This section covers the basics of the barcoding feature as well as certain how-to’s on performing related tasks within MovePartner, MoveCrew & Moveware.
Before Starting:
Ensure you have a valid MoveCrew licence, and that the app is in MoveCrew mode.
In MoveCrew, ensure that the ‘Use Barcodes in MoveCrew’ system setting is set to Yes.
Ensure a barcode scanner is attached to the device, and set to HID mode (Keyboard mode.)
Ensure the barcode scanner amends either a CARRIAGE RETURN or a TAB CHARACTER at the end of the input. Check your used manual as to how to enable this.
Barcoding is best explained with a real-life scenario of a job start to finish, in this case, we will illustrate this using an Into Store scenario and an Out of Store scenario.
Into-Storage Scenario
The following steps summarises the processes in an into-store move. Each of these steps is then explained further in this documentation:
Client places a furniture order via MovePartner. They can specify the products to be moved (if they exist in the system) or no products in which case the surveyor will need to go onsite to survey what is to be moved. This job is automatically created in Moveware and manually sync’d to MoveCrew by the move-coordinator/salesrep. Alternatively, a Job can be created manually if MovePartner is not used.
Surveyor goes onsite with MoveCrew to scan the (actual) items that are coming into storage. These items may already be barcoded. If not, a barcode will get automatically created when the item is sync’d back to Moveware (the ‘Barcode’ in this case will simply be the description of the item).
If the Item is brand new and has never been in store previously, the Surveyor can create a Product for the Item within MoveCrew. The new Product will sync back to Moveware and be automatically created in Moveware.
The Move takes place and the actuals are brought into the warehouse. The Checklist screen in MoveCrew will be used to check off Items as they are brought into Storage. The move is then sync’d back into Moveware with updated locations and descriptions/pictures of the Items.
The warehouse staff uses Moveware’s new Product Management screen to link items to Products in the system if no Products were created in MoveCrew (step 3).
Out-of-Storage Scenario
The process is essentially the same, with the exception that all out-of-store items should already be in Moveware. This means that no on-site surveying is required.
Client places a furniture order via MovePartner. They should specify what is to be moved using the inventory list. This move is created in Moveware and sync’d to MoveCrew. Alternatively, a Job can be created manually if MovePartner is not used.
Utilising MoveCrew and the estimated Product list of the job, the warehouse staff scans the actuals going out of store. This information is sync’d back into Moveware.
The move takes place and the Actuals are put onto the trucks to be delivered. The Checklist screen is used with barcoding to check-off items at different stages of the move.
Please follow the below links for additional detail: