Mobi Release Notes July 2023
App Store Release date: July 10th , 2023 (Please note date is not fixed, once release to app stores, there is an approval process which could take up to a week)
Issue Key | Summary | Description |
NEW SETTING- Customise Button Ribbon | Added ability to reorder expanded buttons in inventory screen. | SETTING 1: SETTING 2: |
NEW SETTING- Decimals for Volumes | Added ability to hide decimals in inventory volume. | Code Type: Setting |
IMPROVEMENT- Packing Materials performance | Sped up packing materials menu being assigned to inventory items. | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVEMENT- Check Off Locations | Check Off Locations display on Check Off Report | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVEMENT- Barcode Messaging | Improved error messaging for duplicated barcoding. | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVEMENT- Lookup Menus | Background changes to speed up lookup menus. | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVEMENT- Search Screen Improvement | Updated Search screen | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVEMENT- Object Fields | Added more fields to the 'Edit' object menus. | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVEMENT- Locations | Increased the limit for downloading the locations list. | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVEMENT- Crating | Expanded "Stop Crate Packing" setting to only allow crates in crating menu. | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVEMENT- Object Edit Screen | Standardised the Edit screen of objects when accessed through check off menu | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVEMENT- Destinations Sorting | Added sorting capability to inventory destinations. | This can be updated in Moveware> Codes Management > Type=Destinations. Setting the Sort field here will update the order in which they appear in Mobi. |
IMPROVEMENT- Language | Additional language translations have been added. | No change in usage required. |
FIX- Check Off Locations | Fine Art- Fixed an issue where the location cannot be unset once checked off. | No change in usage required. |
FIX- PDF Signatures | Fixed issue with signatures not displaying properly on the pdf of some reports. | No change in usage required. |
FIX- Check Off flow | Fixed issue where updating an item on the check off screen returns to the wrong screen. | No change in usage required. |
FIX- Volume display | Previously, with the setting "Volume increment for inventory" set, there were some cases where the "Add Inventory" screen would show the individual item volume rather than the cumulative volume. This has now been fixed up. | No change in usage required. |
FIX- Automated Packing | Fixed issue with automated packing not updating correctly. | No change in usage required. |
FIX- Reports | In certain circumstances inventory items could appear twice on some reports- this has been corrected. | No change in usage required. |
FIX- Diary Action User Assignment | Previously when adding a new diary action directly from Mobi, assigning a user would display and error. This has now been fixed. | No change in usage required. |