After you have entered details for a job into the Costing Tab, you can review an invoice automatically generated by Moveware in the Invoicing tab. The interface is fairly straightforward; we will break it down visually into header (the top half of the screen) and charge lines (the bottom half of the screen).
The information we see at the top of the screen comes from the Details tab. The fields in this section will make up the header of the invoice.
Bill to: Who will be paying for the job – and the associated address for that Customer.
One: Is the description that will be used on the final invoice to group all of the charges that are set to display as one total line, rather than displaying individually on the invoice. This description can be edited as needed.
The job’s origin and destination information is recorded in the From and To fields, which also make up the header section of the invoice. This information will automatically populate from the Details Tab.
Details section: Additional details that you’d like the invoice to include, such as a specific comment that the client should see .
Charge lines:
The Invoice Details section on the bottom half of the invoicing screen is where all the charge lines are displayed. If the invoice is linked to a Cost Option, these values cannot be edited from the Invoicing Screen – any change to values here will need to be done from the Costing Screen instead.