You will notice that even after updating the invoice as needed, we still do not have an invoice number assigned. This is because it has not yet been posted.
The action of posting an invoice can be a 2-step process, depending on system settings. Some companies prefer Coordinators to be able to post directly to the General Ledger. In this case, the first step below is all that is required to fully post an invoice.
Step 1: First Post (Normally Completed by Coordinators)
Once coordinators have reviewed and, if necessary, updated the invoice, they will complete the first step by clicking on the “post” [
] icon, which will assign the invoice a number as well as a date. This makes the invoice ready to be sent out to the client.Click on Jobs.
Search and Select the Job you need to work on.
Click on the Invoicing Tab.
Make the necessary changes.
Click the “post” icon [
].That changes the Invoicing Status to N.
Step 2: Second Post (Normally Completed by Accounting)
For companies following the two step process, the second and final step is to post it to the General Ledger.
In order to post it to the GL, we need to once again click the same “post” [
] icon, which will prompt a pop-up listing the details of the invoice for verification before it is posted to the General Ledger.This two-step process allows the accounting department to confirm all financial details on the invoice before it is posted, as this will create a journal entry which cannot be deleted (only voided).
Color Codes
You’ll notice that the total balance field on the Invoicing tab has turned to red, meaning that it has been invoiced, but not yet paid. Later, once the payment is made and recorded in Moveware, that field will turn from red to green, to indicate the invoice has been paid.