Moveware Version 8.2 Release Notes

Moveware Version 8.2 Release Notes

Moveware Release Notes
Version 8.2
Upgrade Rollout: October/November 2017
Release Notes Generated: 10/03/17   ‑   16/09/17

Show 102550100200 entries



Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


Description of Functionality

Description of Usage

251470 - Emailing word merge documents and PDFs of Word documents as attachments

When emailing word merge documents as attachments in Removals Management, previously Moveware would popup extra windows needed during the merge. This was not consistent with the standard operation of Crystal Reports, in which users could set the details from the initial popup.

The user can click on Report drop down, select a word merge document and click on PDF button where Save and Email as Attachment check boxes are displayed along with Filename to browse.

The user can either click on PDF button to view the document based on save/no-save/ email the document which works similar to crystal reports.

Note - The word document works as previous method in Reports screen. The above change is only on Removals Management.

280520 - Added event logs for Branch and Cost Centers fields

Added new event logs in Branch and Cost Center screens. Previously, only a few event logs were recorded but did not log against the cost center and branch.

Cost Centers - The user can modify any field except Color and Comments in Cost Centers and event logs are recorded accordingly.

Branch > Details - The event logs are recorded for fields Branch Name, G/L Cost Centers, Branch Code, Company, Default Display Branch, Country, Region Code, Currency, Booking Agent, Status, Default Bank Account, Default Cash Sale Account, Biller Code, BPay Code, Invoice Prefix, Online Pay prefix, Current Credit Note, Current Invoice, Current Purchase, Current Order, Current Removal, Current Waybill, Current W\house Invoice.

Branch > Setup - The event logs are recorded for fields Customs Export File, Acrobat Directory, Agent Directory, Shared Files, Report Header Logo, Report Footer Logo, Charge Chars, Special Inst Chars, Labels Domestic, Labels Export, Default Density Used, Days Free, Disbursement %, Payroll Tax Threshold, Payroll Tax rate, Default Sales Rep, Exclude from RP Lookup, Custom Link, Permission No, Principal ID, Client ID, OBL, Bond Store Number, Default Ops Start Time, Web ID, Web Name, Web Branch Email, Bond Chg, Storage Chg, Storage Handling.

Branch > Security - The event logs are logged for the passwords set on the right hand side fields.

The System event logs are logged in Administration > System Setup > Event logs to see against the Cost Centers.

290924 - Bug Fix - Fixed last column display when scrolled at the bottom of browser

In the Appointment Diary, Moveware has fixed the last row display when scrolled at the bottom of list. Previously, clicking scroll bar row record by record would not display last record of table.

The user can scroll through the end of records which would display the last record of table.

291319 - Password Generation - Added a feature for the system to generate secure passwords

Added password generation feature based on complexity set in Security tab. Previously, password is set by the user manually typing in the text. With this feature a randomly generated password can be created to the complexity level desired by the system.

The user can set the Password Length, Password History, Maximum Password Age, Minimum Password Age along with Password Complexity Restrictions (user can choose from the combo-box list based on the password type required like alpha/alphanumeric/numeric etc.) in System Parameters.

When user clicks on the key icon beside Password fields in below screens, a popup window is displayed to select Yes/No to set the password. The user can select 'yes' button to go ahead with the newly generated password and click 'No' to discontinue.

System Parameters > Security and Codes (only visible for password system parameters)
Employee Management > User Details
Branches > Security
Debtor > Details
Window > Change Password

296273 - Event logs - Added/Modified event logs on waybill diary actions and Slot Time field

Added/Modified event logs on waybill diary actions and Slot Time field. Previously, no event log is updated on modifying Slot Time field from blank to a date. Also, added event logs against waybill on moving the waybill diary action to next day.

The user can test this by updating the Slot Time field and saving it where the event logs are updated against waybill.

The waybill diary action is moved to next day by clicking on blue arrow button in Daily Diary which updates the event log against waybill along with Additional Notes logs.

299362 - Bug Fix - Validating inventory items against other inventory types

Previously Moveware would validate on save of an inventory item to ensure that its ''Number'' is unique against all other inventory fields. However, certain companies would utilise the same ''Number'' for different types of inventory. E.g. a storage container numbered ''001'' and a truck numbered ''001'' would not be able to be saved due to the uniqueness validation.

Moveware has made a change so that the validation only occurs against its own type. This allows inventory records of different types to have the same number, however 2 items of the same inventory may not have the same number.

300214 - Moveware Selection Row Colour - How to revert this back to Blue

In Moveware 8.0 or greater the browser row selection colour is a grey overlay. In Moveware versions prior to 8.0, this was a solid blue colour.

System are now able to setup Moveware to return to the solid blue highlighting of rows like it was in versions prior to Moveware 8.0

Contact Moveware Support to setup this functionality. It requires changes to configuration files.

292585 - Added ability to set custom username and password for 'guest' access of Moveware api

Moveware API
The users accessing Moveware using the Moveware API are able to do certain tasks such as adding a job, getting details of a job, adding a diary, etc. using the guest user credentials (pUser and pPass in the api here -> https://movewareptyltd.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=04346dcf454ac4855848176a8b2b89685&authkey=AQKGcGhpkrYRYRnKbpgonKs).
This functionality has been updated to let the users set a customised username and password instead of the standard guest user credentials.
Please note that this change is parameter based as described below.
Also, please note that this requires a setup on MoveClient/MovePartner/Dashboard portals.

In order to set the customised username and password the system parameter 'Use custom guest username and password' needs to be set as instructed below:
Please set the system parameter value as

  1. N or leave it blank = To disable the custom username and password and use the standard one instead.

  2. A comma-separated username and password: , e.g. To set the username as myGuestUsername and password as myGuestPassword set the value of the system parameter as


IMPORTANT NOTE: This change must be notified to Moveware staff so that the portals can be set correctly as the portals may stop working for the users if this is not updated.

281127 - Bug Fix - Adding blank records through DSP tab

Previously in Moveware it was possible to create a blank ''Transferee'' record through the DSP tab of Removals Management by clicking the Add button at the top of the screen or adding a Person and selecting Cancel on the dialogue to select the type of record to create if the user then selection Save from the top of the screen a Blank Transferee record was created.

Moveware was not clearing the Add state correctly, resulting in a blank record being created. This has been rectified and the Add statement is handled and released correctly when the above steps are followed. No blank records a re created as a result of cancelling the ADD.

286378 - New System Parameter to enable new Relocation Account Fields

A requirement was raised to be able to identify a DSP/Relocation Debtor on a Removal Plan, that was not one of the existing Fields in the Removal Plan. The Relocation Company was giving the work, but they were not paying, or controlling the move, so a new set of fields were required to be able to identify/enter this Data and to be able to include this Debtor as recipient and cc in email correspondence.

Moveware has created a new System Parameter which enables 3 new Fields under the Bill To Section in Moveware for Relocation Debtor, Contact and email, the Relo Field has a lookup to the Debtor Table.

Within this Request Moveware has also setup this new Relocation Debtor to be included in the To, cc and bcc in the Email Setup of Report Configuration.

Code: UseDSPBooker
Options: N = No, Number

The user can set 'UseDSPBooker' system parameter to 'R', enabling the 3 new Fields in Removal Management under the Bill To Section and then user have the ability in Email Setup select Removals in Source combo-box and set To/CC/BCC/SMS To fields as 'Relocation Debtor'.

The reports or email windows fetch the email address set in Relo section of removals details.

298550-014 - DSP grouping displayed by default based on screen resolution

The DSP screen can now have its fields show/hide by default for all screen resolutions. Previously, for smaller screen resolution all groups are collapsed and for bigger resolutions groups are expanded except the Other group.

If the user is on bigger screen resolution (>1360) and 'Expanded' field in DSP Grouping is set as 'N', then that group is collapsed unless 'Show Default' field is set as 'Y' in DSP Details in codes management.

If the user is on smaller screen resolution (<1360) and 'Expanded' field in DSP Grouping is set as 'Y',then that group is expanded and other groups are collapsed unless 'Show Default' field is set as 'Y' in DSP Details in codes management.

302108 - New system parameter - DSP Houses Alert

When the number of Houses reached 10 or 20 on the DSP screen, a message would be sent to the removals account manager. This system parameter allows systems to alter these values for alerts.

Code: DSPHousesAlert
Description: DSP Houses Alert
Options: Comma separated list of numbers of when to alert

Systems can have the parameter set to change these numbers (eg. 8,15). An alert is added to the system to removal account manager when the number of Houses entered against a removal reaches the numbers in the list.

264518 - Agents > Edit Contact tab - Create diary action on sending emails to multiple agent files

A diary action of 'Email Sent' is added to all agents when emails are selected and sent to multiple agent files.

The user can enter 'Y' in 'S' column and click enter which selects the record.

Click on email icon at the bottom which pops up email window screens with 'To' field set to email addresses of selected records.

Once the email is sent, a diary action is created against the agents in Contact tab.

283285 - New Email Merge Fields - Agent Website Field

In Report Configuration E-mail and or SMS Tab the following e-mail merge field have been added.

  • Booking agent website

  • Origin agent website

  • Destination agent website

  • Freight agent website

The newly created email merge fields can be used in email templates drawing information from Removal Plan into the email template, as per standard Moveware functionality.

287572 - Templates added for outlook appointment sync details

When syncing appointments with Outlook, Moveware previously hardcoded the details written to Outlook. Now system can setup their own custom details to send to Outlook. This is handled the Paragraphs screen.

In Paragraphs, add new codes with Code Type = 'Template' and Code Value = 'OutlookApptSyncDetails' to customise the details of the synced appointment,
Code Value = 'OutlookApptSyncSubject' to customise the subject of the synced appointment, or Code Value = 'OutlookApptSyncLocation' to customise the location of the synced appointment.

The appointment is added in appointment diary which when synched to outlook will set the details from templates if it is not empty and diary is linked to a removal plan. If diary is not linked to a removal plan, Outlook details are set with diary details.

288367 - Bug Fix - Fixed emails containing emicon to replace with 🙂

Fixed emails containing emicon to replace with :-). Previously, emails containing smiley will send blank emails.

The user can send emails having smiley emicon and it replaces with 🙂 and email comes through.

288961 - New System Parameter - Does not display rate request details in email if report is not selected

Does not display rate request details in email if report is not selected. Previously, if Method field is set to 'Email' and no report is selected, Rate Request Pricing, Inclusions, Exclusions details are displayed.

Code: NoDisplayRREmailDetails
Description: To not display Rate Request default email details if report is not selected
Values: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

The user can set the above system parameter to 'Y' and click on email icon where the rate request details are not displayed.

289690 - Fixed default signatures to set based on branches across all email screens

Fixed default signatures to set based on branches across all email screens if html editor and outlook signatures are disabled. Previously, even if default signatures are set based on branches, signature combo-box is not set automatically in emails screens based on branches.

The user can set the default signatures based on branches by clicking on Windows > Change User Defaults, Signature button.

On click on email icons, signature combo-box is set automatically based on the branches and signature is displayed accordingly.

289782 - Bug Fix - Fixed scheduled reports sending from user exchange credentials

Fixed scheduled reports sending from user Exchange credentials. Previously, scheduled reports were not sending an email as the email address failed to send due to permission issues.

The user can set the scheduled report with date and time details and email is sent accordingly from the Exchange email details.

289783 - Daily Diary - SMS options to send SMS to selected Employee, Crew for Job or Crew for the Day.

When using the SMS button from the Daily Diary screen above the list of Labour resources, a new combo-box to select Employee, All Crew for Job or All Crew for Day is available. This will enable SMS to be sent to multiple recipients. Previously, SMS could only be sent to the selected employee.

The user can click on mobile icon present in Labour section and select from combo-box field to send the SMS to just selected Employee or group of people. The default will be Employee.

  • Employee - Sends a SMS to the selected employee only.

  • All Crew for Job - Sends a group SMS to all the employees assigned to that job.

  • All Crew for Day - Sends a group SMS to all employees for the diary action date.

291279 - Email Format - Extended email fields to hold up to 200 characters

Extended email fields to hold up to 200 characters. Previously, user could enter only 70-100 characters.

The user can enter 200 characters of email address in all email fields in both old and new browser.

296287 - Bug Fix - CSV export using Multiple Print function from Reports

When running multiple print from the Reports screen, users are able to export to CVS a list of the records displayed. The format of the file is Code, Name, Email. Previously, the code column was exported if there was a linked Removal, Debtor, or Creditor. This has been improved to export the details for any type of report run using the multiple print function.

The user can select a report, set Multiple Print option to 'Yes' and click on PDF icon which displays the email address list. Click on 'Save' button to export Code, Name and Email Address in emaillist.csv file.

298560 - Bug Fix - Report Configuration > Email setup editor field greying out when records not found.

On the Reports Configuration Email screen there was a bug that caused the editor fields to grey out when no record was found to display. When a record was then found the editor would remain greyed out and user could not enter details.

The user can filter the records such that no records return where editor is not set as grey. The filtering can be done again such that records return and editor fields display the values accordingly.

299127 - Bug Fix - Fixed deleting old calendar appointments and error message while accessing the user calendar

When syncing calendar appointment with Outlook, Moveware has fixed deleting old calendar appointments and error message while accessing the user calendar. Previously, updating the existing appointment would not delete the old appointment and it would create a new one. Also, on accessing the calendar of assignee would display an error message 'The Outlook calendar could not be deleted'.

The user can either add a new 'Survey' diary action or update the Survey date and time in details tab which would create 'Web Survey' diary action. Set the date, time and assigned columns. The appointments are created for respective date and time in outlook calendar if it is set as shared permission.

299194 - Bug Fix - Outlook Calendar 2010 version Calendar Appointment Create/Update

Fixed Outlook calendar appointment syncing and error message display while updating the 'Survey'. Previously, on updating the Survey Date/time, would create duplicate appointments in Outlook 2010 assignee's calendar.

The user can set the Survey Date/Time/hours with the a user assigned which creates/updates the appointment accordingly.

299253 - Email Attachments - Sub Directory

When importing emails into Moveware through the Outlook Inbox, any attachments associated with the email have in the past been imported straight into the shared directory of the record linked to the email. For example if an email with an attachment was linked to removal 123456, Moveware would import the attachment into the root directory for removal 123456 with all the other documents for that removal plan.

This may cause the directory to become cluttered. It is now possible to setup a sub directory for where the attachments will be saved. The will mean all attachment for emails imported through the Outlook Inbox will all be saved into one sub directory of the linked record.

To setup the sub directory in Moveware go to Codes Management and filter the codes by the type Directory. Add a new code and give it a code and description to suit the application (eg Attachments). Note: the value in the Code field will be used as the directory name. In the Default field enter E. This will signify that this folder is to be used for (E)mail attachments from the Outlook Inbox.

When an email is imported into Moveware, this folder will be created (if one does not already exist). This folder will not be added as default to the removals directory structure, only when an email with an attachment is imported will the directory be added.

302178 - Bug Fix - Fixed survey diary action to set assigned field as both Salesrep and Actual user when saved from removals details

Fixed survey diary action to use the setup in Administration > Moveware Setup > Diary Actions to set the assigned field as both Salesrep and Actual user when saved from removals details. Previously, when Survey diary action is added from diary tab, 'Ass' column is set as both salesrep and actual user but when saved from details tab would set as just salesrep.

The user can save the survey details and click on Save button which adds/updates Survey diary action with both Actual User and Assign To field set in survey diary action setting.

288191 - Bug Fix - Defaulting Email Signatures

When emailing throughout Moveware, a signature can be selected by default.

If users are flagged to use the Outlook signature, Moveware will attempt to find the signature named ''Moveware '' + Branch Code, if that does not exist it will try and find the signature named ''Moveware''. If no signature is still found then the first signature found in alphabetical order will be used.

For users who are not flagged to use the Outlook signature, Moveware will attempt to find signatures setup within Moveware (from the Employee Management > User Details or the Signature button on the Window > Change User Default dialog) for the current branch. If there is no signature setup for that branch the signature not assigned a branch will be used.

If no signature is found for both of the above then the Moveware Default signature is used.

With this bug fix, Moveware has made the above functionality work properly with the multiple print functionality. In the past the branch based signatures were not selected correctly when running the multiple print. Now these are found and used for the multiple print.

287605 - Bug Fix - Fixed merge fields on Subject field

Fixed merge fields on Subject field when sending an email through the completing diary action in the Removals Diary. Previously, is not converted to the respective value when email is sent.

Report setup with merge fields for Container Size in the subject can now have this merged even if the field in the database does not contain a value.

289757 - New system parameter - Reinstate PO On Cancel

Previously when cancelling a Purchase that was created from a Purchase Order, the Purchase and Purchase Order were cancelled. With this system parameter, cancelling the Purchase will revert the Purchase back to a Purchase Order.

Code: ReinstatePOOnCancel
Description: Reinstate PO On Cancel
Options: N- No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Go to Purchase Invoice screen and cancel a Purchase Invoice with an order number, user should get message asking to reinstate the Purchase Order.

280607 - Added a toggle to show foreign currency in Journals screen

A toggle has been added to show foreign currency in the GL Journals screen. When the toggle is checked, the user can also search/filter the Total value by foreign currency.

General Ledger > Journals
The toggle is a checkbox on the Total column:

  • Toggle On - show foreign currency Total value

  • Toggle Off - show base currency Total value

To search for a journal is foreign currency, enter the amount (in foreign currency) above the Total column.

289266 - New System Parameter - To popup a window on a new/copy of corporate record

Added a new system parameter to popup a window asking to link to parent corporate record on creating a new/copying corporate record.

Code: CorporateCreatePrompt
Description: To prompt and link to existing Corporate Parent record.
Values: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

The user can set the above system parameter to 'Y' and create a new or copy the existing corporate record and hit 'Save' button. A popup window is displayed to link to parent record which can be chosen from Corporate lookup. Once selected, Corporate code and name is updated with selected record.

If the above system parameter is set as 'N', on creating a new corporate record Corporate code and name is updated with the same details without displaying any popup or lookup to choose.

292810 - Bug Fix - Fixed No Invoice header error in Invoice Update

Fixed No Invoice header error when no records returned in Invoice Update. If no invoice record is available, Moveware would display 'No Invoice header available'.

The user can search through the invoice records and if the records not found, no error is displayed.

293580 - Bug Fix - Fixed invoices as paid and display in green colour if total of the invoice is 0.

Fixed invoices as paid and display in green colour if total of the invoice is 0. Moveware has the ability to post 0 value invoices. Previously these invoices, even though they are 0 value, do not display as paid.

The user can post the invoice of a Won removal which will set the flag as paid and display in green colour (Invoiced and Paid) if the total of the invoice is 0.

296449 - General Ledger - Update selected codes using Company, Branch and Cost Center filters

In the General Ledger Setup > Subcodes tab, Moveware has allowed users to enter values into the filters for Company, Branch and Cost Center, select specific accounts and then update all selected accounts with the details in the filters. This feature is designed for and used at implement and rarely used after that stage. It helps setup multiple account into the same company, branch and cost center. However the button and function has always been available. This button is now hidden for user to be able to use as the impact of its incorrect use could be costly.

In Moveware 8.2 this button has been hidden except for during the implementation process, where a Moveware implementer will have access to be able to set this up.

296763 - New System Parameter - Select Post Updated check box by default on editing the selected journal button in Journals screen

Added a new system parameter to default the Post Updated toggle box to selected by default on editing the selected journal button in Journals screen. Previously, this toggle box was deselected by default.

Code: EditJournalPostUpdated
Description: To default Post Updated toggle to be checked on editing the journal
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

The user can set the above system parameter to 'Y' and click on 'Edit Selected Journal' button where Post Updated check box is checked by default.

301521 - New system parameter - Update Purchase Order On Purchase Import

When set to Y, updates existing Purchase Order to Purchase from purchase import when Order (column 5) is matched. The import will not update/create new Purchase Order detail lines, it just updates the existing Purchase Order to a Purchase with the import date.

If system parameter is turned off, the import will create new purchase regardless of the purchase order field (column 5).

Code: UpdatePurchaseOrderOnImport
Description: Update Purchase Order On Purchase Import
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

From purchase update screen, import purchase, if system parameter is on and there is an existing purchase order with same order number, the purchase order will be updated to a purchase.

289024 - G/L Account Lookup - Change to Search on Account Description

When doing a lookup on G/L Accounts the search in the description field will now match the search string to any part of the account description.

This change has occurred in the Account Lookup Screen. Generally this is accessed when adding records to a New General Journal, a Quick Deposit or a Quick Receive Journal

289278 - Bug fix - Fixed Name search field bugs for deleted and backspace characters

In the Purchases screen, Moveware has fixed the Name search field when deleted or backspace characters are used. Previously, on deleting the typed characters using backspace and retyping it would insert the newly typed characters along with the deleted characters.

The user can type the characters in the Name filter in Creditor lookup and delete them using backspace key. Enter the characters again which filters the records accordingly without inserting the characters randomly.

299467 - Bug Fix - Prevent combining invoices of different branches

Moveware currently allows combining invoices of different branches which can causes G/L issues. This has now been fixed so that this is no longer possible.

When the user selects multiple cost options of different branches to combine into a single invoice. It will fail validation upon the user selecting the 'Post' button preventing the creation of the combined invoice.

292387 - New toggle to include blank Est Date in costing Accrual screen

A new toggle is added on the costing accrual screen to include blank est date costs, this toggle is only shown if the filters for est cost dates are shown, that is for screen resolution bigger than 1368, it should not have any effect on smaller screen resolutions where the est date filters are not shown on screen.

Go to costing accrual screen and set screen resolution >= 1368, check that the est date filters are shown on screen and the toggle is present, tick the toggle and check when filtering by est date, costs with blank est dates are also included to be shown on screen.

298700 - New System Parameter - Set Default Total Background And Foreground Color

Normally, the Total field has a white text on red background. Sometimes, it's difficult to read.
So we have created a new system parameter for setting Default Total Background and Text Colour called 'DefaultTotalBackgroundForegroundColour'.
This is work on the Total field in the Search tab and Inquiry tab on Debtor Management, Debtor Ageing, Creditor Management and Creditor Ageing screen.

Code: DefaultTotalBackgroundForegroundColour
Desc: Set Default Total Background And Foreground Color
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default Value: N

When set to N, the Total field will use default color (Red Background, White Text).
When set to Y, allow the user to custom color for Total fields by entering the color number in the Color field.

  • To check the color number, please double click on Color field.

  • Either put in a single value for Background Colour or two values for Background color,Text Colour (i.e. background color value,text color value).

  • If you put the single value to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, or 12, the text will be to white.

280914 - Adding notes to pay records

Previously in Moveware there was no way of adding notes to pay records within the Payroll system. Now Moveware has the ability to add notes to an overall pay or to individual pay detail records.

If systems require notes to be displayed on reports, please contact Moveware Support to arrange for the change to be made.

On the Employee Management > Pays tab, there are now 2 new buttons visible (post-it note icon). The button within the Timesheets section at the top of tab will add a note to the selected pay, while the button within Timesheet Details section will add a note to the selected pay detail record. When clicking the button a dialog will load where the user will be able to add the note. When the user clicks OK on the dialog the note will be added to the pay or pay detail record and the background colour of the U column will turn yellow to signify a note has been added.

260381 - Ability to Mass Update Product ID of Asset Management Items

Users can now mass update the Product ID on Asset Management items via the Mass Object Update Tool in job inventory and/or customer management inventory screen.

To update Products on Mass Items

  1. In the inventory tab of the customer for which the items belong to, double-click to select all of the items that requires its product updated.

  2. Click on the Blue Reverse Arrow button with the tooltip ''Change properties of the selected object(s)''.

  3. Fill in the Artist field.

  4. Click Update.

Note that this can also be done via the job inventory tab if the items are all added to that job.

290850 - New System Parameter - Prompt To Update Shared Pack Location

For fine art, when updating locations of objects that are in a shared pack, Moveware will also update the location of other objects in the same shared pack. When turned on, this system parameter will warn the user and prompt to whether continue or not when the object being updated is in a shared pack.

Code: PromptSharedPackLoc
Description: Prompt To Update Shared Pack Location
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

This system parameter will warn the user and prompt to whether continue or not when the object being updated is in a shared pack.

263235 - New System Parameter - Show Update Objects Import in Data Imports

This system parameter enables the 'Update Objects' import in Data Imports which allows user to update the information of existing Fine Art objects in Moveware.

Code: ShowUpdateObjectsImport
Description: Show Update Objects Import in Data Imports
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

The list of fields that can be updated are:

Part Of,Old Ref,Title,Artist,Description,Owned By,Medium,Value,Value Currency,Date Valued,Work Date,Length,Width,Height,Naked Length,Naked Width,Naked Height,Framed,M3,Cuft,Kg,NACW,Number of Components,Location,Case Ref,Number of Cases,Project No,Source,Client Ref,Edition,Side Mark,License No,CPC,Commodity Code Import,Commodity Code Export,Import Entry No,Export Entry No,Country of Origin,BCN,Bonded,Condition,Comments,Pic File Location,Storage File No,Storage ID,Storage Date In,Storage Date Out,Storage Container,Storage Origin,Storage Destination,Job Number,Job File Number,Job Origin,Job Destination,ConsolidatedPack,Medium 2,IEN Date,EEN Date,Consignor,Consignee,Container Length,Container Width,Container Height

282901 - Fine Art and Asset Management Screen Resizing for screen resolution 1600x900 and greater.

The Fine Art and Asset Management screens have been resized to utilise screen resolutions of 1600 x 900 and greater, previously there was a lot of un utilised grey space in the larger screen resolutions.

By resizing the Inventory Tab for Fine Art and Asset Management Cost Centres/Job Types enabled more information to be displayed in on the screen.

Any users running 1600 x 900 or greater the screen resizes in the Asset Management and Fine Art screens will see that the Inventory Tab has been re-sized to fit more information and fill the grey space.

291947 - Bug Fix - Updated the message based on Copying or Moving in Removals Inventory

When moving or copying inventory to another removal, the message display would always display 'move' regardless of the action that was being taken. An update has been made to the message to reflect the action chosen from the radio button to copy or move the inventory.

The user can select an inventory record, click on blue arrow where a 'Copy Inventory' window is displayed. Select Copy/Move radio button and hit 'OK' button where the message is displayed accordingly.

295193 - Ability to Mass Update Artist for Fine Art Objects

Users can now mass update the Artist on Fine Art Objects via the Object Update Tool in the Job Inventory screen.

To update Artist field on mass objects:

  1. Add these objects to a job.

  2. In the Inventory tab of the job, double-click to select all objects that needs to be updated

  3. Click on the Blue Reverse Arrow button with the tooltip ''Change properties of the selected object(s)''.

  4. Fill in the Artist field.

  5. Click Update.

295201 - Fine Art: New System Parameter - Move the object list on the diary tab to the left

On the Diary tab of Removals Management, for Fine Art moves there is a green chair icon. When selected a list of artwork assigned to the selected diary action is displayed. Previously in Moveware this list had a fixed location on the screen, which meant room for resizing of the columns was limited. With this system parameter setup, Moveware is now able to move the list to the left to give more room for the display of the artworks.

Code: DiaryObjectLeft
Description: Move the object list on the diary tab to the left
Default Value:
Options: Numeric value from 1 to 160. A value of 160 will move the list all the way to the left of the screen. Suggested range is 40 to 60.

The setting of the system parameter will determine how far left the artwork list will be shifted. The further left the large the room for the list to expand. Depending of the desire of the system will depend on how far left systems want to display this list.

294599 - Fine Art: Wildcard search for Client Ref filter in Object Management

Fine Art Module Object Management search: the ability to search based on the wildcard (*) has been added to the Client Ref filter in Object Management.

Users can now enter * to the beginning of the filter to search across all records that contain the text that follows the *. For example *123456 will search for all records containing 123456, not just begining with 123456.

296048 - Bug Fix - Prevent casing a fine art container in itself

Previously a fine art container could be packed within itself which is physically impossible. There is now prevention from this happening.

Standard Operation

296789 - Bug Fix - Screen resolution error in object lookup

When the screen resolution is set to 1920 * 1080, previously it was giving errors about resizing the screen for asset management.

Open object lookup screen for resolution 1920 * 1080, check there are no errors for system using asset management.

299091 - Exclude Diary types from Daily Diary

In the Daily Diary of Moveware users are able to view specific types of diaries, eg Operational diary actions. This is controlled by a combo which lists all of the types of diaries. When the type is cleared all diary actions for the day are shown.

Moveware now has the ability to assign diary actions to a diary type that will stop them from displaying in the Daily Diary.

To setup a diary type to be excluded from the Daily Diary, go to Codes Management and filter the list by type Diary. A new diary type can be added or an existing diary type can be flagged to exclude from the Daily Diary by setting the Default field to X. Then any diary actions assigned to this diary type will stop appearing in the Daily Diary.

275600 - Public holiday displayed in Appointment Diary

In the Appointment Diary a record will be displayed for public holidays added through Calendar Management.

Public holidays can be added through Calendar Management in Moveware. In the past no record of these have been displayed in the Appointment Diary.

284440 - Bug Fix - Fixed task record to update appropriate debtor record

Fixed task record to update the appropriate debtor record. Previously, the find for the linked debtors was using the name of the debtor to find the record. In some cases, systems have multiple debtors with the same name. It was found that sometimes the wrong debtor was assigned to the task. This has been rectified.

The user can add a task by clicking on '+', select a type, fill in subject, double click on Name field, select a customer and click on Ok. The task is updated to the contact tab of selected customer record.

293691 - New System Parameter to Collapse by default the list of Vehicles and Labour in by Cost Type in Daily Diary

Previously the Full List of Vehicles and Labour were displayed in the Ops/Daily Diary and could be collapsed manually by each cost type.

A new sysparam has been created to define and collapse the list by cost type in both Vehicles and Labour in Daily Diary on the load of the screen.

Code - OpsDiaryCollapseCostTypeLookup
Description - Collapse the list of Vehicles and Labour in Daily Diary screen on load of Screen
Value - [list of cost type which you want to collapse]
i.e. Trailer,Bakken,Moving Truck,Mover,Hire Labour

If a cost type has been defined in the new system parameter, on the load of the Ops/Daily Diary this list will be collapsed by default, for use in terms of resources like temporary staff and hire vehicles.

296336 - New System Parameter - Store the list of salesrep which ignored the Survey Conflict Check

Added new sysparam 'EmployeeIgnoreSurveyConflictCheck' to store the list of salesrep, which Ignored the Survey Conflict Check when save Removal from Removal Details screen.

Code: CheckSurveyConflictExcludedText
Description: Store the list of salesreps which Ignore the Survey Conflict Check
Options: Comma separated list

The value of the parameter is a list of sales reps which are to be ignored in the Survey Conflict Check, eg. MWA,ABC

This has been setup and to be used when third party Agents are performing the Survey on your behalf or where a Self Survey is being performed and where Moveware users have a generic Surveyor setup in Employee Management like ''Agent'' or ''Self Survey'' these can be set to be ignored on the Survey Conflict check.

299135 - Options expanded for system parameters Check Survey Diary Duplicates When Save Removal

The list of options for system parameter Check Survey Diary Duplicates When Save Removal has been extended.

Code: CheckSurveyDiaryDuplicates
Description: Check Survey DiaryDuplicates When Save Removal
N - do not check/show warning duplicate on save
Y - check possible duplicate on save
D - check possible duplicate on save with Diary record
W - show possible duplicate warning on save
DW - show possible duplicate warning on save with Diary record
Default: N

Options now available are:
N - do not check/show warning duplicate on save
Y - check possible duplicate on save
D - check possible duplicate on save with Diary record
W - show possible duplicate warning on save
DW - show possible duplicate warning on save with Diary record

299249 - Daily Diary Resource Panel

Changed the Sort order so any non-job related items will appear at the bottom of the list when viewing a resources daily tasks

List of jobs allocated to Vehicles or Labour resources will appear at the top of the list.

286672 - New Button - Binocular button to view history of discussions

Added a new binocular button which displays only for Discussions to view previous messages.

When adding a note to a discussion on the Contact tab, previously the user could not see previous messages without cancelling the note they are working on. Now, the user can click on the binocular button (displayed only for Discussions) and view the previous messages of the discussions without exiting.

278726 - New column - To add Priority along with filter and colour coding in sales screen

To add Priority along with filter and colour coding in sales screen for screen resolution more than 1360.

The user can set the colour codes in codes management under Priority Type.

Set the Moveware screen resolution more than 1360 where Priority column with column name 'P' is displayed in between 'Brch' and 'Name column.

The filter is displayed on top of the column where records can be filtered based on Priority.

Also, based on the colour codes set in codes management, respective colours are displayed for each record in this column.

296637 - Bug Fix - Fixed language conversion on adding diary action and displaying in Task diary.

Fixed language conversion on adding diary action and displaying in Task diary. Previously, diary action is not converted based on the interface language of user logged in.

The user can add a diary action from a user login whose language is set as 'English' and when that diary action is converted to Spanish language when viewed with a user login set with Spanish language.

287074 - Auto Numbering of Rate Request Option lines on Rate Request screen

When using the Quote Details section on the Rate Request screen for rate requests, the lines will now be automatically numbered for each group of lines added using the job type creator. Previously the lines needed to be manually entered. This prevents reports from identifying the groups of lines as separate options.

Using the Job Type Creator, if one job type is selected, all lines will be numbered with the next available number i.e. if no lines exist, number all lines as 1, if lines exist with number 1, if the user runs the JTC again, number the lines added as number 2, etc.

If multiple job types are selected, the first selected job type will be numbered 1 (or if lines already exist, the next available number), then the second job type with number 2, etc.

290855 - New System Parameter - To display rate selector popup if rate is found or based on creditor and/or multiple rates found

A new system parameter has been added to display rate selector based on multiple rates found or creditor set to rates.

Currently, if a Costing line is added that has a Creditor rate set against it, it will automatically add that Creditor/rate to the line. If the Costing line has multiple Creditor rates set against it, the Rate Selector will pop up, asking the user to choose the applicable rate. This new parameter enables the rate selector to pop up even if only one Creditor rate is found. This essentially allows the user to choose whether to accept the rate, even if it's the only one set up in the system.

Code: DisplayRateSelectorPopUp
Description: To display rate selector popup if rate is found or based on creditor and/or multiple rates found
Options: N - No, Y - Yes, C - Multiple creditors
Default: N

The user can set the above system parameter to 'N' where Rate Selector pop up is displayed if multiple rates are found.

If the system parameter is set as 'Y', Rate selector is displayed every time.

If the system parameter is set as 'C', Rate selector is displayed multiple rates are found or one single rate with a creditor found.

288935 - Bug Fix - Fixed Referral code lookup to filter based on branch and exclude type values set in Codes Management

Fixed Referral code lookup to filter based on branch and exclude type values set in codes management. Previously, lookup did not filter the records based on branch and exclude type set in codes.

The user can set Branch and Exclude Types field under Promos type in codes management which will filter records matching the branch and excluding the promos of types set in the lookup.

290726 - Bug Fix - Fixed updating task records when details modified along with repositioning

Fixed updating task records when details modified along with repositioning. Previously, when task details are edited, browser is not refreshed and focus is highlighted for incorrect record.

Also, fixed task record to highlight in green if it is completed in diary tab.

The user can double click on task record, edit the details and click on Ok button where the row is updated with new details and sorted by date with row highlighted.

The user can complete the task in diary tab and switch to search tab where the record is highlighted in green.

297233 - New System Parameter - Store the list of texts to excluded when checking removal survey date conflict

Added new sysparam 'CheckSurveyConflictExcludedText' to store the list of texts, which are excluded when checking removal survey date conflict when save Removal from Removal Details screen.

Code: CheckSurveyConflictExcludedText
Description: Store the list of texts to excluded when checking removal survey date conflict
Options: Comma separated list

The values of this parameter are text to enter that will not flag the Survey as a duplication, eg. Phone,Afternoon,AM,PM

297321 - New feature - added intelligence to judge positive feedback and respond appropriately

Web portal > Feedback
Earlier, the users were able to get the feedback on a job from the Feedback tab on web portal which would reflect on the Review tab on Removals Management in Moveware.
This feature has been extended and the users will now be able to specify answers that reflect a positive feedback from the online user. Also, this can be used to the advantage online, by providing a custom message of gratitude for the feedback and, if the user is so inclined, to ask the online user to leave an online review.

The feature can be used by specifying at least one of the Review questions with at least one 'positive answer'. This positive answer must be specified on the 'Group With' field in the Codes Management of type 'Rating'. The positive answer must be specified in a comma-separated list and must match the possible answers to the question, hence the feature is only limited to questions with defined answers to be chosen by the online users. Since there can be more than one such questions with a 'positive answer' set, if any one of those questions are answered with a 'positive answer' the special message, if set, would get displayed.
The special message to be displayed upon detecting a positive feedback has to be provided the Moveware staff as it would require configuration on the web portal.

297483 - Sort order on column headers of diary screen

Added the ability to sort by any column headers on the Removals Diary screen. Previously, sorting was available for the description column only.

Click on column headers of Description/Date/Start/Diary/Ass/By/Brch/Web columns, which sorts the diary records accordingly.

286887 - New system parameters - Hide Lost or Cancelled Cost Options by default and Lock Cost Option Status for L or C cost options

When on, Lost and Cancelled cost options are hidden, and there is now a toggle in the costing screen to show these cost options.

Code: HideLostCancelledCostOptions
Description: Hide Lost or Cancelled Cost Options by default
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Code: LockCostOptionStatusLC
Description: Lock Cost Option Status for L or C cost options
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

This can be set to the security group where the user is able to unlock the Lost and Cancelled cost options.
When this is set, users without the security group are not able to uncancel the cost option, the status field is locked and the uncancel button is disabled for Lost and Cancelled options. Users with security group set can still unlock and change status of those cost options.

287222 - Bug Fix - Fixed View Tariff window to open on adding a new invoice

Fixed View Tariff window to open on adding a new invoice. Previously, the window would open only for manually added invoice detail records and displays 'Rate is Unavailable' for the invoice records added on a new invoice.

The user can add a new invoice where removal products are added in Invoice Details section. Select a record and click on folder with binocular icon ('View Details of Tariff Rate used for Selected charge) where the window is opened.

288928 - New Feature to Unlock/Unlink a Actual Cost from the Estimated Cost

New Feature to Unlock/Unlink a Actual Cost from the Estimated Cost when Creditor Product is set to Act Cost =-Est Cost equals Y in Creditor Product Administration

Previously when a Creditor Product was configured to Act Cost =-Est Cost equals Y users could not amend the Actual Qty Cost as it was always updated from the Estimated Cost.

In both removal costing and rate request costing screens, if the cost line is set to Act=Est ''Y'' in the creditor product, then Act columns are greyed out, there is now a new icon.button to unlock this feature, which then allows the user to edit Act Cost qty therefore updating the actual cost.

In an additional a bug fix was performed when updating act qty, if there is rate entered and not accrual = C, it should update Act Cost as well.

From removal costing screen, add a cost line where creditor product is set with Act=Est, check that the Act field is greyed out. Now click on unlock Act button, and check the field is editable, same from rate request costing screen.

290067 - New system parameter - Update Cost When Purchase Line Value Changed

This system parameter will cause any update to values on purchases linked to costing lines to automatically update the linked cost. In the past this would only happen when the purchase was posted.

Code: UpdateCostWhenValueChange
Description: Update Cost When Purchase Line Value Changed
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Go to a purchase where the purchase line is linked to a removal, modify the value on the purchase line and check that it is updated on the removal cost.

292950 - Bug Fix - Fixed rates no-lock error on updating rate and changing the row in browser

In Creditors > Creditor Products > Charge Rates Moveware had fixed rates no-lock error on updating rate and changing the row in browser. Previously, on updating the rate column, clicking on tab and changing the row in browser would display no-lock rates error.

The user can modify the rates value, click on tab and click on next row to update the rates again. This will update the rates accordingly without any error messages.

295240 - Costing - Don't create cost if No Cost Rate Found

We have extended existing functionality in Costing and Creditor Products to stop the creation of the costing line if no cost rate is found. In the past this was only able to happen if no price rate was found.

The existing field called in Creditor Products called Create if Cost Rate Found has been extended to have more options. these Include

N - This means the line will always create regardless of a cost or price rate being found
Y - Create only if a Price Rate is found
C - Create only if a Cost Rate is found
E - Create if either a Cost Rate or Price Rate is found
B - Create only if Both a Price Rate and a Cost Rate are found

296292 - New system parameter - Allow Update Insurance Qty and Sell after Costing is Locked

This system parameter will allow the insurance creditor product to update after costing is locked. Previously this was specifically coded just for Grospiron.

This will ONLY work where the Insurance line has a Cost and Sell Tariff in the creditor product line.

This only works on Non Invoiced locked Cost Options, once the Cost Option is Invoiced the Insurance is also locked as per standard functionality

Code: AllowUpdateInsuranceAfterCostngLock
Description: Allow Update Insurance After Costing Lock
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Turn on system parameter, lock cost option, check insurance creditor products on the costing can still updated by updating the Qty and or the Details Tab to push the insurance value into the Qty Field of the Insurance creditor product.

296644 - New system parameter - AllowEditCostingWhenPurchaseCreated

This system parameter will allow users to be able to edit costing screen bottom section even when a purchase has been created on the cost. When it is set to C, only comments can be updated. When set to N do not allow editing as is previously.

Code: Allow Edit Costing When Purchase Created
Desc: AllowEditCostingWhenPurchaseCreated
Options: Y - Allow, C - Allow Comments only, N - Do not allow
Default: N

Set system parameter and check if can edit the costing bottom section according to the settings.

297475 - New Validation - To not update creditor for costs linked to a purchase or purchase order.

Added a validation on all selected costs when assigning a creditor, should not update costs linked to a purchase or purchase order. Previously, on selecting multiple costs if a cost linked to a purchase/purchase order was selected and another without a purchase/purchase order was also selected the user could still update the creditor on the cost linked to a purchase/purchase order.

The user can select the costs with and without purchase/purchase order linked and click on creditor button which displays the validation message.

297984 - Rates Management - Valid To filter

A filter for the Valid To date has been added to Rates Management. It will only display on screen when the screen shows the Valid From and Valid To columns (screen resolutions greater than 1600 pixels wide). The filter will allow users to enter a date and see all the valid rates from that date onward. Next to the filter is a toggle which will allow the users to display all expired rates based on the date entered.

For example:

Valid To filter = 01/01/18

  • Toggle not selected: all rates without a Valid To date or with a Valid To date after 01/01/18 will show (all valid rates as of 01/01/18).

  • Toggle selected: all rates rates with a Valid To date prior to 01/01/17 will show (all expired rates as of 01/01/18).

300063 - Two new system parameters - Default Net Gross Ratio and Use Service Net Gross Ratio On Removal

  1. Default Net Gross Ratio

When this is set to a number, the default ratio will be defaulted to this number, otherwise it is not used.

  1. Use Service Net Gross Ratio On Removal

When set to Y, if service is put in on creation of removal, or when service is changed, the Service Net Gross Ratio is used, there is a prompt when service is changed to ask if user wants to update the Net Gross Ratio.

Code: DefaultNetGrossRatio
Description: Default Net Gross Ratio
Options: N - No, Any number for ratio
Default: N

Code: UseServiceNGOnRemoval
Desc: Use Service Net Gross Ratio On Removal
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N


300653 - Bug Fix - When moving purchase in costing screen should only move actuals

When in the costing screen, moving a purchase from one cost option to another cost option should move actuals only, not est and price.

Go to costing screen, select a cost line with purchase attached, click blue move button to move to another cost option, check that the actuals are moved to new cost line but est and price are not moved.

300844 - Bug Fix - Updating Tax Code on all Purchase Charges

On the Purchase and Purchase Order charge lines there is a field above the Tax Code column which allows users to update the tax code on all charge lines. When doing this it was discovered the tax was not calculated correctly on the Rate column. This has been rectified.

On Purchases or Purchase Orders with existing charge lines, the user can double click the field above the Tax Code column and select a tax code to update all the charge lines. Once the code is selected the user may hit the Return/Enter key to update all the charges with the selected tax code.

237895 - Fixed the focus to RP filter when pressing F12

Previously, on opening Removals lookup dialogue by pressing F12 on your keyboard the cursor would point to event button rather than RP number filter. Moveware has now fixed the focus to point to RP filter rather than event button.

The user can press F12 where cursor positions into the RP Number filter.

248055 - CTRL + A - To select all text in fill-ins, editor and editable browsers

When no menu is setup with a shortcut key combination of Ctrl + A, Moveware has enabled the ability to select all text in fill-ins, editor and editable browsers on pressing Ctrl + A keys. Previously, pressing Ctrl + A would not work.

The user can set 'Accelerator key' field as blank of Agents menu, close and open the Moveware application. The Ctrl-A key on any fill-ins,editor or editable browser will select the whole text of that field.

The user can set 'Accelerator key' field of Agents menu as 'Ctrl-A' and close and open Moveware application. The Ctrl+A key will open Agents screen.

261449 - Modify Removals/Jobs Module - Enhanced to include Rate Request

The Modify Removal Module has been enhanced to include a new Radio Button that changes the module to work with Rate Requests.

Previously, this module was designed only to work with removals records.

The user can navigate Administration > Utilities > Modify Removals and can select the radio button 'Rate Request' and set the filters and actions to perform a bulk update of Rate Requests.

By clicking the 'Modify' button, the user can update the rate request records based on the criteria selected.

264794 - Added field External Assigned to Removals Diary

Added External Assigned field to the Removals Diary screens. This field is controlled by system parameters. When set to Y the field is displayed as an email field where system can assign an external email address to the field and send correspondence to that email address. When the parameter is C, it will lookup a list of Diary Assigned codes to set against the diary action.

Code: DiaryExternalAssigned
Description: To display External Assigned field in diary tab.
Values: N = No, Y = Yes, C- Code lookup
Default: N

The user can set the above system parameter to 'Y' which displays the External Assigned field at the bottom and can be saved against the diary. If the above system parameter is set as 'N', the field is hidden.

Also, External Assigned field is set as read only for completed diary actions if system parameter 'AllowEditCompletedDiary' - To allow editing of completed diary actions is set as 'N'.

As the user enters the characters in the fill-in, list of email addresses are popped down so that user can select from the list.

276505 - New System Parameters - 4 new system parameters added for updating removal from rate request and vise versa

UpdateRateRequestfromRemoval and UpdateRemovalfromRateRequest are lists of parameters to update, for example: Volume,Service etc. They can be a comma separated list or use ALL to update all parameters, blank means do not update.

UpdateRateRequestfromRemovalStatus and UpdateRemovalfromRateRequestStatus are set to Statuses for updating, if Y then update all statues, else update status greater than set, for example if set to P. then update if P or W etc.


Code: UpdateRateRequestfromRemoval
Description: Update Rate Request from Removal
Options: Comma separated list

Code: UpdateRemovalfromRateRequest
Description: Update Removal from Rate Request
Options: Comma separated list

Code: UpdateRateRequestfromRemovalStatus
Description: Update Rate Request from Removal Status
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Code: UpdateRemovalfromRateRequestStatus
Description: Update Removal from Rate Request Status
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Go to removal screen and update a removal that is linked to a rate request, there should be a message asking if want to update rate request from removal, if answer yes then rate request parameters will be updated according to the parameter list set.

Go to rate request screen and update a rate request linked to a removal, there should be a message asking if want to update removal from rate request, if answer yes then removal parameters will be updated according to the parameter list set.

If the statuses on removal and rate request are smaller than statuses set in the system parameter then no message will appear to update and will not be updated.

278078 - New Field - Added Use Branch field to Diary Action setup

Added 'Use Branch' field to Diary Action setup. When set, the diary action will be set against this Branch whenever it is added to a Removal.

Double click on the 'Use Branch' field in Diary Actions Setup and select a branch. Add the diary action to any Removal. The Branch of this diary action will be set to this branch every time, regardless of the Branch of the Removal. This is useful if a particular branch needs to perform an operational action no matter which other branch opens the Removal.

280971 - Bug Fix - Add of a discussion from contact tab of removals

Fixed a bug on addition of a Discussion from Removals Contact screen where the label on the subject line previously displayed 'Comment', this has been changed to display 'Subject'

From removal contact tab, add a new discussion, check that the first line has label 'Subject' not 'Comment'

281321 - Customizable text box in Removals and Daily Diary

A customizable text box has been added to the top of the Removals and Daily Diary screens. It will display no matter which tab the user is on, since it is on the top section, to the right of the Exit button.

Paragraphs, filter by Template. Enter new template with Code = RemovalDetails, Description = Removal Details.

This text box can be configured in the Paragraphs screen to display dynamic information (also known as Merge fields). For instance, if is added to the setup, it will display the Order Number of the Removal that is being viewed at the top of the screen. It can help lessen the number of times a user bounces between tabs.

282624 - Bug Fix - Fixed setting reminders on child diary actions when parent diary action date is set

Fixed setting reminders on child diary actions when parent diary action date is set. Previously, reminders are not set for child diary actions when the parent diary action is completed and has a date set.

When a parent diary action is completed, reminders on its child diary actions will be created based on the variance set on the parent diary action.

283814 - New system parameter - Lock Invoice Order When Liked to Cost Option

This system parameter will disable ordering on invoice lines if the invoice is linked to a cost option. The ordering of invoice lines will inherit that of cost option.

Code: LockInvoiceOrder
Description: Lock Invoice Order When Liked to Cost Option
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

For invoices generated from Costing, the ordering buttons will be hidden. If the invoice is unlinked from the cost option the ordering buttons will then appear (as they do for manual invoices). If the invoice is linked back to the cost option, invoice lines are reordered to that on the cost option.

284281 - Appointment Diary - Virtual Survey

Moveware has enabled the ability to book ''Virtual'' surveys into the Appointment Diary. These can be added in same manner as adding the current Survey, but Moveware now offers a Survey Type field for systems using the new Details Browser within the Details tab of Removals Management. With the Survey Type field enabled, systems can add a Virtual Survey diary action that populates into the Appointment Diary. These surveys can be displayed in different background colour within the Appointment Diary to differentiate them from ''Onsite'' surveys.

To setup the Survey Type within the Removals Management > Details tab the following needs to be completed. Contact MoveSupport if assistance is required.

1 - In Codes Management filter by type Removal Details. Scroll through the list to find the record with Code = Date Survey Type. Set this to Active and have it setup to display in the manner the system required.
2 - In Codes Management filter by type Survey. There should be 2 records setup by default with codes, Onsite and Virtual. Make sure these are set to Active.
3 - In Codes Management filter by type Appointment. Scroll through the list and find the record where Code = Virtual Survey. Set this to Active and if required assign a value to the Colour field if the virtual survey is to display with a different background colour.
4 - In Dairy Actions find the existing Survey diary action. Create a Copy of this action and modify the Code to Virtual Survey.

With the above setup users will be able to enter the survey into the Appointment Diary from the Removals Management > Details tab (as they have in the past), but now have the ability to set the type of Survey. When the Survey Type = Virtual, a Virtual Survey diary action will be created for the job. Any other survey type will create the standard Survey diary action that already exists in Moveware.

285707 - Modified system parameter to be set based on branch and cost centre to validate Load Date field

The Validate Load Date system parameter has been modified to be set based on branch and/or cost centre to validate Load Date field. Previously, the system parameter is set as 'Y' or 'N' so that Load date field is validated for all branches and cost centres.

Code: sysparam-upliftdate
Description: Validate Uplift Date
Options: N - No, Y - Yes, status from which to validate *
Default: N

  • value can be set to N or Y or status based on cost center or branch

For example, if the system parameter is set as I,SYD[IMP:N] then Load Date field is default validated for status 'I' except for when the removal is assigned to branch SYD and type IMP. The system can be setup for special cases for just a branch or just a cost center or a combination of both.

286057 - Bug Fix - Fixed removals Follow Up Date field getting set if parent and child diary actions are set

Fixed removals Follow Up Date field getting set if parent and child diary actions are set. Previously, Follow Up Date field is not updated once the parent/child diary actions are updated in diary tab.

The user can complete parent diary action which sets the date in child diary action with variance which in turn updates the date in Removals > Details tab.

287571 - New System Parameter - Check for active storage account when closing a removal

With this system parameter enabled, on closing and removal in Moveware with an active storage account, the user will receive a prompt asking if they wish to proceed. Previously Moveware did not validate for active storage accounts.

Code: CheckActiveStorageOnRemovalClose
Description: Check for active storage account when closing a removal
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

To activate this check change the value of system parameter 'CheckActiveStorageOnRemovalClose' to Y

287897 - Bug Fix - Fixed red colour display on Service Due column if date is prior to to the service reminder date

In Fleet Management, a fix has been made to the red colour display on Service Due column if date is prior to to the service reminder date. Previously, the date column would display red on the reminder date.

The user can add the vehicle from details tab, add service due from history tab, set the date and save the record. If the date is prior to the reminder date then service due column is displayed red along with Next service field in details tab displaying red.

287989 - Bug Fix - Bug when saving Additional Notes in the Diary tab

Previously there is a bug with saving additional notes in diary screen. This has been rectified.

In the Removals > Diary tab, if the user did not click on any diary actions and left the first diary action selected, then right click in the additional notes field and paste text. After that if the user clicked on complete diary button (tick icon), then selected Yes to the prompt the notes would disappear.

287990 - Bug Fix - Deleting agent groups

A bug was identified when users delete a group from the group list that clears the list of groups for the agent. An error message regarding the buffer_table was presented. This issue has been resolved.

From agents screen, in the search screen type in agent code so only one agent is on screen. Clicking on the Details tab and add a group to the agent, then delete the group. When clicking save the error message was presented.

288738 - Added Multi Language support for the Removals Inventory Tab

On the Removals Inventory screen, Moveware will now display in the language of the user logged in if the 'Enable Multi-Language Support' system parameter is turned on and translations have been added for the required translations

The display of the fields and labels will be translated into the Interface Language setting for the user as long as the required translations have been added

290056 - New System Parameter - To not create multiple tasks in outlook calendar

Added a new system parameter to not create multiple tasks in Outlook Calendar. Previously, if existing task/calendar is updated, multiple tasks are sent to Outlook Calendar.

Code: DontCreateDuplicateAppointments
Description: To not create multiple appointments in outlook calendar.
Values: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

The user can set the above system parameter to 'Y' and update the existing task/appointment and multiple invitation is not sent to Outlook Calendar.

290160 - New System Parameter - Allow cost option linked to a invoice that has been credited

Added a new system parameter to allow cost option linked to a invoice that has been credited to have a purchase raised for it. Previously, if the cost option is linked to a invoice then credit note cannot be created.

Code: CostAllowPurchaseOnCredited
Description: To allow cost option linked to a invoice that has been credited
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

The user can set the above system parameter to 'Y' where it allows cost option to create a credit note and if the system parameter is set as 'N', it displays a message saying ''The Cost option is either Credited or is a Credit Note''.

290214 - New system parameter - Show Debtor Balance in Removals Detail Screen

When this system parameter is on the Removal Details screen show the debtor balance if there is a debtor on the removal.

Code: ShowDebtorBalance
Description: Show Debtor Balance in Removals Detail Screen
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Go to removal detail screen and check the debtor balance is shown on screen.

290388 - New System Parameter - Show Sequence Jobs Separately in KPI Screen

By default the KPI screen treats sequence jobs as a part of their parent job and would therefore merge all of the KPI diary actions spread out through the same Parent + sequence jobs into one row in the KPI screen.

This new system parameter for force the system to treat sequence jobs as completely separate jobs and will therefore show as separate rows in the KPI screen.

Code: KPIShowSequences
Description: Show Sequence Jobs Separately in KPI Screen
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

e.g. If an KPI has 2 diary actions 'Start Job' & 'Finish Job' and the 'Start Job' diary action is on the Parent Job 100001 whereas the 'Finish Job' diary action is on the sequence Job 100001A then on the KPI screen, there would by default only be 1 line showing:


When the system Parameter 'Show Sequence Jobs Separately in KPI Screen' is turned on, the above scenario will show the following 2 lines in the KPI screen:


290751 - Bug Fix - On new removal detail screen

In the past when on the new removal detail screen, when changing status or branch, and click save, the cursor jumps to removal number and the user needs to click save again to actually save the changes.

This bug has been resolved.

290944 - New system parameter - Show Account Manager In Removal Search Screen

Show the Acct Manager filter in Removal Search screen.

Code: ShowAcctManagerInRemovalSearch
Description: Show Account Manager In Removal Search Screen
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

An account manager filter has been added to the Removals Search Screen.

291013 - Bug Fix - Fixed lookup records filtering based on Default and Exclude Type set in codes management

Fixed lookup records filtering based on Default and Exclude Type set in Codes Management. Initially records did not display in lookup even if the Type is entered in Default Type field in Codes Management.

The user can set the Default and Exclude Type fields in Codes Management where the Service lookup is filtered accordingly.

291315 - Bug Fix - Fixed toggle disappearing when switched between Inventory tab and other screens

Fixed toggle disappearing when switched between Inventory tab and other screens. Previously, description toggle disappears on switching between Removals Inventory or Storage Inventory and any other screens.

The user can check the description toggle in Inventory tab and switch to other screens. The toggle is still displayed when Inventory tab is clicked again.

291663 - New System Parameter - Default Job Inventory to Fine Art view

Currently, for companies not using the Fine Art module, on certain cost centres (namely FAR, IMF & EXF), the inventory tab will default to a special view catered for Fine Art.
The new system parameter ''Cost Centres where Default Job Inventory is the FAR View'' allows this list of cost centres to be customisable.

Code: DefaultInventToFARView
Description: Cost Centres where Default Job Inventory is the FAR View
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

By default the new system parameter 'Cost Centres where Default Job Inventory is the FAR View' will be set to 'FAR,IMF,EXF'. However, this list can be customised so that other cost centres will also default to the fine art view. If no cost centres should take this view, then simply set the system parameter to 'N'

292267 - Bug Fix - Fixed browser popup on switching the tabs when a removal record is not saved

In Removals Details, Moveware has fixed a browser popup on switching between tabs when a removal record is not saved. Previously, on modifying the removal record and switching tabs without saving, the list from the Details screen would overlay on the screen.

The user can modify the details on removal record, click on any other tabs which prompts to save, select 'No' and no details browser is displayed.

292337 - New system parameter - Refind Rate On Calctype Change in Diary Resource

When turned on and user changes the calc type in diary resource screen, the system should refind the rate according to the new calc type entered, the calc type should then stick with the resource and not be override when the user saves the diary action again (only if the rate is found).

Code: RefindRateOnCalctypeChange
Description: Refind Rate On Calc Type Change in Diary Resource
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Turn on system parameter, set up rates for different calc types, go to diary resource and update calc type, check new rate is found and updated, click save and check the rate and calc type does not change.

292566 - Added sender details and time on adding note for discussion on first time

Added sender details and time on adding note for discussion on first time. Previously, sender details are displayed only on adding a note for existing discussion in the Removals Contact screen.

The user can add a new discussion by clicking on 'Add' button which sends an email and right hand side updates with sender details and message.

293117 - New System Parameter - New Task to be Cost Option Specific (based on All Cost Options Flag)

This system parameter will allow adding of diary tasks to the highlighted cost option when 'Use Diary Based Resource Costing' is set to 'Y'.

Note that if there is a diary action setup for the specific task the user is adding, then it will honour the 'All Cost Option' flag set on the diary action setup and show across all cost options if that flag is set to 'Y'. This is in accordance with adding a standard diary action on the job and/or cost option.

Code: CostOptionTask
Description: New Task to be Cost Option Specific (based on All Cost Options Flag)
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Standard Operation on adding Diary Tasks.

293317 - New System Parameter - Validate Estimated Delivery Date in Removal Details

To validate the Removal Estimate Delivery Date in Removal Details screen (new version only).

Code: ValidateEstDelDate
Description: Validate Estimated Delivery Date in Removal Details
Options: N - No, Y - Yes, [status] - Update for specific status or greater
Default: N

In Removal Details screen (new version only) > list on right hand side. Setting the parameter to Y will always values validate the field. Setting it to a specific status will validate for that status and greater (i.e. P = Update from status P onward).

293349 - New system parameter - Update Price Calc Type

Previously there was only one calc type on costing line, since price calc type was introduced the user no longer can update the price calc type on the costing line. The new system parameter allows users to update price calc type from est calc type from costing line.

Desc:Update Price Calc Type
Options: Y - always update, P - Prompt for update, N - no update
Default: N

Go to costing screen and update calc type, if the system parameter is set to Y, price calc type is then updated automatically, if set to P, there is a prompt to update price calc type. Otherwise it is not updated.

293436 - Displaying unique removal record entries in Creditor Management > History tab

Displaying unique removal record entries even if multiple purchases are assigned to removals. Previously, the number of removal record entries is equal to the number of purchases assigned to removal causing duplicate entries. If a creditor was used on multiple costs for one job the History tab was showing one record for each cost. This no longer happens.

The user can click on history tab of Creditor Management which displays unique removal records even if multiple purchases are linked to removals.

293704 - New System Parameter - Allow Adding of Containers To Removals Unlinked to Storage Accounts

Previously Moveware would only allow Storage container to be added to the resource tab of a removal if the removal was linked to a storage account.

The new system parameter when set toY will allow users to add storage container to the resource tab of a removal without a linked storage account.

Code: AllowAddContainerToUnlinkedRemoval
Desc: Allow Adding of Containers To Removals Unlinked to Storage Accounts
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Turn on system parameter and from removal resource tab of a removal users can add storage containers, without having to link removal to a storage account.

293722 - New Setting for System Parameter ''Stop Diary Calendar Date Warning''

Moveware had two conflicting system parameters ''Diary Operation Date Warning'' and ''Stop Diary Calendar Date Warning''. The ''Diary Operation Date Warning'' is the warning that pops up based on the Daily Diary Notes set by the Operations Managers, but when ''Stop Diary Calendar Date Warning'' was also set to Y this then also stopped the Diary Operation Date Warnings causing a conflict of the two system parameters.

We have created a new setting for system parameter ''Stop Diary Calendar Date Warning'' = 'O' This will allow the Operational warnings from the Daily Diary Notes from the Operation Manager

For 'Diary Operation Date Warning': set sysparam-spare[13] = 'Y'
for 'Diary Calendar Date Warning': set sysparam-nodatewarning = 'N'
for only 'Diary Operation Date Warning': set sysparam-spare[13] = 'Y' and sysparam-nodatewarning = 'O'

In diary screens

  • Operation > Claim > Claim Management > Diary

  • Removal Management > Diary

  • International > Rate Request Management > Diary

  • Waybill Management > Diary

294054 - Bug Fix - Fixed task diary actions not displaying in Task Diary with semicolon in Assigned field

Fixed task diary actions not displaying in Task Diary with semicolon in Assigned field. Previously, if a task diary is created and assigned to users separated by semicolon, the diary actions is not displayed in Task Diary for respective date and time.

The user can click on '+' icon in Removals > Diary tab and add a task diary by filling up the details along with Assigned field separated by semicolon (example MVO;FLA) and these diary actions are displayed in Task Diary screen.

295185 - New System Parameter - Creating Debtor/Customer From Removals Does Not Fall Back to Alternate Phone, Mobile, Email if blank

Currently when using the create Debtor Icon in the Removal Details Tab against the ''Delivery'' Address if the Phone, Mobile and Email were blank in the Delivery Address section the system had a fall back and use the Uplift Phone, Mobile and Email when creating the Debtor Record.

A new system parameter has been added to ignore this fallback when creating a Debtor/Customer from Removals Details and only use the information entered in section the Debtor/Customer is created from.

Code: DoNotUseFallBackCustomerAddress
Description: Creating Customer From Removals Does Not Fall Back to Alternate Phone, Mobile, Email if blank
Options: Y- Yes, N - No
Default Value: N

If the system parameter is set then the phone, mobile, and email only populate from the section where the added debtor is created from.

295273 - Bug Fix - Job details disappearing from Removals Management when using Advance Search

In the top left of the Removals Management screen, Moveware display the details of the currently selected job. There was a bug that would cause these details to disappear when using the Advance Search on the Search tab.

The user can click on binocular button and select a filter with value such that no records return.

Select a second filter such that records return and click on details tab where the removal number details are displayed on top left section.

296579 - New System Parameter - Stop the Cancellation of Cost Options with Scheduled Ops Diaries

When this system parameter is set to 'Y', it will prevent the user from cancelling cost options which has one or more valid operational diary with a date. This system parameter can also be set to 'W' to simply warn the user when cancelling a cost option with a scheduled operational diary but not prevent the cancelling from proceeding.

Code: StopCancellingScheduledCosting
Description: Stop the Cancellation of Cost Options with Scheduled Ops Diaries
Options: N - No, W - Warning, Y - Yes
Default: N

Set the system parameter 'Stop the Cancellation of Cost Options with Scheduled Ops Diaries' to 'Y' to prevent users from cancelling cost options with one or more operational diary with a date set.

Set the system parameter 'Stop the Cancellation of Cost Options with Scheduled Ops Diaries' to 'W' to warn users when cancelling cost options with one or more operational diary with a date set. The cancellation of the cost option will proceed after the warning.

296722 - New System Parameter - Re-name Map Ref to Floor

Using the system parameter the Map Ref is relabelled as 'Floor' on the Removals Details screen.

Code: RenameMapReftoFloor
Option: Y, N

With the parameter set to 'Y' the field is relabelled and the double clicking in the field opens the Floor lookup from Codes Management.

296730 - New System parameter - To update revenue only when total sell price is not zero

Added a new system parameter to update revenue only when total sell price is not zero. Previously, Revenue field is set to zero is sell prices were updated.

Code: DoNotUpdateRevenue
Description: To not update the revenue if total sell price is not zero
Values: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

The user can set the above system parameter to 'Y' such that revenue field is not updated.

297564 - New System Parameter - To display Diary Assignee codes lookup in External Assigned field in Diary tab

Added a new system parameter to display Diary Assignee codes lookup in External Assigned field in Diary tab. Previously, employee lookup is displayed to set the email address.

Code: ShowDiaryAssigneeLookup
Description: To display Diary Assignee lookup from codes.
Options: N - No, Y - Yes, C - Codes
Default: N

The user can't set the above system parameter to 'C' and double click on External Assigned field which displays lookup with Diary Assignee codes.

If the above system parameter is set to 'Y' then it displays the email lookup and set the email address.

298222A - System Parameter - New system parameter to hide removals Distance and Region fields based on cost centre and display Contact fields

Added new system parameter to hide Origin and Destination Distance and Region fields based on cost centre/branch and display Contact field. Previously, Distance and Port fields are displayed for all branch and cost centres.

Code: HideDistancePort
Description: Hide Distance and Port
Values: N - No, Y - Yes (can be setup to be Cost Centre and/or Branch specific)
Default: N

The user can set the system parameter to the above format which hides the Origin and Destination Distance and Port fields for those Cost Centres only and displays for the others.

Also, the user can enable the system parameter 'ShowContactInRemovals' to display Origin and Delivery Contact field.

298222B - Enhanced System Parameter - Hide Origin/Destination/Booker/Corporate fields

Added new settings to system parameter to hide Origin/Destination/Booker/Corporate fields. Previously the system parameter had two setting Y and N, Y would hide the Booker, OA and DA Field in Removal Details, now the user has the option to hide variable of these field including the Corporate and can do this at the Cost Centre Level as well.

Code: HideOADA
Description: Hide OA DA in removal detail screen
Values: Y,N,X,O,D,C,B
Default: N

The user can set the above values which hides the fields as below:-

N - Do not hide the above fields
Y - Hides Booker,Origin Agent and Destination Agent fields
X - Hides Corporate,Booking Agent,Origin Agent and fields
O - Hides Origin Agent
B - Hides Booking Agent
D - Hides Destination Agent
C - Hides Corporate

298222F - Enhanced Auto Populate fields on adding a record to be able to set at the branch and cost centre.

Fixed auto populate fields on adding a record based on branch and cost centre. Previously, fields were added for all branch and cost centres.

  • The user can set below settings in codes management under 'Default Screen Add' type.

Code Value: v-rpdetail.w
Description: removals
Comments: r-fadd1:[Type;sw;EXP]

298222O - System Parameter - Disable duplicate removal checker popup based on branch and cost centre

Updated the system parameter to disable duplicate removal record checker based on branch and cost centre. Previously, the system parameter can be either enabled or disabled and cannot be set for selective branch/ cost centres.

  • N : To disable duplicate removal record checker for all branches and cost centres.

  • Y : To enable duplicate removal record checker for all branches and cost centres.

  • N,FUR:Y - To enable duplicate record checker only for 'FUR' cost centres and popu

The user can set the system parameter 'sysparam-spare3[1] - Check for Duplicates on Removal Add' with below values to function accordingly.

298222R - Resizing - Resized furniture list horizontally based on screen resolution

Resized furniture list horizontally based on screen resolution. Previously, furniture list expanded only vertically based on screen resolution.

The furniture list on right hand side expands horizontally for screen resolution above 1364 so that description column is readable.

298429 - Re-highlight mandatory field when change removal status

Re-highlight mandatory field when there is a change in removal status in Removal Details screen (new version). Previously this light red highlight or mandatory fields only happened on the initial add on a job when the status was defaulted, and not after it was modified prior to saving the record.

Re-highlight mandatory field when change removal status in Removal Details screen (new version). This ability also works with Removal Type and Branch field.

298442 - Removals Contacts screen - Subject Filtering

The ability to filter based on the Subject of emails has been added to the Removals Contacts screen. Previously, filtering was done only with From/To column.

The user can enter the text in filter above 'From/To' column and filter the records if it matches Subject column or From/To column.

298450 - New System Parameter - To sort Agents lookup by name

Added a new system parameter to sort agents lookup by name.

Code: AgentsLookupSortName
Description: To sort the agents list by name in lookup.
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

The user can set the system parameter to 'Y' which sorts the Agents lookup based on name.

299622 - Bug Fix - Fixed diary sorting and flickering of diary records causing delay in refreshing of screen.

Fixed diary sorting and flickering of diary records causing delay in refreshing of screen. Previously, on updating date/ comment column would result in flickering of screen causing the delay in diary costings screen.

The user can update the date or comment column which updates the diary record refreshing the screen causing no delay.

299701 - New System Parameter - To check Notes Order toggle as default to order the messages.

On the Removals Contact tab a new system parameter has been added to select Notes Order toggle as default to order the messages. This toggle orders the Notes in from newest to oldest, previously all the latest messages are displayed at the end and oldest at the top where readability is difficult.

Code: CheckNotesOrderToggle
Description: To check notes order toggle by default in Notes dialogue to display from newest to oldest.
Values: N = No, Y = Yes
Default: N

The user can set the above system parameter where the 'Order' toggle displayed in messages section is checked displaying the latest discussions at top.

The toggle is also present in Notes lookup window which pops on clicking on 'Add Additional Notes' and binocular buttons.

300020 - New System Parameter - Update Blank Estimated Move Dates with Uplift Date

A system parameter has been added so that blank estimated move dates on a job will be updated with the uplift date after a sync from MoveSurvey.

Code: MSUpdateEstFromUplift
Description: Update Est Move date from Uplift Date when blank
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

This change only affects jobs that have no estimated move date set.

When the system parameter 'MSUpdateEstFromUplift' is set to Y, any job that is synced from MoveSurvey to Moveware will have a blank estimated move date updated to the current uplift date.

The estimated move date can still be updated manually, etc.

300129 - Marketing Field added to the new Details screen

Moveware has released a new field to use in the new Details screen of Removals Management (sysparam-spare7[41] - Use New Job Details Browser). The field is to keep track of whether the client has requested to Opt-out or Opt-in to marketing. If the user has specified they would like to Opt-out of marketing, when this field is set to Opt-out all diary actions assigned to the removal that are flagged as Marketing = Y in the Diary Actions setup, will be set to Cancelled. Meaning these diary actions will not send any automated emails to the client from that point in time on.

The new Details tab requires codes to be setup to display specific fields in the list on the right hand side. A new code of Marketing has been added to the Removals Details code types to represent this new field. The field can be setup like any other Removal Details field. By default it has a lookup to Marketing codes which have options or Opt-in and Opt-out and is set to Inactive. Therefore each system will need to have the Removal Details record set to Active to have this field setup.

300266 - Improved search speed when using the File filter

On the Removals Management > Search tab, it was noticed the speed of searching was slow when filtering by the File column. This was due to Moveware adding the ability to filter by the contents of the File field (match any part of the file field). When filtering this way, the speed of queries are diminished.

Moveware has a toggle that appears in the File column heading. When this is selected, Moveware will filter by the File field using a begins or starts with filter. Previously when using this method the speed of the query was poor. This should not be the case as this type of filtering should be faster. Moveware has improved its query to ensure when filtering using this method the speed of the query is maximised.

300431 - New System Parameter - To set Estimated Start Time if Actual Start Time is blank

From the Daily Diary, when entering the Start and Finish times through the dialog (system parameter New Times Entry) a new system parameter has been added to set the Start time to the Estimated Start Time if Actual Start Time is blank.

Code: SetEstimatedStartTime
Description: To set Start Time as Estimated Start time if Start Actual is blank.
Options: Y = Yes, N = No
Default: N

The user can set the above system parameter to 'Y' and double click in 'HrsA' or 'StartA' column which sets Start Time field to StartE value if StartA value is blank.

If the above system parameter is set as 'N' Start Time field is set as StartA value.

300727 - New System Parameter - Only load html editor for diary actions with existing html

A new system parameter has been added to only load the contents of the Addition Notes field in the Diary tab of Removals Management into the HTML editor if the contents of the field has HTML tags within it.

It has been reported that many diary actions just need to have notes added that can be printed into reports. However if the HTML editor loads and the contents updated, the details in the diary record will have HTML tag embedded. These tags are then printed onto reports.

Code: DiaryNotesHTML
Description: Only load html editor for diary actions with existing html
Options: Y- Yes, N - No
Default Value: N

Load details of the diary action in text editor not HTML editor.

301561 - Bug Fix - Costs overwriting data on other lines

A bug was identified where details from one cost were written onto a details on another cost. Previously Moveware was able to rectify this issue, however another method of doing this was identified where users entered a Sell price on one cost, clicked on the Creditor column of another cost and then hit save. The details of the previous record were updated with the details from the current selected record.

It was identified that when doing the above, the costs records were not properly selecting within the browser due to triggers not firing as expected. Fixes have been put in place so that the correct triggers are fired and the records are refreshed correctly.

302325 - Bug Fix - System parameter AllowPrinterToDiary

Previously when this system parameter was on, the diary additional notes field will say printed to printer name even when the user exported to PDF rather than print. Wording has been altered according to what action the user has selected.

Turn on system parameter AllowPrinterToDiary, set report to update diary Y. When printing the report check the Additional Notes field in the diary is updated to say report printed to PDF. Test this on email and print preview as well.

302398 - Bug Fix - Fixed input error on selection of Service/Method fields in Rate Request screen

Fixed input error on selection of Service/Method fields in Rate Request screen. Previously, on selecting a value from Service/Method drop down list will display type mismatch of cost centre.

The user can select the Service or Method fields from drop down list and save the rate request record without any error pop ups.

298920 - New option Report Type 'URL' to load a webpage.

In Report screen when selecting the report and click print, preview or pdf button, it will launch the default browser and open the URL that specified in the report configuration.

In Report Config screen
Report Type = URL
File name = (URL link, URL path)

272964 - Enhanced Saved/Custom User Report Functionality to give user the ability to edit existing Saved Report Filters/Setup

Previously when a user would save a Report using the disk icon in the reports module it would create a copy of this report in the users log in saving the Filters and Groups setup by the user at the time of the save. This custom report could not be amended or edited it could only be removed by selecting the save (disc icon) a second time and the user would be prompted to remove the saved report from the their log in.

Moveware has enhanced this function to enable the user edit existing customised/saved Reports in their Log in.

Users can select a previously saved/custom report and make changes to the Filters and or Groups and select the Save icon again (disk icon) in the Reports module.

Users will be prompted if they would like to ''Update Custom User Reports?'' Yes to this prompt will re-save the custom report and any changes to the Filter/Groups the user has made. It also gives them an opportunity to rename the Report as they are saving the changes. If the answers No to this prompt it will then go back to the default functionality and prompt the user to decide if the would like to ''Remove Custom User Report'' as per previous behaviour.

275759 - New System Parameter - Disable Crystal Reports Output Type

Added the ability to disable a particular Crystal Reports output type if required via the use of the system parameter 'DisableCROutputTypes'.

E.g. A company wishes to disable the ability to export any crystal reports to Word company wide.

Code: DisableCROutputTypes
Description: To disable a particular Crystal Reports output type
Options: Comma separated list of output types [Excel,Word,Email,PDF,Preview,Print]

Filling the value field with a comma separated list of the following values 'PDF,Excel,Word,Email,Preview,Print' will disable the selected option when users attempt to generate the reports from Reports Screen or the quick print dialogues.

Actual reports created from Word Mail Merges, PDF and Excel reports are not affected, only crystal reports.

289701 - Destination Summary Screen - Access to Destination Summary Report

Operations > Destination Summary
Users now have the ability to run the Destination Summary report from this screen which takes the existing screen filters used into account.

In the Destination Summary Screen, press the print button located next to the 'Refresh Current Search' button.

291814 - Replace Waybill in Title of Reports

Moveware can be setup with a replacement name for the term Waybill (generally replaced with Manifest). Any reports related to Waybill will display the custom naming in the title of the report.

Report -> Analysis -> Waybill

  • Waybill Accruals

  • Waybill Profit & Loss

Report -> Operations -> Other

  • Unwaybilled Removals Summary

Report -> Export

  • Air Waybill.


  • Waybill Report

299106 - New System Parameter - Create diary action reference by Report Source

Previously in Moveware, a diary action created from running a report will create against a main records in the following order (depending on where the report was run): Removal, Rate Request, Debtors, Creditors, Waybills, then Agents.

This would ignore any setting for the source of the report. It was mainly found that for email reports set with Source = Waybill, the diary action would create against all removals on the waybill, but not actually against the waybill.

Code: ReportUseSourceDiary
Description: Allocate report diary action according to report source
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

This system parameter will force Moveware to check the Source set against the report (on the Email tab of Report configuration) and will assign the diary action the linked record according.

263724 - Added a 'Show In Store Items Only' toggle for All Storage Inventory Screen

In the 'All Inventory' tab of storage management, there is now a toggle to only show items that are still in Store.

Previously users would see all items in the All Inventory tab of storage management. Users can now check the 'Show In Store Items Only' toggle next to the date out filters to show just those that are in store.

284029 - Bug Fix - Print date not set properly on invoices when using Multi Print

When printing/emailing Storage invoices using the multiple print function (to generate a PDF and email the invoice to clients) a bug was found where the ONLY the print date on the last invoice for the Debtor was set, and all other Invoices print date was not set causing issues when posting Invoices to the Ledger, as updating Invoices to Status U on some system requires a Print Date to be set.

Run multi print of an invoice report in reports, email the invoice(s), and check print date is set on the invoice

284874-042 - System Parameter - Extended 'UseMinStorageRate' to always display the binocular button to view and set the minimum

Extended 'UseMinStorageRate' system parameter to always display the binocular button to view and set the minimum. Previously this button was only visible if the rate assigned to the storage charge line had a min or max value set.

Code: UseMinStorageRate
Description: Use Minimum Storage Value.
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

The above system parameter can be set as 'A' which will display the binocular button beside Refresh button.

The user can add storage charge line and set the minimum rate.

On setting the Date Out field and clicking on calculator button where Value column sets the value based on the minimum rate.

The user can select the storage account in Storage > Storage Invoicing screen and hit 'Calculate Storage' button which will set the Value column to minimum value set by using binocular button.

288594 - New System Parameter - Don't Update Insurance Value From Object Master

For use with the Fine Art Module: In standard Moveware Function the Object Value is pushed down to the Insured Value Field on the Job/Storage Object record when using the Red Refresh in the Inventory Tab of the Removal or Storage Account. This was causing an issue because in some cases the Insured Value was adjusted on the Storage Account/Removal Plan to be different to that of the Object Value as to reduce Insurance premium costs. So the adjusted Insured value was lost at the Object Level on the Removal/Storage Account when user selected the Red Refresh.

This new System Parameter disables the update of the Insured Value on the red refresh.

Code: DontUpdateInsFromMaster
Description: Dont Update Insurance Value From Object Master
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

From removal or storage Inventory screens, when updating using red refresh button, the insured value is not updated from master object file.

296712 - New System Parameter - Display Storage Insurance Value field and toggle beside it

Added a new system parameter to display Storage Insurance Value field and Insurance toggle in Storage Details screen. Previously, Storage Insurance Value field is displayed only for one company and now it is controlled by a system parameter.

Code: DisplayInsuranceValue
Description: To display Storage Insurance value field
Values: N - No,Y - Yes
Default: N

The user can set this system parameter to 'Y' and view the Storage Insurance field in storage details tab, set the value and hit Save button which records an event log against the storage record.

The user can also select the removal plan which sets the Insurance Value field to removals Insurance Value recording a event log.

The user can add inventory items in Storage > Inventory tab and set the Ins Value column where the total of all Ins Value of inventory items added is set as Storage Insurance Value in details tab along with event log if insurance toggle is checked in details tab. If the toggle is unchecked, Insurance Value in details tab is not updated.

273116 - System Parameter Modification - Show Gross Verified Weight field in Waybill Details

In the previous version of Moveware the Verified Gross Weight (VGW) field was added to the Waybill Details screen, this would simply total all the gross weight values of the containers used on the waybill using current weight fields.

This system parameter has been enhanced to introduce two additional weight fields against the Container in the Waybill Details Tab Inventory Table Tare and Content - user are now able to enter the Container ''Tare'' weight, the Container ''Contents/HHGS'' weight and the Container ''VGW - Gross Weight''

Code: WaybillShowGVW
Description: Show Gross Verified Weight field in Waybill Details
Options: N = No, Y = Yes
Default Value: N

With this system parameter is enabled two new columns appear in the Wabull Inventory Table (Tare and Content) are visible within the Inventory table on Waybill section of the Details tab in Waybill Management. Users are able to enter the Tare, Content and/or VGW values for the container. Once two of these values are entered the third will be calculated. Eg. VGW = Tare + Contents or Contents = VGW - Tare.

293688 - Event Logging - Waybill Details Screen

Previously all waybill field were not recorded in the event log if edited, Moveware has Increased the event log to all field in the Waybill details tab excluding the 'Inventory used on Waybill'

When users edit any field in the Waybill Details Tab an event log should be created for all changes.

296068 - Bug Fix - Waybill Details > Destination field

Fixed has been implemented for the Destination field on the Waybill Details screen. Previously there were issues when editing a waybill and the field not holding onto the data after the record way saved for the first time. This would only happen if the user manually entered the data and did not use the available lookup.

The user can add a new waybill or update the existing waybill with destination field typed in manually which would save the value.

296723 - Dest THC field - List of options built from Codes Management

The waybill Dest THC field is built from Codes management. Previously, the list items in the combo-box was defaulted to 3 items - 'Private,Collect,Included'. rather than having only 'Private,Collect,Included' records in Dest THC combo-box, user can set in codes management to have to control the list.

Add records to Codes Management with Code Type = 'Dest THC'

The user can add the Dest THC code type records in codes management which is built in waybill Dest THC combo-box.

299611 - New System Parameter - Update the number of vehicles on the waybill from number of vehicles on the removals

A new system parameter has been added to update the number of vehicles on a waybill from the total number of vehicles from all the removals on the waybill.

Code: UpdateWaybillVehiclesFromRP
Description: Update the number of vehicles on the waybill from number of vehicles on the removals
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

When updating the number of vehicles on a removal the number of vehicles on the waybill will auto update to the sum of the vehicles on all removals on the waybill.

301372 - Waybill Management - View documents from waybill and all removals on the waybill

On the Removals tab of Waybill Management a new button has been added to view all the documents for the waybill and all removals on the waybill. It is the same button that is available when sending a waybill through MoveTransfer.

The dialog that appears lists all the documents and record to which they relate. It enables the user open the selected file, and select multiple files and print them to the users default printer.

300092 - Displaying Last Hubo column and Tyres field for TMC company only in Fleet screen

Added code to hide Last Service column and display Last Hubo column with background colour based on Max RUC field. Also added Tyres field.

The user can view the Last Hubo column which displays red background if within 500 or greater than Max RUC value for that fleet.

The tyres field can be used to save the type details of each fleet.

298826 - Timesheet branch - Set as removal branch when selected from removal lookup

In the Timesheets screen Moveware will set the removal branch rather than employee branch when selecting from the removal lookup. Previously, employee branch is set when selected from removal lookup.

The user can select from Additional combo-box which displays the removal lookup. The removal branch is set on selecting the record from lookup rather than employee lookup.

298222P - Daily Diary screen changes to add Name button to switch between columns and bug fix for address filter

Added a button in Name column to switch between Name/Delivery Name/Bill To columns.
Action column to display diary description as default if Diary combo-box is set as Neumbol only for Henk company.
Fixed Address filter to match with uplift and delivery addresses along with Removals Suburb/Post/Country code.

The user can click on button in Name column which displays removals Uplift Name/ Delivery Name / Bill To Name. This button is visible only for Henk company.

The user can select on Diary combo as 'Neumbol' which displays Action column with diary description as default only for Henk company and still can switch with diary type by clicking on the button in 'Action' column.

The Address filter filters based on removals Uplift and Delivery Suburb/Post/Country Code or matches diary Uplift and Delivery addresses.

296230 - Alexanders - Status and Survey Date changes

Specific to Alexanders - When adding a survey date on a job on status N, Moveware will automatically update the job status to I. When changing a job from status I to status N, the survey date, time and sales rep will be cleared.

These changes are specific to Alexanders.

298877 - New Validation - Added validations for I,P,W status only for Alexanders only.

Added validations for status I,P and W status.

The details tab displays validation messages when removal record is saved and below fields are blank.

1.Est Move Date
2.Inquiry Type - System Parameter sysparam-spare6[8] ('Validate Removal Inquiry Type') can be set as 'Y' to enable this validation.
4.C: Property Type - Spare2
5.C: Floor - Est Delivery Date
6.C: Lift - Spare1
7.C: Parking - Spare3
8.D: Property Type - Storage Quoted To
9.D: Floor - Extra Labour Destination Overtime
10.D: Lift - SIT Miles
11.D: Parking - Dates Certain

297171 - Bug Fix - Fixed tab order on Object management for Cadogan Tate

Fixed tab order on Object management for Cadogan Tate. Previously, on clicking tab would set the cursor position in random fields and not in order. This is due to the order of fields being different for Cadogan Tate to the standard Moveware setup.

The user can press tab and the cursor position is set in order.

298036 - Set Move Manager and Salesrep field as blank on creating removals from Rate Request -Dehaan Only

Set Move Manager and Salesrep field as blank on creating removals from Rate Request. Previously, Move Manager is set as Rate Request Entered By field and Salesrep as Acct Mgr field.

The user can click on yellow post button to create removal plan from rate request where removals Salesrep and Move Manager are set as blank.

298222L - Created Est Delivery Key Action

Previously Estimated Delivery Field existed in Removal Details, but there was no Key Action to Link a Diary Action to the DetailsTab Field. Moveware has added Est Delivery key action to work as Est Move key action with Delivery date.

The user can set the key action of diary as 'Est Delivery' and add the same diary action in removals diary with the date set. The date is updated in removals details against Est Delivery Date field in removals details dates section.

298222C - Repositioned Suburb and Post fields in removals details screen - Henk Only.

Repositioned Suburb and Post fields in removals details screen. Previously, Suburb field is displayed followed by Post field in both Client and Delivery section. This is not available as a general release as it is part of a general display implementation for Henk.

The user can view that Post field is displayed first followed by Suburb field in both client and Delivery section.

298222D - Client and Delivery email fields are moved under mobile fields - Henk Only

Client and Delivery email fields are moved under mobile fields. Previously, Email fields are displayed beside mobile fields on both client and delivery section. This is not available as a general release as it is part of a general display implementation for Henk.

The email fields of client and delivery are displayed below mobile fields only for Henk company.

298222E - Agent Lookup Filter - Default type filter to FUR for FUR removals only - Henk Only

The agent lookup type filter is defaulted to 'FUR' only for 'FUR' removal types. Previously, the type is set as blank for all removal types.

The user can double click on Client/Delivery field which for 'FUR' removal types and select Agent radio button on right which defaults the type filter to 'FUR'.

Also, when clicked on 'Lookup and use a agent address' button (face icon at bottom) of Uplift and Delivery address section will default type filter to 'FUR' for 'FUR' removal types.

298222I - New Distribution Screen - Created for use in New Furniture Module - HENK Only

New Distribution Summary Search screen is modified version of the Destination Summary created for use with New Furniture Distribution.

  • Order Number column is displayed next to Address column along with filter which displays removals order number.

  • Name column – The arrow button is displayed in Name column which switches between Client Name and Delivery Name.

  • Bill To column

298222J - Goggle Map icon - Added map icon on Destination Summary screen to display Delivery Address location

Added map icon on Destination Summary screen to display Delivery Address locations.

The user can select the records to be mapped by double clicking which highlights the row in yellow color and click on map icon which directs to a web page displaying delivery address locations.

298222K - Delivery Time - Added to Waybill Removals Tab for larger screen resolutions in Waybills module

Added Delivery time column to Waybill Module Removals tab for screen resolutions 1364 and above. Previously this column is not displayed in the Waybills Removals Tab Module.

The user can view 'DelTime' column for screen resolutions greater than 1364 and this column is hidden for other resolutions.

298222M - Ability to update Shipment status to R through diary action completion

Ability to update Shipment status to R through diary action 'Lieferung komplett' completion. Previously, on completing this diary action shipment status is not set to 'R'.

The user can complete 'Lieferung komplett' diary action and if the removal shipment status is set as 'N' (Not Shipped), will set the status to 'Ready for shipment' (R).

On completing the above diary action and if the removal shipment status is not 'R', displays the warning message to update manually.

298222N - Set Invoice Description field as Bill To field value for 'FUR' cost centers

On adding new invoice record, Description field to be set as 'Bill To' field value for 'FUR' cost centre. Previously, Description field is set as removals last name on adding new invoice record.

The user can add new invoice record where Description field is set as Bill To field value for 'FUR' cost centre.

The user can also create invoice records by adding cost options or setting the status to 'W' of existing cost options which creates new invoice record and sets the Description field as Bill To field for 'FUR' cost centre.

298222T - Display Bill To Phone field in removals details screen - Henk Only

Added Phone field in Bill To section of removals details. This is not available for general systems due to the specific layout that has been implemented for Henk.

The user can view Phone field in 'Bill To' section which displays the work number of Bill To Attention and if this value is blank then displays the phone number of the Bill To debtor.

301380 - New Furniture - Remove Volume validation and radio selection defaults only for FUR type - Henk ONLY

Removed volume validation on job type creation based on cost centre level, default in Customer lookup and uncheck title toggle for 'FUR' type.

  • The user can click on lightning icon and add a job type where volume validation message is displayed only for 'FUR' type if volume is 0.

  • The user can double click on Client/Delivery name where Agent radio button is selected for 'FUR' type.

  • The

303471 - Warehouse Charges - hold the Removal Plan number

In the warehouse charges screen the clearing of the removal plan number when a charge is added to a purchase has been removed as multiple charges for the one removal plan may be added to the purchase.

When the user changes between purchases or selects a new creditor, the removal plan field will clear. However if the user is not changing purchase or creditor then the removal plan will remain populated on the screen.

301895 - Removed custom code to prevent editing Review Notes

Custom code specific to Packimpex has been removed that was preventing users from editing Review Notes.


300007 - New button to export/import active customer fields

Added new button called 'Export/Import' to export all active customer fields and import Latitude/Longitude field.

The user can click on Export/Import button, select the radio button to export or import customer records.

Set the folder location and click on Export/Import button.

If 'Export' option is selected, all active customer records are exported to above folder location.

If 'Import' option is selected, Latitude/Longitude field is updated based on the value in the selected file.

298222Q - Set Default Origin and Destination code on new waybill records - Henk Only

Added code to default Origin and Destination code fields as 'DEDUS' for 'FUR' type on adding a new waybill record.

The user can add a new waybill record and if the Type field is set as 'FUR', Origin and Destination code fields are set as 'DEDUS'.

298222S - Display delivery name for FUR type removals on Waybills Removal tab - Henk Only

Display delivery name in 'Name' column for FUR type removals only. Previously, Client's last name is displayed in Name column.

The user can view the Delivery name is displayed for 'FUR' type removals and Client's last name for other types of removals.

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