Mobi Release Notes December 2021
Release date: December 8th, 2021
Issue Key | Summary | Description |
UPGRADE: Mobi API | Upgrade to Mobi API level 30. | No change in settings or usage required. |
UPGRADE: Inventory Screen buttons | Upgrade made to Inventory Screen buttons as a result of API change | No change in settings or usage required. |
UPGRADE: IOS Inventory Conditions Lookup | Upgrade made to Inventory Conditions as a result of API change | No change in settings or usage required. |
UPGRADE: IOS Image Preview | Upgrade to IOS Image Preview as a result of API change | No change in settings or usage required. |
UPGRADE: Splash Screen Plugin | Update made for API change. | No change in settings or usage required. |
UPDATED: Sync Activity displayed on Sync Screen | Sync activity is now displayed on Sync screen to indicate to the user that a sync is still in progress. | No change in settings or usage required. |
NEW: Mobi Account Screen (linked to Costing Tab). | Previously the Mobi Account screen would only link with the Moveware Invoicing Tab. This devel enables users to add charges that update directly to the costing tab. | Currently in Beta Testing. Can be configured by following the below steps listed here: Configuring Mobi Costing Menu |
NEW: Payment Portal Button added to the Account Screen | Payment Portal Button has been added for users who use the Moveware Costing Screen to Quote. When users select this button, a browser will load with preconfigured links so crew can collect payment on site. | For more details, please see link below: Costing Screen |
NEW: File Names containing Umlauts | A new setting has been added to control the way files are handled when they contain an Umlaut. | Setting |
NEW: Added ability to handle multiple review sets | Added ability to generate reviews for multiple vehicles. Once a vehicle review is completed, an add review button appears allowing a new review to be completed for another or the same vehicle. | To activate this feature, Navigate to Code Management and set the Rating Type to have Duplicates?= Yes. SR#401477 |
FIX: Bug fix in volume display not showing decimals | Fixed a bug that in some cases was not displaying decimals correctly | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Job Summary Weight display | Previously some users may have found volume instead of weight displaying on the job summary screen. This has been fixed to factor in the "Preferred Weight Display" Setting. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Address Type Updates | Previously, some users may have faced an issue where the delivery address gets updated even when a different "Address Type" has been updated in Mobi. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Workflow Objects Updates | Previously, some users may have faced an issue with the job -> objects screen in Mobi, where object's dimensions do not change consistently with updates. | This has now been fixed and there are no changes in settings and/or usage. |
FIX: Report UI & Alignment fixes for Objects | Previously there were some alignment issues for the Objects section on reports. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |