The Report Auto-Scheduler module is designed to provide companies the ability to schedule reports to send to email addresses of their choosing at a certain time, day, and frequency.
Navigation: Reports > Schedule tab.
Setup Requirements
The report needs to be a crystal report.
The report cannot contain internal crystal prompts.
The Moveware system must have the ability to run auto-generated/scheduled emails, as the system is required to be able to send emails on behalf of the user (please contact Moveware staff to set this up for you).
Relevant Icons
The Reports Screen
Schedule Button
– Marks selected Report to be an auto-scheduled report.Schedule Tab – Displays the list of auto-scheduled reports currently assigned to the user.
The right-hand side of the screen outlined here is used to set the parameters for the automation:
Frequency/When/Time- When and how often this report should be sent out
Format- Format of the attachment the crystal report should be sent out as (Word/Excel/PDF)
Output To- Allows users to save a custom user default of the report
To/CC/BCC- Allows users to save a custom user default of the report
Last Run- The last time the report was run successfully or unsuccessfully (will display text in red)
How to Set a Report as an Auto Scheduled Report
For this example, I wish to have a particular custom-made report sent to me every Monday at 9 AM.
Select desired report on the left side of the Reports screen.
Press the Schedule Button. Press YES to the following prompt
User will now be directed to the Schedule tab.
Set the Frequency/When/Time/Destination Email values (via double-clicking on the field). Report will not be flagged for scheduling if this is not done.
Report will now run at the allotted time using the parameters provided.
Upon completion, the Last Run Date is entered.
The report does not send at the designated time or is sending at an odd time.
The system that is used to generated and send the reports is located on the database server, so the time is based on the time set on the server.
This time may be different from the time against your system.
The Last Run field contains the text ERROR.
An issue has caused the report to not be sent successfully.
Details of the error will be available against the report for review.
After the issue has been resolved, double-clicking on the Last Run field will clear the error and flag the report to be sent at the next allotted time.
Setup requirements
Codes Management > Code Type = XML System. Add a code with Code Value = Email and Description = Automatic Email. Shortcut = EXC.
Codes Management > Code Type = XML Type. If it doesn’t already exist, add a new entry with Code = Email and Description = Automatic Email. XML system value = Email. Shortcut = EXC. In ‘Comments’ and the blank section on the right hand side, add SMTP server details.
You cannot stop a specific user from accessing the Scheduled reports tab. If a user sets a scheduled report on their system, the report will only be visible to them under the scheduled tab. Restrictions only apply to individual reports under the remaining tabs of the Reports menu.