Set Up

If SplitVLJournal has been activated, the invoice lines will be populated in the module (Compare above, one line for the total invoice to below several lines of the invoice). This will result in lines only be reconciled if their corresponding payment lines up and makes locating discrepancies easier. This method does require more front end work but may result in less work in the long run. 

Refer to Alternative Methods for Handling Discrepancies if required.

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