Changing the Customer (Debtor) on a cost option is useful for when you need to generate a second invoice to a different customer.
For example: On an Job booked by another agent, you may invoice both the agent and the transferee. In order to handle this, you can change the customer associated with the option (the agent) to the transferee (if available) or to a general COD customer.
How to Change the Customer on a Specific Cost Option:
Select the Cost Option you would like to edit from the list at the top of the Costing screen.
Click on the icon labelled “Select Debtor (Customer) for Cost Option” [
]. From here, the system will confirm that you want to change the customer. Click Yes.Choose the appropriate customer from the Customer Lookup.
The system will verify that you want to select this debtor if it differs from the customer recorded on the Details tab. Click Yes. You can also choose to update Costs to reflect this change.
The selected cost option now has a new customer.
Step 2