New Employee records are entered into the Moveware system from the Employee Management module. The Details tab of the Employee Management module is used to add new Employees and to record comprehensive information including name, addresses, skill sets and other general information as required. Each Employee added to Moveware is allocated a unique ID.
Note: A user must have Security Group E access to create new employee records.
How to Add a New Employee
Navigate to Employees in the main menu and then to the Details tab.
Click Add to create a new Employee record. Required fields are highlighted with a pink background.
Enter as many employee details as possible.
Click Save to complete the first part of the process.
For a detailed description of each of the fields on the screen, please view Employee Management – Details Fields.
Required System Parameters
Set the Moveware User field to Y to give the Employee access to Moveware. Access details are then set up in the User Details tab.
Set the Labour field to Y if the Employee is a Crew member. Then choose the Cost Types that the employee works within (Packer, Driver, etc).
If the employee should be part of the list of Sales Reps who perform surveys, toggle the Estimator field to Y.
If the employee coordinates or manages moves, toggle the Move Manager field to Y.