The Job Life Cycle and Statuses
The status of a Job changes according to the stage it is at in the Job Life Cycle. A Job can be created at any stage of the life cycle; however, different information is required in order for the job to continue through the different stages or “statuses.” A summary of all Moveware Job Statuses (the Job Life Cycle) and the events related to these statuses are outlined in the table below.
Job Statuses:
Status | Description | Details |
E | Entry | Initial entry of a Job, prior to a survey being scheduled. |
I | Inspection or Survey | The status of a Job prior to it being surveyed. |
P | Pending | The status Job while it is being quoted. As soon as a Job has been surveyed it should be set to Status P to ensure that it is followed up successfully. |
W | Won (or Booked) | The status that indicates that a job has been successfully booked and is going to take place. It is recommended that all information is re-checked at the time of setting this status (such as the Dates and Addresses of the Move, Pricing and Costing information and any contact details). |
L | Lost | This Status is to be used for Jobs that are lost (not booked). Users will be prompted to enter details of why the quotation was unsuccessful. |
C | Canceled | This status is to be used for Jobs that are Cancelled. Perhaps the client cancelled the move prior to a quote being provided. This status can also be used for Test Jobs and duplicated entries. |