A full file replacement provides the ability for an employer to replace the latest pay event file that was sent to the ATO in error or contains significant corrupt data. This can be done provided you do this before or on the pay date and that there have been no further pays for the same employee submitted after the initial submission date of the pay you’re fixing. You cannot delete pays that have been submitted (i.e. These pays have an STP ID).
Note: You shouldn’t use a full file replacement for corrections. Instead, use an update event.
A full file replacement:
may only be used to replace the latest pay event
must contain the submission identifier of the pay event to be replaced
cannot be submitted if any employee information has subsequently been changed in a payroll or update event
cannot replace an update event – a new update event should be submitted.
To submit a whole file replacement.
Go to Payroll Update and select All pays selected in the previous submission, this can be done by selecting all pays with the same STP ID of the pay you’d like to replace (This is required even if you have not made any changes to the other pays with the same submission ID)
Follow the instructions as detailed here but ensure that the ‘Amendment of a Previous Pay’ toggle is selected (it will be selected by default if you’re submitting a pay that has an existing STP ID).