Moveware Version 8.3 Release Notes

Moveware Version 8.3 Release Notes

Moveware Release Notes
Version 8.3
Upgrade Rollout: April/May 2018
Release Notes Generated: 11/11/17   ‑   16/03/18

Ticket Number

Description of Functionality

Description of Usage

Ticket Number

Description of Functionality

Description of Usage

266236 - Event log for invoices before number assigned

From the invoice screen, before the invoice number is assigned, currently there is no event log to record any changes. The change is to be able to record changes before the invoice is assigned a number and after the invoice has a number assigned, both before and after events should shown on the invoice.

From removal screen, invoice tab, create a manual invoice, make some changes, and add some new invoice lines, check the event log. Now post invoice to assign the number, make some more changes to the invoice, check the event log shows both before and after events.

281609 - Contacts Tab - Save dates and show certain diary actions

The Contact tab previously did not allow users to modify the date and time columns. Users could do this through the Diary tab, but not through the Contact tab.

Previously the Contact tab had limitations with exactly what could be shown. Moveware hardcoded lists of diary actions that are always available in the Contact tab. Actions like Email, Email Sent, Contact were always available and were not able to be removed. It was possible to add additional actions by flagging the diary action as a Comment action, but the hardcoded list could not be modified.

Unlike the Diary tab, previously Moveware did not have the same feature in the Contact tab when it came to completing actions. The Diary allowed users to send emails on completing of diary actions, however this was not possible from the Contacts tab.

Code: DiaryContactUseCommentFlag
Description: Diary Contact Use Comment Flag
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N

Moveware has now enabled the ability for users to modify the date and time of actions displayed in the Contact tab. A system parameter has been setup to make only the diary actions flagged as Comment actions appear in the Contacts tab. When the parameter is Y the list of actions is completely configurable and no hardcoded lists of actions are used. Along with these changes Moveware will now run the complete procedure as it happens in the Diary tab, in the Contact tab when a diary action is completed.

284480 - Branch Filter - Clear branch filter on destination summary search tab

Branch filter is cleared on destination summary search tab. Previously, the records were filtered based on the branch set in branch filter when the screen was opened.

The branch filter is cleared when the user opens the destination summary search screen.

289268 - Data Import - Data Importing for Postcodes and Destinations records

Added functionality for importing Postcodes and Destinations to Moveware application.

The user can select Postcodes/Destinations from drop down list and select the csv file to import.

On clicking the 'Import' button, records are displayed.
The user can click on 'Validate' button to see if there are any invalid fields, 'Delete'

292614 - New System Parameter - Show Internal Notes radio button in Job Diary

When turned on, the job diary screen should show radio button to toggle between additional notes, internal notes and crew notes.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: ShowInternalNotesJobDiary
Description: Show Internal Notes in Job Diary
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Internal notes and Crew notes are taken from removal detail screen and are not editable, Additional Notes should work as before.

294047 - New System Parameter - Display the Pick Time field in Storage Locations

A new system parameter has been added to display a Pick Time field in Storage Locations. The Pick Time field represents the estimated time in minutes it will take to get a container located in the location.

Code: LocationsShowPickTime
Description: Display the Pick Time field in Storage Locations
Options: Y- Yes, N - No
Default Value: N

When this parameter set to Y the Pick Time field is displayed in Storage Locations. Users can add the pick time manually. With the system parameter set to Y, systems will also have the ability to set this field in the Data Import for Locations. A column has been added to the import. Also the Locations data import has been modified so existing locations can be updated with details from the import file.

294643 - New Columns - Added 4 new columns in Object lookup in Inventory tab

Item Type, Length, Width and Height columns were added along with the toggle to display the values based on the system parameter set which is similar to Object screen fields.

Code: sysparam-spare4[50]
Description:Measurements Entered in Inches

The user can click on 'Add' button which displays the Object lookup to display the above columns. The conversions of Length,Width and height are based on the below system parameter values set based on the toggle checked/unchecked.

If the toggle is checked then it displays in inches which works similar to Object Screen Length,Width and Height fields.

  • System Parameter = N/C : Centimeters

  • System Parameter = Y : Inches

  • System Parameter = M : Millimeters

296486 - New system parameter - Default Cost Tax Code To Option Header

When this system parameter is turned on and if the cost option header tax code is set, then any additional lines added under this cost option should take the same tax code as the cost option header regardless if there are any overrides set on that cost line's removal product.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: DefaultCostTaxCodeToOptionHeader
Description: Default Cost Tax Code To Option Header
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N

Turn on system parameter, from cost option header, set the new tax code, then add a new cost line under this cost option, check that the sell tax code on cost line is the same as on cost option header.

298920 - New Option To Open\Link URL For Report Type 'URL'.

Reports can be setup to launch a URL into a web browser when they are ''printed''. The Report essentially is a URL link, so when it is run it open a browser rather than print a report.

When a user selects a report and uses the print, preview or pdf buttons, Moveware will launch the users default browser (as setup in Windows) and open the URL specified in the report configuration.

Reports setup for this function will display the report name as a purple in the Reports screen.

In Report Configuration set the Report Type = URL. Then set the File name = URL link

299261 - Excel reports - To prompt for saving in a location, overwrite and open excel document

To prompt for saving in a location, overwrite and open the excel document.

Previously, on clicking the excel button, Moveware would open the report in an excel sheet.

Save as field in report configuration is set as 'Y'.

The user can set the save as field for reports as 'N' and on clicking the excel button will display the report in an excel sheet.

If the above field is set as 'Y', user can click on the excel button, which will prompt them to save the excel file in a location. The user can browse to the location and click 'Save' button which saves the file.

The user can view the document.

300848 - New System Parameter - Copy Fine Art Objects to Storage on Completion of Storage Date In Action

A new system parameter has been added for the purpose of auto-copying objects to storage accounts on the completion of any into store diary actions. Additionally, it enables the ability to auto-invoice or auto-credit the storage account on completions of such diary actions and any out of store diary actions.

Code: FineArtStorageOperation
Description: Copy Fine Art Objects to Storage on Completion of Storage Date In Action
Options: Y- Yes, N - No, I - Invoice
Default Value: N

When this parameter is set to Y it allows completion of into store diary actions (i.e. actions with keyaction st to 'Storage Date In') that have objects assigned to automatically copy these objects into the storage which the job is linked to.

When this parameter is set to I, it includes the above functionality as well as enables the system to automatically invoice or credit the storage account based on the volume going into or out of store. This currently only works on storage charge lines using the SV calc type.

301017 - New system parameters - ContainerOrStorageInSingleLocation and ValidateStorageContainerBranchOnAdd


This system parameter prevents users changing the location of the storage or container in both removal resource tab or storage location tab, if there exists the same storage/container on another removal or storage, since for consistency all storage/containers should be assigned to a single location. The only way to update location is through inventory screen, where the update will subsequently update the locations on all the ones assigned to storages/removals.


This system parameter will validate the storage/container branch against the storage branch where they are getting added to, if the branches do not match, the storage/container can not be added to that storage.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: ContainerOrStorageInSingleLocation
Description: Container Or Storage In Single Location
Options: N - No, Y - Both, C - Container, S - Storage
Default: N

Code: ValidateStorageContainerBranchOnAdd
Description: Validate Storage Container Branch On Add
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Turn on system parameters, go to storage management locations tab, add a new storage or container with a different branch to that of the storage, this should fail.

Change the location of one of the containers/storages on location tab, if the same storage/container has already been assigned to a different storage account or removal, this should fail.

Update location in inventory screen, it should update location of all the ones assigned to storages/removals.

301153 - Grospiron - Validate Booking Agent Field

In Removal/Job Details screen validation has been adjusted for Grospiron for the Booking Agent field. If the Booking Agent begins 'Grospiron' and if the Customer type = 'Agent' then it will pop up message ''Booker is incorrect.''


301241 - Bug Fix - Fixed origin branch field when new FAIR records added from removal.

Fixed origin branch field to set as removals origin code for new FAIR records added from removal. Previously, Origin field is set as employee's branch.

The user can add a new FAIR record from removals where the origin field is set as removals origin code.

The origin field is set as employee's branch code when the FAIR record is added from FAIR management screen.

301863 - Armstrong - default to Ops comment in big diary

This is for Armstrong only.

From the daily diary screen, the column comment should default to 'Ops Comment' and click the button next to it should change to comment.

Go to dispatch screen(big diary), the column should default to Ops comment, and clicking the button will change it to comment.

301918 - Bug Fix - Fixed Invoice not Printed error when invoices are created in Storage Invoicing and PDFed in Reports

Fixed the invoice print date not getting set when the invoice is printed.

Previously, the invoice print date was not set when PDFed in reports screen.

The user can run calculate the storage, run the audit trail and create invoices in Storage Invoicing screen.

The filters of Invoice report are set (date, invoice number, Type etc.) in Reports screen and the PDF button is clicked, which displays the list of invoice files (PDF) created in respective location.

The user can select the newly created invoices in the Invoice Update screen and click on the Validate button and then post the invoices.

Note: If the assigned Debtor is set as 'E' in the Print Invoices field, invoices are combined, if it is set as 'S' then single invoices are created.

302131 - New Filter - Added Status filter to Rates Management

Added Status filter to Rates Management to filter Removal Products/Creditor Products/Inventory records. Previously, all Rates were displayed regardless of the status of the linked record.

The user can select the Status from combo-box field where records are filtered based on the filter.

For example: If the Status filter is set to 'Active' in Removal Products tab, all the rates linked to removal products of 'Active' status are displayed. If Status filter is set to 'Closed' in Creditor Products tab, all the rates linked to creditor products of 'Closed' status are displayed.

302961 - New System Parameter - List of payment methods that trigger the remittance advice email

A new system parameter has been added to allow the prompting of sending remittance email to creditors based on the payment method used in the Creditor Payments screen. In the past the prompt for sending the remittance email would only appear when the payment method was direct debit (DD). This system parameter allows systems to specify which payment method(s) will trigger this prompt to send the remittance advice.

Code: CreditorPaymentRemAdvice
Description: List of payment methods that trigger the remittance advice email
Options: Comma separated list of payment methods (e.g.. DD,Visa,Cheque)
Default Value: DD

The value of this system parameter can be a single payment method code (e.g.. DD), or a comma separated list of payment method codes that will trigger this report (e.g.. DD,Visa,Cheque). In the Creditor Payments screen, when one of the payment methods listed in the system parameter is used to pay a creditor, after the payment is posted the user will be prompted ''Do you want to Email a Remittance to this Client?''.

303529 - Destination Summary - Filter enhancements for cost center

Previously in Moveware users were only able to enter and filter in the Destination Summary by a single branch or cost enter only single value for the cost center search filter. Now Moveware has allowed for users to enter multiple values in the search filter (comma separated list).

Users are able to manually enter a comma separated list of cost centers or using the lookup can select multiple cost centers to filter.

304141 - Added Colouring for Object History Diary Action to match Job diary

Currently in the History/Log tab of Object Management, diary actions are either shown as black (incomplete) or green (completed). We have added colouring to match those of the job diary tab so that diary actions are shown with matching colours as they are on the job, i.e. blue to indicate operational, grey to indicate Not Applicable etc.

Object Management -> History/Log tab should now show diary actions in colours matching those in the removal & daily diaries.

304262 - Event log added when creating and clearing storage rate revision

Events are now created for when users create storage rate revisions and also when they clear the rate revision record.

In Storage Rate Revision screen, when a user clicks the Create button, the event log 'Storage Rate Revision Cleared by ''Clear DISPLAYED records only''' will be created along with a list of screen filters in the detail section.

When user clicks the Clear button with the option ''Clear DISPLAYED records only'', the event log 'Storage Rate Revision Cleared by ''Clear DISPLAYED records only''' will be created with list of screen filters in the detail section.

When user clicks Clear button with the option ''Clear ALL records'', the event log 'Storage Rate Revision Cleared by ''Clear ALL records''' will be created.

304652 - New system parameter - Update employee folder with branch and use employee folder for image

When Update Employee Folder With Branch system parameter is on, if the employee branch is updated, the files will move from old branch folder to new branch folder.

When Use Employee Folder For Image system parameter is on, double click on the image icon will open the employee folder instead of system folder, and changing branch will move image to new folder if first system parameter is also on.

Code: UpdateEmployeeFolderWithBranch
Description: Update Employee Folder With Branch
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Code: UseEmployeeFolderForImage
Description: Use Employee Folder For Image
Option: N - no, Y - yes
Default: N

Go to Employee Management, change the employee branch, check the files are moved to the new folder.

Go to Employee Management, double click on image and select image from employee folder. Change branch and save. Check the image is still showing correctly.

304790 - Enhancement to Locking of Job after it is Closed

Moveware has a system parameter: LockRemovalOnceCloses - Lock diary, costing and invoicing once the removal is closed. This system parameter forces Moveware to not allow any changes to be made to the job after it is closed.

This change has added some extra functionality to this. When closing a removal/job with the above system parameter enabled, Moveware will set each cost options to fully locked (lock actuals, price and estimates). It was found that once a job was closed, users could still create purchases and update the actual costs in the cost options, even with the system parameter enabled. Now once the job is locked, the cost options will also be fully locked and therefore not allow any updates from purchases through to the job.

304804 - New diary action setting - NonBlank in filter field

If a diary action is set to NonBlank, then they user may not clear its date once it has been set.

In diary action setup, filter field
Add 'NonBlank' to list of filters

Set the diary action with NonBlank in the filter field, from removal diary screen, clear the date on this diary action, there should be an error.

304985 - KHZ - Export CustomControl xml file when diary action is completed

Export CustomControl xml file in the removals folder when diary action is completed with key action Customs Control.

  • Diary Key Action 'Customs Control' with 'Other' and 'Comments' field set in codes management.

Setup diary key action 'Customs Control' with Code Value = Customs Control, Description = Customs Control, Other = CustomsControl and Comments filled with the XML template.

The user can set the required diary action keyaction combo-box as 'Customs Control' in diary cation setting.

Add the above diary action in removals diary tab and click on complete button which will save the CustomsControl_datestamp.xml file in removals folder.

305253 - New system parameter - ValidateAccountOnPost

If the system parameter is set, when posting (either assigning a number or set from N to A) an invoice, the accounts on each invoice line will be validated.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: ValidateAccountOnPost
Description: Validate Account On Post
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

From the removals invoice screen, post the invoice from N to A or assign invoice number. If the accounts are invalid on any of the invoice detail lines, there should be an error.

305552 - Bug Fix - Fixed Email label to display as fill-in text if it is visible.

Fixed Email label to display as fill-in text if it is visible. Previously, the Email label was displayed inside Email fill-in.

The user can see that Email: label is not displayed inside the Email fill-in and no label for it.

305753 - New System Parameter - Storage Inventory Free Check Includes Held Storage Accounts

A new system parameter has been added to factor in storage accounts on status H (hold) when display which locations are free (highlight green) when adding Storage Inventory.

Code: StgFreeInventDispInclHoldStgAcc
Description: Storage Inventory Free Check Includes Held Storage Accounts
Options: Y,N
Default: N

Upon enabling the system parameter, when using the storage inventory lookup - the free storage inventory records highlighted in green have taken into account active and held storage records that are linked to the storage inventory.

305833 - New System Parameter - Default Appointment Diary to display from Monday to Sunday

Standard Moveware function in the New Appointment Diary is for the week to display Sunday to Saturday. This system parameter changes the week to display Monday to Sunday.

Code: ApptDiaryStartMonday
Description: Appt Diary Star tMonday
Options: Y/N

With system parameter set to Y, as users load the Appointment Diary by either F3 shortcut or double clicking in the Survey field in Removals Management, users will see week start on Monday.

305939 - Added Bypass Open functionality to not display the extra popup in reports.

Added ''Bypassopen'' functionality to not display the extra popup in reports. Previously, crystal and report builder reports displayed a popup asking the user if they wanted to view the document and then another popup asking if they wanted to email the document, making it a lengthy process.

The user can set the 'bypassopen' filter in Filters field of Report Configuration setting, click on the PDF button, check the Email toggle and click on 'Send' button. This will stop displaying the popup which asks the user to view the document.

If the filter is not set, the popup is displayed.

305986 - Extended Feature - Read Receipt to work if emails are not sending through outlook

Added the Read Receipt pop up to work if 'Send Mail Using Outlook' flag is set as 'N' and sending emails through DLL system parameter. Previously, Read Receipt popups only worked for emails sending it through outlook.

Code: sysparam-spare7[17]
Description:Send Automated Email Through Moveware DLL
Options:Y = Yes, N = No
Default: Y

The user can set the 'Send Mail Using Outlook' field as 'N' in Employee Management > User Details, send the emails with 'Require Read Receipt' toggle checked and click on 'Send' button.

This will pop up a window to the Recipient when the email is read, send a notification to Sender and when the 'Yes' option is clicked, will send an email to the Sender with date and time details the email was read.

306000 - New system parameter - Only Create Parent cost if in job type setup

When turned on, JTC will not automatically create parent costs, unless they are setup in job type setup. Also, the setting for one column is defaulted to what is setup in job type setup for parent lines.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: CheckJobTypeSetupForParent
Desc: Only Create Parent cost if in job type setup
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Run JTC, and check that the parent lines are created only if they are setup in job type setup, when the system parameter is on.

When it is off, parent lines should come through even if they are not setup in job type setup.

306182 - Surname Tooltip when running Use First Name / Last Name in Removals Management System Parameter

Previously the Surname Tooltip was not updated when running the System Parameter Use First Name / Last Name in Removals Management.

It has now been updated to ''Surname or Business Name of Uplift Client''

When the System Parameter ''Use First Name / Last Name in Removals Management'' is set to Y the Tooltip will display correctly as per the setting of the parameter.

306322 - Apply merge field conversions of Internal/Special notes selected from Paragraph lookup

When users select from the list displayed for insertion into the Internal Notes and/or Special Notes, Moveware will now apply the merge field replacement. Previously Moveware would just place the details into the field without any replacing of merge field tags.

The list displayed builds from Codes Management. System Administrators can edit the descriptions of the codes and place the merge fields required into the description. Types that can be edited include Special Notes, Delivery Notes, Notes and Uplift Notes.

306385 - New System Parameter - To display only SMS paragraphs in lookup list

Added a new system parameter to display only SMS paragraphs in lookup list based on Default field setting.

Code: DisplayOnlySMSParagraphs
Description: To display only SMS Paragraphs based on default field.
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

The user can set the below system parameter to 'Y', set the Default field in Paragraphs or Codes Management > Paragraphs type to 'SMS'.

The user can click on the mobile button in the below screens which opens the SMS window. The SMS paragraphs are displayed when clicked on Paragraph button and others are not shown.

306552 - Auto Generated Save Prompt

When editing records and then navigating to a different record or leaving the current screen, Moveware prompts users if they want to save the current record before proceeding. However within these messages there can be database table names which mean little to users (e.g.. Current costing record has been changed). These messages have been improved from to get more details that is relevant to the user.

One example is when modifying the invoice header and changing records without saving the new message displayed will be begin ''Current invoice header record has been changed''.

306562 - New system parameter - Default Storage Line Status

In storage management, if the system parameter is set to A, then the combo box is set to A by default. The user is able to change the status and filter the storage lines.

If set to S then default is storage status, if set to N then default status is blank.

Users can change the status to filter storage lines, but when moving to another storage, the default will reset from user selection.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: DefaultStorageStatus
Description: Default Storage Line Status
Options: N - Do not default, A - default to A, S - default to status of storage
Default: N

Set to A, go to storage management, the combo box is set to A, change the combo box to see if lines are filtered correctly, go to another storage, the status is reset to A.

Set to S and go to storage management, comb box status is same as storage status.

Set to N and in storage management combo box status is blank.

306576 - Fix Speed issue on removal inventory screen

From removal screen inventory tab, when entering in the BY column, sometimes it takes a long time to save the record and for the screen to refresh. This is now fixed.

The user can open the below screen and filter using 'BY' filter which will filter the records with the normal speed.

306674 - Added Corp Acct Manager as an option available to set as Assign to Type field in Diary Actions settings

Added ''Corp Acct Manager'' as an option available to set as the Assign to Type field in Diary Actions settings. This allows the diary tasks to be added and assigned to corporate managers.

The user can select the diary action and set the Assign To Type field to 'Corp Acct Manager.

The removals Corporate field (displayed in the middle of the removals details screen) is selected from the lookup and saved. This sets the Corp Acct Manager in the removals details browser under Staff group.

The above diary action is added to the removals where 'Ass' column is filled with removals details Corp Acct Manager.

306704 - Bug Fix = System parameter Use Minimum Storage Value with option 'A'

System parameter, Use Minimum Storage Value, has been fixed for option 'A'. This option will always display the View Minimum Value button in the charges section of Storage Management > Details. Previously, the button was visible for both options 'Y' and 'A' with not difference between the settings.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: UseMinStorageRate
Description: Use Minimum Storage Value.
Options: Y = Yes, N = No, A = Always
Default: N

In Storage Management > Details:
If the system parameter is set as 'Y' then View Minimum Value button (binocular) is visible only for the records where the rate is linked as a minimum value.

If the system parameter is set as 'A', then View Minimum Value button (binocular) is always visible no matter if the minimum value is set or not.

If the system parameter is set as 'N', then button is hidden.

306814-060 - Default Date and Time column on add of Diary Action

New feature added to Diary Actions to default the date and/or time of the diary action when it is added within Moveware.

To set a diary action to default the time, in Diary Actions enter details in the Filter field as below. The Filter field is a comma separated list of filters.

To set the date to default: DefaultDate[value]. The value can be set to a variance from today i.e. DefaultDate[today] (date the diary action is added) or DefaultDate[today-2] (2 days prior to the action being added) or DefaultDate[today+2] (2 days after the action being added)

To set the time to default: DefaultTime[value]. The value is time to default i.e.. DefaultTime[1000] (default the time to 10) or DefaultTime[08:00] (default to the time to 0800 or DefaultTime[created] (default to the time of the diary action being created).

306864 - Diary Actions - Set Actions to Remain Open after Job is Completed

When completing removals/jobs in Moveware, a prompt appears if there were open diary actions. This prompt would ask the user if they want to continue and would then complete the outstanding diary actions.

Several requests have been made to keep specific diary actions open after the job is closed. In the past this could only happen if the diary action was assigned the key action of SendAutoClosed.

Using the key action is not very flexible and would not enable actions with another key action settings to remain open. With that in mind, diary actions can now be flagged to remain open when a removal/job is closed using the Filters field in Diary Actions. The Filters field is designed as a comma separated list of filters. A diary actions can be assigned 'NoCompleteOnClose'. With this filter these types of diary actions will remain open when the job is closed.

306912 - Daily diary report filter enhancement

Use existing system parameter - Change Quick Print List based on Removal Type.

Extend functionality to waybill type as well as diary branch.
For a removal diary, the functionality should work as before, reports are filtered on removal type. For the waybill diary, it should filter on waybill type as well as diary branch.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: sysparam-spare2[13]
Description: Change Quick Print List based on Removal Type
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Setup report to filter by branch/type.
Go to daily diary and filter for waybill diaries, check that reports that match with waybill type and diary branch are shown.

306940 - New System Parameter - To display the message if costs branch is different to the removals branch

A new system parameter has been added to display/notify the user with a message if Cost Option branch is different to Removal/Job branch.

Code: CostingBrchCheck
Description: To display a message window when cost option branch is different to removals branch.
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

The user can set the below system parameter to 'Y' and change the branch column to a different value to the removals branch. A message window is then displayed if the user wants to go ahead or revert back.

The user can also click on the yellow sticky note button ('Modify Cost Details and options') where the message window is displayed if the costs branch is different to removals branch.

307084 - New System Parameter - Removals postcode assignment from change of country code use exact matches

In Removals/Jobs Management > Details tab, upon leave of the origin/destination countrycode fields, Moveware has added a system parameter to stop assigning the postcode field to a value if the postcode does not match the country code description.

Currently, it will find and use the first postcode it finds that begins with the countrycode in use. As a result, there were times a postcode was incorrectly assigned.

Code: 'RemovalsStopPostBegins'
Description: 'Removals Postcode assignment from change of country code are exact matches'
Options: Y (Yes) N (No)
Default: N

Set the system parameter 'RemovalsStopPostBegins' = 'Y' to enable this feature.

307187 - Waybill\Manifest - change to display to non W removal/job

In Waybill/Manifest Management > Removals/Jobs tab, removals/jobs that are not status W will display with a red background colour in the Number column. The status of the removal/job is displayed at the bottom of the tab.

The colouring will help the user identify if a removal/job is not yet on status W before processing the waybill/manifest.

307335 - New Merge Field Added -

has been added to the list of merge fields to be used with email and paragraph templates.

The details of the merge field that will display when replaced are:

  • if the length of client's first name is longer than 2 characters, it displays client's first name.

  • if the length of client's first name is not longer than 2 characters, it pulls information from contact field on the Removal/Job details screen.

307402 - Extended system parameter to updated items field based on actual inventory

The system parameter ExclItemsVolCalc updates the items on the removal/job when the toggle to update volume from inventory is selected. This parameter has been extended to only update the items when there are actual items, and not update when there are only estimates.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: ExclItemsVolCalc
Description:To update removals packages update

The system parameter ExclItemsVolCalc now has 3 options:

'Y' - do not update the items field
'N' - update the items field
'A' - update the items field only when actuals are allocated to the removal/job

307467 - Job Type Creator - Filtering Diary Actions by Origin and Destination

Previously in Moveware, systems could be setup to filter diary actions on the creation of job types such that only diary actions flagged for specific countries, destination codes or regions would get created. However systems were never able to filter by both country and destination code. It was one or the other. Now Moveware allows systems to filter on both country and destination code.

Code: DiaryCountryCodeMatch
Description: Match Diary Action Country on Country Code or Region
Options: N, Y, R, X
Default: N

Existing System Parameter: DiaryCountryCodeMatch - Match Diary Action Country on Country Code or Region

The above system parameter has been extended to have another option of 'X'. When it is 'X' Moveware will filter the diary actions based on country or destination code. The previous operation of this system parameter remains (for options 'N', 'Y' and 'R'), with option 'X' a combination of 'N' and 'Y'.

307512 - Bug Fix - Fixed waybill error on scrolling through the records using arrow keys

Fixed ''No waybill record is available'' error when scrolling through the records in Removals/Jobs Management using top arrow keys. If no Waybill.Manifest was assigned to the Removal/Job the error would appear.

The user can scroll through the Removal/Job records without the error being displayed if no Waybill/Manifest record is available.

307530 - Display field in Removals/Jobs Details based on the Branch

Moveware is expanding the features of the Details browser to include showing and hiding of the fields based on the branch of the removal/job.

The right hand side list of fields can now show/hide fields based on the branch of the removal/job so that fields not relevant to specific branches are no longer visible. To setup this feature, the system administrator can go to Codes Management, filter the list by type Removal Details. Find the field to modify the displaying by branch and in the Branches field the list of branches this field shall be available.

307554 - Column sorting for storage location tab

Previously, the column sorting was not working on the storage location tab. This has now been fixed and includes the storage inventory and storage location sections.

Go to storage management, locations tab, and check for both storage inventory and storage location sections to ensure that the column sorting works.

307643 - Docket printing - Mandatory completion of actions prior to printing

For private moves, the Quotation Acceptance diary action must be completed for branches L23, L24 and A42. Also, if the job is not a charge job then a Receipt diary action must exist for the docket to be printed for branches L23, L24 and A42. Previously, only L23 and A42 branches were a part of this condition check.

The user cannot print the docket for L24 branch if the above conditions are not met.

308034 - Extra filter credit controller on invoice reports

The invoice report now works with a new filter ''creditcontroller''. This field will check against debtor credit controller and filter invoices accordingly.

Add ''creditcontroller'' filter to invoice report

From the report screen, find the invoice report, and add credit controller as a filter in filter list under report configuration, then filter this field when running the report. Only invoices with the credit controller assigned to the debtor of the invoice will be displayed. This should also work with multi print.

308055 - Do not allow Est to be converted to Act for crates if P cost option

When completing the crate diary action, usually there is a popup asking if the user wants to convert est to act. This is now disabled if the cost option is P, so no act is allowed for P options.

Go to a job with P cost option, add some crates to that cost option, complete the diary and check that there is no message popup asking to convert to actual. Try this on a W option, and the message should popup.

308261 - Grospiron Destination Lookup - Set 'Overseas' for all cost centres beginning with 'DS'

The type combo-box will be set to 'Overseas' for all cost centres beginning with 'DS' in the Destination lookup. Previously, the combo-box was set as 'Domestic' with 'Only Show Regions' toggle as checked.

To select a Removal with cost centre beginning with ''DS', double click on the origin/destination code fields where the Type lookup is set as 'Overseas' with 'Only Show Regions' and 'Include Regions' checkboxes unchecked.

308308 - Event Logs - Added event logs for Diary Delivery field

Added event logs for the Diary Delivery field to track the date and time if the field is updated. Previously, if a user changed the delivery field, no event logs were recorded when the changes were updated.

The user can update the Delivery field and click on the event log button to see the log details.

308430 - Purchases/Purchase Orders - Added a warning message to display if the same record is updated from a different screen

A warning message has been added for when the same record is updated from a different screen. Previously, if the same record was updated in both screens, the latest values were saved, leaving the user unaware of the changes from the original values.

If multiple users have the Purchase or Purchase Orders screen open in different sessions, and they both update the same Purchase/Purchase Order and attempt to save the record, the first save will be allowed, but the second will receive a popup message letting them know someone else has updated the record and their screen will refresh with changes made by the other user.

308461 - When deleting a cost line, reposition to previous line

Currently, when a cost line is deleted, the screen repositions to the first cost line. If there are a lot of lines, this causes the inconvenience of the user having to scroll down again. The change is to reposition the cost line to the line above the deleted line. In the event this is the first line below the cost total line, it should reposition to last line above cost margin.

The user will no longer have to scroll down again after they delete a line from the bottom of screen. The precise repositioning is not that important, as long as it generally repositions to a relatively close position to the deleted line.

308482 - Receipting - Credit Card Mask

In the Receipting screen, when a debtor is selected that has credit card details stored on file, previously Moveware would display the full card details in this screen. Now Moveware will mask this card number (e.g. ************1234). Users will be able to view the full card number through the binoculars icon. This is subject to a password if the System Parameter PasswordCreditCardDebtor is set.

Selecting a debtor or Invoice through the Receipting screen will default the Payment Method based on the setup of the debtor. If the debtor is defaulted to a credit card then those details will be pulled into the payment details section. The credit card number will be displayed masked. When processing this through to the GL, if the credit card details are written into the transaction, the card number will also be masked.

308614 - Ability to run JTC on customised statuses

This can be set up in codes management for status, in the Run JTC field set a comma separated list of statuses where if the status of a removal/rate request is updated from one in the list, then JTC is run, on top of the original hardcoded statuses where JTC is always run.

In codes management, type 'status'.
For each status where JTC needs to be run, put in Run JTC field the list of statuses it needs to change from.

For example, go to codes management and find status W, in the Run JTC field set E, then on top of what originally should run JTC such as from P to W, from E to W will also run JTC, and new jobs on W will run as well.

308670 - When using DD in invoice update, when receipt fails to post, invoice should also not post

Previously in invoice update, when posting the invoice, the invoice would post before the receipts were applied, and even if receipt posting failed, the invoice was still posted. The new functionality does not allow the invoice to post through if receipt has failed.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: sysparam-spare6[46]
Description: Use Direct Debit for Storage Accounts
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Turn on DD for storage in system parameter.

Setup customer to pay method DD, in customer banking screen, set customer start DD date.

From invoice update, find invoice of the set debtor, click on DD, the invoice should show, select invoice to p.

308814 - Extended System Parameter - To display Bill To name on top in Removals Management screen

The system parameter 'To display Bill To name on top in Removals Management screen' has been extended so that it is configurable based on branch and cost center. Previously this was set system wide.

The Bill To name can be made visible at the top of the Removals/Jobs Management screen for specific branches and/or cost centers.

308884 - New System Parameter - To display Approvers list in Approver lookup based on Employee Show Branch field

A new system parameter was added to display Approvers list in Approver lookup based on Employee Show Branch field.

Previously, Approvers list was displayed based only on Employee branch where employees cannot approve even though they are already an approver of that Branch.

New System Parameter:
Description:To display users based on list of branches set (employee management) in Approver lookup dialogue.
Options: N=No, Y=Yes

The user can set the Notify field to Costing Approval with Costing Approval value set in Employee Management, User Details tab.

If the system parameter is disabled, cost option is selected, click on 'Lock Sell Price' button where 'Approver Lookup' is displayed with employee lists based on branch filter matching Employee branch only.

If the system parameter is enabled, the 'Approver Lookup' is displayed with employee lists based on branch filter matching Employee Show Branch field.

309284 - New System Parameter - To create waybill diary action in removals on running job type creator

A new system parameter has been added to create waybill diary actions in removals when running the job type creator. Previously, waybill diary actions could only be added manually and not through the job type creator.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: CreateWaybillDiaryInRemovalsJTC
Description: To create waybill diary actions on running job type creator
Options: N = No, Y = Yes, A = Always

The user can set the system parameter to 'Y', set the Waybill Action flag as 'Y' in diary action setting and add this diary action to Job Type.

When running the job type creator, waybill diary actions are created in removals and also displayed in the waybill diary if the waybill is linked.

When setting the system parameter to 'A', the diary action is created even if waybill is not assigned to removal.

309336 - Storage Rate Revision - Clear All button modified

Previously when a user would click the Clear All button, there was a message that popped up titled CLEAR REVISION. This prompted the user to ''Clear All Rate Revision Entries?'.

This feature change has renamed the Clear All button to Clear. The message pop up is renamed to Clear Rate Revision records. Instead of ''Clear All rate Revision Entries?'' there are 2 radio buttons ''Clear displayed records only'' and ''Clear All records''. The Yes and No options have been renamed to Clear and cancel respectively.

With the previous operation of the Clear All button, users were not able to create all rate revisions and then update and clear them in batches. The Clear All, did as it was labelled, and cleared all rate revision records. Now users have the flexibility to clear only the records displayed on screen.

309346 - Ability to setup new staff fields on removal details with initial(fullname) setup

When adding new fields (could be a spare field) to display in the removal detail screen, for staff group, it now allows the display to show initial(fullname) as in the other staff fields. Previously, when a user selected from the lookup, only initials were displayed.

Codes type: removal details
Code code: any
Code group: staff

The user can set up any field in codes management under Removals details with Group set as 'Staff' and Lookup set as 'User'.

When the user double clicks on the above field in Removals Details browser and selects a user from the lookup, it displays with initials and fullname in the brackets.

309498 - Validation on removing cost option from combined invoice

The same validation should apply to removing cost options from combined invoices as adding invoices to combined invoices.

Currently only one validation exists which is to check if the invoice is posted. Two more validations have been added:

  1. To check if the invoice has been printed if the system parameter Invoice Locked After Printing is one.

  1. To check it is a combined invoice.

Cost options can not be removed from the invoice if validation fails.

Settings needed for this change
For checking of printed invoice, use

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: sysparam-spare5[35]
Description: Invoice Locked After Printing
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: Set to Y for testing validation, set to N should not validate for invoice printed status.

From the combined invoice screen, select a combined invoice cost option, type in the invoice number, and click remove option from invoice, check the validation works in all cases. If validation fails then cost option is not removed from the invoice, otherwise the cost option is removed.

309641 - Exchange Rate Import

Users are now able to import exchange rates from a csv file. All existing functionality remains the same.

In Banking->Currency Exchange rates, users will now see an import button at the top of the screen with a dialog box showing the default file format. Users can navigate to a file and import it, adding a specific markup to the creditor and report rates if they aren't specifically specified in the file.

309718 - Purchase Order/Invoice Update

The creation of purchase orders and purchase invoices have been streamlined.

Previously purchase orders and purchase invoices created through the costing screen would need to be created using single lines with creditors already assigned. Now users are able to select multiple lines and create a purchase order/invoice by using the ''Create a Purchase Invoice for the Selected Costs'' button (The one that was already used). The popup will then allow the user to assign the creditor, including foreign currency calculations.

This change has occurred on the costing screen. This does not require any changes other than an update.

309730 - New system parameter - Show Cuft To Two Decimal Places in removal inventory screen

This system parameter can be set for branch/cc, and shows cuft in 2 decimal places in removal inventory screen instead of 1.

Settings needed for this change:
For system parameter enter the following:
Code: ShowCuftTwoDecimal
Description: Show Cuft To Two Decimal Places in removal inventory screen
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

To set system parameter for branch/cc, go to the removal inventory screen. The cuft column should show 2 decimal places for branch/cc set, otherwise 1 decimal place.

309734 - New system parameter - Default To Other Accounts In Revaluation

When this system parameter is turned on, the account revaluation screen should show other account toggles as ticked by default. The drop down list should show other accounts such as undeposited funds accounts (All accounts shown are in foreign currency with regard to the branch).

Settings needed for this change:
For system parameter enter the following:
Code: DefaultToOtherAccountsInRevaluation
Description: Default To Other Accounts In Revaluation
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Go to account revaluation screen, and check that the other account toggle is ticked by default. The drop down list should show other accounts such as undeposited funds accounts.

Untick the toggle and it should only show banking accounts. Tick again and check that all accounts are included.

309759 - New system parameter - Do Not Update Resource On Diary Copy

Added a new system parameter so the resources on a newly copied diary are not updated.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: DoNotUpdateResourceOnDiaryCopy
Description: Do Not Update Resource On Diary Copy
Options: N - Update, Y - Do not Update
Default: N

From job diary screen, when copying a diary, if the resources have been changed do not reset sell price from rates.

309823 - Bug Fix - Fixed exchange rate fetched incorrectly when purchase is created

Fixed how the exchange rate is found and applied when displaying the values in the popup when creating a purchase from Costing. Previously, the amount displayed incorrectly due to changes in the exchange rate.

The user can check the 'Act Cost' toggle and click on create purchase button. The dialog that appears will display the values for the purchase amount correctly.

309850 - Waybill Inventory - Number column width

Fixed the Number column of Waybill Inventory on the Waybill/Manifest details to be extended to include more characters. Previously only 11 characters were displayed.

The width of the Number field is extended to display full details.

309878 - New System Parameter - Show Hours column in Costing and/or Invoicing

A new column has been added to the Costing/Invoicing Details for Hours. The column is designed to hold the value of the number of hours required for the cost. The Hours column is then used in the calculation for the overall value of the cost.

Code: CostingInvoicingShowHours
Description: Show Hours column in Costing and/or Invoicing
Options: Y - Yes Both, N - No, C - Costing Only, I - Invoicing only
Default: N

The requirement for the column is to enable systems to determine their costing based on the hours per item. For example a system may need 4 Drivers for the day, and the drivers are charged at the same hourly rate. Therefore the cost should be 4 drivers working 10 hours at 15.50 per hour.

If the Hours column has a value, then the calculation used to determine the value is based on Hours * Qty * Rate = Est Value.

For example: 10 hours at Qty of 4 with a rate of 15.50 will equate to 10 * 4 * 15.50 = 620.

309884 - Labeling change on removal screen

On the removal detail screen, the size has been relabelled to Kids and conf to has been relabelled to Visa.

Need old removal detail screen.

From removal detail screen while running old removal detail, fields are relabelled for JM.

310078 - New System Parameter - Calculate monthly Quantity based on percentage in store for each month

A new system parameter has been added to calculate monthly storage quantity based on the percentage of each month the goods are in store. For systems setup with system parameter Calculate Quantity to be Part Months = Y, Moveware calculates monthly storage to a decimal value of the months in store. This calculation worked from the day the good came into store to the same day in the next month, that was considered 1 month (e.g.. 26/02 to 26/03). If storage was calculated to the end of the next month Moveware would determine the extra days in the next month as the decimal value for the part month (e.g. 26/02 to 31/03 = 1.16 months - 26/02-26/03 = 1 month + remaining 5 days in March, 5/31 = 1.16).

Code: StorageMonthlyPercentage
Description: Calculate monthly Quantity based on percentage in store for each month
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default Value: N

When this parameter set to Y the month calculation is modified and each month is considered separately. Using the example of last account = 26/02 to 31/03, the calculation changes to 2/28 (percentage in February) + 31/31 (percentage in March) = 1.07. Similarly 26/02 to 28/03 would equate to 2/28 + 28/31 = 0.97. Each month is determined as an individual calendar month, and the quantity of time in store determined and the percentage in store for that month.

310200 - New refresh button on receipting screen

Currently there is a green refresh button that when pressed will refresh the whole table, which will affect the already applied receipts.

A new refresh button has been added, so there is now 1 red refresh button and 1 green refresh button. The red refresh button should refresh the whole table (same functionality as the old green refresh button). The green refresh button now should only add new transactions into the table without affecting the already applied receipts.

From the receipt screen, select a debtor and apply some receipts. Then go to the invoice screen and add a new invoice for this debtor and post it. Go back to receipt screen and press green refresh, only the new invoice should be added to the screen without affecting existing applied invoices. Press the red refresh, and the table should refresh with everything reloaded and unapplied.

The green refresh is not available from quick receipting.

310260 - Bug Fix - Fixed Origin/Destination Distance fields setting to blank when Service field is changed

Fixed Origin/Destination Distance fields setting to blank when Service field is changed. Previously, when the Service drop down field was changed to 'LCL', Distance fields of origin and destination were set as blank.

If distances are not set for specific services for Destination codes, the Distance field on the Details tab will not update.

310278 - Multiple filters for vehicle on report CrInvoiceauditInventory enabled

Applies only to this report, where multi selection of vehicles is now allowed.

From reports, go to Purchase Summary by Inventory Item report, multi select vehicles, and run report.

310351 - Enhancement - Do not allow changing cost option status from W to another status if actual resources are assigned

If the status of cost option is 'W' and has actual resources assigned, it will not allow the user to change to another status. Previously, the status change of cost options was allowed.

If a cost option is set to W and has actual resources assigned, it will not be allowed to change to another status.

310365 - New System Parameter - Show Fields for Agent and Employee in Claims

Often times a claim is made on a job for which a particular employee/sub-contractor or third party agent is responsible for.

We have added a system parameter to enable 2 additional fields in the claims screen to allow users to record an employee and/or an agent against the claim for responsibility reasons.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: ClaimShowAgentEmployee
Description: Show Fields for Agent and Employee in Claims
Options: Y or N
Default: N

To enable the 2 additional fields:

  • Set the system parameter 'Show Fields For Agent and Employee in Claims' to 'Y'


  • Restart Moveware and go to a claim, you should now see 2 additional fields, Employee & Agent in the right hand column of the Claim for which you can record the person/agent responsible for the claim.

310416 - Cost Invoicing - Clear selected cost options once invoice has been created

Issue reported by Harrow Green in Cost Invoicing screen. While creating combined invoices, users are selecting the cost options they wish to combine onto one invoice, then create the invoice. The combined invoice is created however the cost options remain with the Sell column set to Y. Users then start selecting other cost options to create a separate invoice however errors occur when they attempt to create the combined invoice because invoices already exist for selected cost option.

A second issue was identified where errors were occurring during the creation of the combined invoice. In this instance, cost options that pass validation were getting combined onto an invoice, however the ones that failed did not. If one of the cost option fails validation then the combined invoice should not be created, this was not happening.

This change now clears the Sell column one when the combined invoice is created. After the user creates a combined invoice, they can then go straight into selecting other cost options to create a new combined invoice. Also, the validation of the cost options has been moved to prior to creating the combined invoice. Previously, the validation was happening as the invoice was created.

310492 - Enhancement on Purchase screen and purchase lookup

In the Creditor Purchase screen, there is now a button to link to the assigned creditor. This is the same functionality as in invoice screen looking up the debtor.

In addition to the above change two extra columns have been added to the creditor lookup, BSB and Account.

From the purchase screen, click on the button next to creditor lookup, this will bring up the assigned creditor screen.

When looking up creditors throughout Moveware, the lookup should display BSB and Account columns.

310662 - New Toggle- Added new toggle to display Lost/Cancelled cost options in costing select header dialogue

A new toggle was added to display Lost/Cancelled cost options in the costing select header dialogue. Previously, even if the system parameter was set as 'Y', the Lost/Cancelled cost options were not hidden in Select Cost Option dialogue. The select Cost Option dialogue appears when the Removal/Job updates the status to W.

Code: HideLostCancelledCostOptions
Description: Hide Lost or Cancelled Cost Options by default
Options: N = No, Y = Yes
Default: N

The user can set the system parameter as 'Y' which displays a toggle (Show L or C Options) in the 'Select Costing Option You have Modified' dialogue which pops up when the status is changed in details. When checking this toggle, it will display the Lost/Cancelled cost options along with other cost options.

The user can set the system parameter to 'N' which will disable the toggle and not display the Lost or Cancelled cost options.

310748 - Payroll Category - Increased Decimal Places

In previous versions of Moveware several rate fields in the Payroll Category screen were restricted to 2 and 3 decimal places. These have been adjusted to format to 4 decimal places.

The following fields have been updated to use 4 decimal places:
Regular Rate
Fixed Amt
Fixed Rate

310903 - Bug Fix - Removed unwanted line breaks in the email body when a user replies to an email

Removed unwanted line breaks in the email body, generated when a user replies to the email.

Previously, line breaks were displayed when the user clicked on the Reply button for any received email diary action. (Note: It did look correct when viewed in Additional Notes.)

The user can click on the 'Reply' button for any received email diary action. The email body will be displayed accordingly without any unwanted line breaks.

310943 - Company Security on Multiple Rate Finder

Previously in Moveware, rates were not properly subjected to company security. This meant that rates for a creditor assigned to an invalid company were able to be added through costing. The Rate Finder in Moveware was ignoring the company of the creditor assigned to the rate, assuming the Branch in the rate would determine when the rate should be applied.

Now when adding a cost, the rate finder will check the company security setting for the creditor assigned to the rate. If the creditor is in an invalid branch or company for the job, the rate will not be used.

310945 - Debtors Folder added to Storage Management

Within Storage Management, the Folder icon at the top of the screen links to a folder for the Storage account. In the past there has been no way to view the folder for the Debtor assigned to the storage account.

Now in the Debtor tab of Storage Management there is a new folder icon. When the icon is selected it will take the user to the Debtor's folder.

310993 - New Mail Merge fields added - Survey Hours and Customs Ref

Merge fields have been added for 'Survey Hours' and 'Customs Ref' used in Removals/Jobs Management screen.

The merge field 'Survey Hours' will populate with the value in the 'Date Survey Hours' field on the Removals/Jobs Detail screen. The merge field 'Customs Ref' will populate with the value in the 'MRN' field on the Removals/Jobs Import tab.

311030 - Grospiron Only - Exclude removal uplift date from being updated by waybill ETA date

Exclude removal uplift date from being updated from the Waybill ETA date.

When the user updates the Waybill ETA date from the Waybill Details screen, the Uplift date on the removal/job will not update based on the value entered.

311080 - New option to system parameter - DailyDiaryDefaultSort

Added option D for sorting by vehicle descending. Previously there was an option V for vehicle but it was ascending so jobs with vehicles assigned would appear at the bottom of the screen not at the top.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: DailyDiaryDefaultSort'
Description: Daily Diary Default Sort'
Options:M = Non move actions at the top then by starttime, V = Vehicles allocated, D = Vehicles Descending, S = Start time, Blank or N = Default
Default: N

From daily diary screen, if the system parameter is set to D, the jobs should be sorted by vehicle descending order, so jobs with vehicles assigned will appear at the top of the screen.

311125 - Extension of External Assigned field - To set the default value using diary action setting on adding a diary

A new field has been added in the diary action settings screen to set the default value on External Assigned field when a new diary record is added.

Code: DiaryExternalAssigned
Description: To display External Assigned field in diary tab.
Options:N = No, Y = Yes

The user can enable the below system parameter which displays 'Assign to External User' field in diary actions setting screen.

If the system parameter 'ShowDiaryAssigneeLookup' is set as 'C', the user can double click on the new field to select multiple records from the 'LU-Diary Assignee' lookup and save the value for the diary action.

311142 - Employee Management - Extend size of Employee Role field to be able to contain max 200 characters

In the Employee Management > Details and the Change User Defaults screens, the Role field has been extended so it may contain up to 200 characters.

Previously the limit of the field meant certain roles would not fit.

311236 - Bug Fix - Fixed the sort order on the Postcode & Suburb column in the Distribution Summary screen

Fixed the sort order on the Postcode & Suburb column in the Distribution Summary screen.

Previously, when the user clicked the above column, the records did not sort in any order.

The user can click on Postcode & Suburb column to sort accordingly.

311237 - Google Maps - Special characters default value setting

Fixed maps now point to the correct location if address has special characters. Previously, Google Maps would point to an incorrect location if there were special characters in the address.

The user needs to set the default field value in 'HTML Encode' type in Codes Management for special characters.

The user can select a removal plan which has a special character (Düsseldorf) and click on the map button which will set it to the respective location.

311260 - Bug Fix - Fixed email body text truncation when report is sent as email using outlook

The text of an email body was being truncated in some cases when reports were sent as emails using outlook. This has been fixed.

Previously, when a long report was sent (i.e.: where the email body's character length was greater than 32000 characters), the email body was truncated when received.

(Employee Management) Send Mail Using Outlook = Y

The user can select any report which has an email body greater than 32000 characters and the email body will not get cut off when received.

311263 - Harrow Green Maintenance - Delete cancelled jobs in daily maintenance

Previously, the procedure looked for FS type jobs for the customer 218195 of certain set of diary actions that are older than 90 days. And now, cancelled jobs are deleted too in maintenance run.

The maintenance for database is run daily which deletes cancelled jobs along with diary actions of type matching jobfinish,Move,Move In,Move Out,Collection,Issue,Exchange in,exchange out,Transfer that are older than 90 days.

311367 - Bug Fix - Fixed Search/Logs tabs overlapping in Object dialogue

Fixed Search/Logs tabs overlapping in the Object dialogue.

Previously, the second tab overlapped the first tab when clicked.

The user can click on 'View properties of selected object' button which opens the Object dialogue with two tabs.

The user can click on the second tab where it opens the Logs tab without overlapping the Search tab.

311452 - Sobolak Only - Remove the By column and add Sales Person column in Sales Followup

For Sobolak, Moveware has added a column labelled SP (Sales Person) to the Sales Followup screen, and removed the By column to make way for the new column.

The SP column is the Account Manager field in Removals/Jobs Management.

311478 - To show the 'Name' column label base on System Parameter 'Uplift Name'

To show the 'Name' column label in Removal Management > Search screen base on 'Uplift Name' system parameter.

Code: sysparam-spare4[3]
Description: Uplift Name
Default: Uplift

If the system parameter 'Uplift Name' is blank, then the column label will be 'Uplift Name'
If the system parameter 'Uplift Name' isn't blank, then the column label will be the value + ' Name'

e.g. if the system parameter 'Uplift Name' is 'Collection' then the column label will be 'Collection Name'

311629 - New System Parameter - To set the background colour of Bill To name and code

A new system parameter has been added to set the background colour of the Bill To name and code fields. The colour used is based on colour code set in Cust Groups in Codes Management. If the debtor used for the Bill To is set to a specific group and the Cust Group code has a colour set, then the name and code for the Bill To will be coloured based on that setting.

Code: HighlightBillToInColor
Description: To highlight removals Bill To field based on Customs Group colour set in codes management.
Options: N = No, Y = Yes
Default: N

In Codes Management, filter the list by type Cust Group. Double click in the Colour field and select the colour to set the background colour.

If the Bill To debtor is assigned to a Cust Group with a background colour set, the Name and Code fields on the Removal/Job Details screen will display with the colour setting of the Cust Group code.

312029 - Bug fix - fixed rate request currency different to customer

Added validation so that the rate request currency can not differ from customer currency. This was causing problems in costing and invoices.

Settings needed for this change

  • For system parameter enter the following:

Code: SetWhichDebtorInRateRequest
Description: Set Which Debtor to use In Rate Request
Options: F = From(Default), T = To, C = Cost Centre(IM use F and Ex use T)
Default: T

In the rate request module, change the currency of the rate request to that of a currency different of the customer linked to the agent. An error should popup and not allow this to happen. Which agent to use will depend on system parameter SetWhichDebtorInRateRequest.

312055 - Payroll Changes Enhancements

When producing pays for employees setup for monthly pays, a few bugs were causing the start and end dates to not be set correctly. This was happening when adding a new pay and when using the auto create functionality. These have been resolved.

When using the auto create function, the last pay run was not being used as the template to reproduce the pay. It was always using the first pay for the employee. This has been rectified.

When using the auto create function, the hours and amounts for entitlement pays (sick leave, annual leave, long service, RDO) were held from the previous pay. These should not be the same each week and therefore should be cleared.

These changes will affect the producing of pays through the Employee Management > Pays tab.

When adding new pays for employees on Monthly frequency where the system is setup to pay employees to the end of the month, you will notice the start and finish dates are set correctly.
When creating pays through the Auto Create function for employees on Monthly frequency where the system is setup to pay employees to the end of the month, you will notice the start and finish dates are set correctly.

When creating pays through the Auto Create function for all employees, you will notice that pay details linked to categories flagged as Update Hours = Holiday Hrs or Long Service or Sick Hrs or RDO hrs, will have the values for Hours and Amount cleared for the pay run produced.

312139 - Bug Fix - Fixed Attachments field fetching the email body for HTML editor.

The attachments field will no longer display the email body in error when using the HTML editor.

Previously, the attachments field in the emails screen displayed the email body text when the Forward button was clicked.

code: sysparam-spare9[13] (Use HTML editor) = Y

The user can import an email where the images are attached without the path details.

The above email records are imported in Sales > Outlook Inbox screen and diaries are created by assigning to the respective removal plan.

The user can select the imported email diary action and click on the Forward button in the contacts tab, which will display just the Attachments and not email body text.

312473 - Bug Fix - Fixed excel report error for crystal version

Fixed a report error for Excel reports when selecting the Crystal version.

Previously, when a user clicked on the Excel button in the Reports screen, a report error was displayed without displaying the report.

The user can select the Move Summary report from the left side of the Reports screen, set the filters and click on the Excel button. The Excel report will be displayed.

312587 - Invoicing - Allow update to Date column in Invoice Details when linked to Cost Option

When system parameter ShowInvDetailsDate is set to Y, a Date column is displayed within the Invoice Charge Details section through Removals/Jobs Management. This change allows the Date column to be edited when the Invoice is linked to a Cost Option, without unlinking from the cost option.

System Parameter 'ShowInvDetailsDate' = Y

Previously the Date column was not editable when the Invoice was linked to a Cost Option. This is similar behaviour to the other columns in the Charge Details section, except the Description column. Since the Date column is unrelated to the details in the Costing, Moveware has allowed editing of this column without having to unlink the invoice from the cost option.

312620 - Bug Fix - Fixed Save-Reset button of Transaction Notes

Fixed Save-Reset button of Transaction Notes to clear the notes if Inquiry records are not available. Fixed refreshing of Transaction notes when scrolling through the customer records.

Previously, the Save and Reset button were disabled even if Inquiry records were present. Also, Transaction notes were not refreshed when scrolling through the records using blue arrows.

The user can click on a debtor record search tab which does not have any Inquiry records where Save-Reset buttons of Transaction Notes are disabled.

Again click on the search tab to choose the debtor which has Inquiry records and click on the Inquiry tab where the Save-Reset buttons are enabled.

Scroll through the blue arrows to see the Transaction Notes to display accordingly.

312622 - Disabled adding an Agent Group record unless the agent record has been saved.

Disabled adding an Agent Group record unless the agent record has been saved.

Previously, if a new agent group record was added at the same time as a new agent record was created, the system would not save the agent group correctly.

The user can add a new Agent record by clicking on the 'Add' button of the Group Membership section which displays the lookup. The records can be selected from lookup followed by clicking 'OK'.

The Agent record is saved along with the Agent Groups added.

312764 - Locked removal record to display server/workstation name on message description.

Added extra message description of Server/Workstation name if a removal record is locked. This helps to termination the session so that the second session can be continues to work in Moveware.

The user can have 2 sessions of Moveware running where the first session is locked in an instance and if the second session is access with same removal record, depending on first session is logged into a server/ workstation details are displayed so that the user can terminate the process.

313140 - Disable the Add button of lookups based on Lookup settings in Codes Management

Functionality has been added to disable the Add button on lookups based on Lookup settings in Codes Management. Previously, the Add button was enabled only for users with security group M/X/Z in most lookups.

Add 'Lookup' type in Code type to display in the list.
Add the title names with Code value = Title Name, Description = Title Name and Comments = DisableAdd

To disable the Add button for specific lookups, a record in Codes Management of Type = Lookup, Code = . The lookup title is shown in the title bar when the lookup is displayed. In the Comments field of the code record enter 'DisableAdd'. This will tell Moveware to display the Add button for the specific lookup.

If there is no lookup code set for a specific lookup then the standard functionality of allowing the add for security groups M/X/Z is still maintained.

313199 - Bug Fix - Fixed missing email body when clicking on Forward or Reply button

Previously, the email body was missing when the user clicked on Forward or Reply button of an email. Only the signature was displayed. This has been fixed.

Code: sysparam-spare9[13] (''Use HTML editor'') = Y

The user can select the Email diary action and click the Forward/Reply button which will display the previous email body text. The user can type more text if required and send the email.

The email will be sent successfully without any large gap in between the email body text.

313221 - New System Parameter - To calculate rate type Revenue based on Insurance Total (IT) by foreign currency value

A new system parameter has been added for the purpose of calculating the Insurance Total (IT) cost line using the foreign currency value instead of the base currency.

Code: CalcITByFC
Description: To calculate rate type Revenue based on Insurance Total (IT) by foreign currency value
Options: Y- Yes, N - No
Default Value: N

When this parameter is set to Y, any Insurance Total (IT) lines will use the Foreign Currency value instead of the base currency value to calculate its final price.

313237 - Event log GL Account change from General Ledger Inquiry

On the General Ledger Inquiry screen users are able to edit the details of the selected account using the Modify Account Details button at the bottom of the screen. Previously this change was not event logged.

When the Modify Account Details button is selected, the dialog to modify the details appears. When the user adjusts the details and saves the changes, Moveware will event log the changes made to the screen.

313324 - Bug Fix - Fixed HTML editor error display when Job Types screen is clicked

Fixed an HTML editor error display when the Job Types screen is clicked.

Previously, 'Unknown field or variable v-htmleditor' error was displayed when the Job Types screen was opened.

The user can click on the Job Types screen without any errors.

313625 - Bug fix - fixed bug for costing currency

When running JTC, the cost option currency should take tariff currency as priority, and only use bill to debtor if the tariff debtor does not exist. This is the same as on invoice.

Use JTC to create a cost option. If the removal has a tariff set, the currency of the cost option should be the same as currency of tariff, otherwise it will use bill to debtor currency.

313697 - New System Parameter - To Use Port Lookup in Route Destination field for Air Waybills

A system parameter has been add to use the Port lookup in the Waybill/Manifest Details screen when the Service is set to 'Air'. Previously Moveware would use the Destinations lookup.

Code: UsePortLUForWBAirRoute
Description: To Use Port Lookup in Route Destination field for Air Waybills
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N

When the system parameter is set to 'Y' Moveware will display the Ports lookup in Route Destination field rather than the Destinations lookup for Air Waybills/Manifests.

313800A - Screen Delay - Fixed Import Receipting dialogue to display without delay

Fixed Import Receipting dialogue to display without delay. Previously, on clicking 'Import Receipts' button, the dialogue would load after seconds due to the total calculation of transactions records.

Code: sysparam.sysparam-spare9[35]
Description: Show Bank Balance On Receipting/Payment Screens
Options: N = No, Y = Yes

The user can set the below system parameter to 'N' and click on the 'Import Receipts' button where the dialogue pops up without any delay and without displaying Total beside Account Name in Account combo-box.

If the system parameter is set to 'Y' then the dialogue is displayed with a few second delay and the total is displayed beside the Account Name in combo-box.

313848 - Modify merge field

Previous the merge field populated all Operation Diaries including the non applicable, lost and cancelled diary. It also previously populated all Operation Diaries all in the same line.

This change to the merge field now excludes non applicable, lost and cancelled diary actions from the list. Also the operation diaries are now presented on different lines per item, when using merge field.

314268 - Branch Security on Waybills

Previously, branch security did not work on the waybill module. New system parameter 'WaybillUseBranchSecurity' has been added to extend the branch security functionality to work on Waybill search screens so that users are able to see only waybills of related branches.

WaybillUseBranchSecurity = Y

To enable this feature, users must set system parameter 'WaybillUseBranchSecurity' to 'Y'

314522 - Removal Contact Tab Sorting

Previously, the list of contacts in Removal/Job Contact tab were sorted by date ascending/descending. Moveware has added the ability for the tab to also sort by Type in alphabetical order.

System parameter: 'RemovalContactSort'
D - sort by date time descending
N - sort by date item ascending
T - sort by type in alphabetical order

Users can choose what type of sorting they would like to see by setting the system parameter 'RemovalContactSort' according to their preference.

315144 - New values for System Parameter - Lock Removal Diary Description from being edited in Removal Diary screen

System parameter, LockRPDiaryDesc - Lock Removal Diary Description from being edited in Removal Diary screen, previously had values N and Y. When Y, the description was locked on all diary actions, where as N allowed for editing of all diary action description.

This change has allowed for an extra option of K, which would lock the description for all diary actions that are Key Actions on the job. All other diary action descriptions may be modified.

The three options enabled for this system parameter are:
N - allow editing of diary action descriptions
Y - lock diary action description on all diary actions
K - lock diary action description on action flagged as a key action, allow editing of all other diary action descriptions

315236 - Bug Fix - Concurrent preselect or sort on same buffer error on Removals/Jobs Search

Fixed concurrent preselect or sort on same buffer error on selecting a record in Removals/Jobs Search. Previously, on selecting the record the above error message would appear when the Contact tab records were sorted based on Type column.

If the RemovalsContactSort system parameter was set to 'T' this error would appear. A fix is now in place to prevent from happening.

315297 - New system parameter - Add Username and DateTime to Removal Internal Note when editing in Removal Details screen

A new system parameter has been added to insert User ID, Date, and Time of note editing automatically into the internal notes field in Removal/Job Details screen.

Code: AddDateTimetoInternalNote
Description: To add Username and DateTime to Removal Internal Note when editing in Removal Details screen
Options: N = No, Y = Yes
Default: N

With system parameter = Y, user id of user who adds or edits the note will appear together with the date and time of the editing infront of the note added.

315444 - System Parameter Extension - Extended UpdateBookingAgent to work with Branch and Cost Centre

Extended system parameter UpdateBookingAgent to work with Branch and Cost Centre. Previously, the system parameter was only able to set across the whole system, not set specifically for each branch and/or cost center.

Code: UpdateBookingAgent
Description: To update Booking Agent field in Removals Details when BillTo field is selected
Options: Value = Y, N. Branch[Cost Center:Value;Cost Center:Value],Branch[Cost Center:Value]
Default: N

System Administrators can set the value of the system parameter to be enabled for specific branches and/or cost centers. An example value for enabling this just for branch SYD would be N,SYD[Y]. To enable this parameter just for cost center DOM the value would be N,DOM:Y. To enable this parameter just for the DOM cost center in the SYD branch the value would be N,SYD[DOM:Y]. To keep this parameter as a system wide setting the parameter can have the value Y, which will work for all branches and cost centers.

284480 - Branch Filter - Clear branch filter on destination summary search tab

Branch filter is cleared on destination summary search tab. Previously, the records were filtered based on the branch set in branch filter when the screen was opened.

The branch filter is cleared when the user opens the destination summary search screen.

301153 - Grospiron - Validate Booking Agent Field

In Removal/Job Details screen validation has been adjusted for Grospiron for the Booking Agent field. If the Booking Agent begins 'Grospiron' and if the Customer type = 'Agent' then it will pop up message ''Booker is incorrect.''


301241 - Bug Fix - Fixed origin branch field when new FAIR records added from removal.

Fixed origin branch field to set as removals origin code for new FAIR records added from removal. Previously, Origin field is set as employee's branch.

The user can add a new FAIR record from removals where the origin field is set as removals origin code.

The origin field is set as employee's branch code when the FAIR record is added from FAIR management screen.

301863 - Armstrong - default to Ops comment in big diary

This is for Armstrong only.

From the daily diary screen, the column comment should default to 'Ops Comment' and click the button next to it should change to comment.

Go to dispatch screen(big diary), the column should default to Ops comment, and clicking the button will change it to comment.

304985 - KHZ - Export CustomControl xml file when diary action is completed

Export CustomControl xml file in the removals folder when diary action is completed with key action Customs Control.

Diary Key Action 'Customs Control' with 'Other' and 'Comments' field set in codes management.

Setup diary key action 'Customs Control' with Code Value = Customs Control, Description = Customs Control, Other = CustomsControl and Comments filled with the XML template.

The user can set the required diary action keyaction combo-box as 'Customs Control' in diary cation setting.

Add the above diary action in removals diary tab and click on complete button which will save the CustomsControl_datestamp.xml file in removals folder.

307643 - Docket printing - Mandatory completion of actions prior to printing

For private moves, the Quotation Acceptance diary action must be completed for branches L23, L24 and A42. Also, if the job is not a charge job then a Receipt diary action must exist for the docket to be printed for branches L23, L24 and A42. Previously, only L23 and A42 branches were a part of this condition check.

The user cannot print the docket for L24 branch if the above conditions are not met.

308055 - Do not allow Est to be converted to Act for crates if P cost option

When completing the crate diary action, usually there is a popup asking if the user wants to convert est to act. This is now disabled if the cost option is P, so no act is allowed for P options.

Go to a job with P cost option, add some crates to that cost option, complete the diary and check that there is no message popup asking to convert to actual. Try this on a W option, and the message should popup.

308261 - Grospiron Destination Lookup - Set 'Overseas' for all cost centres beginning with 'DS'

The type combo-box will be set to 'Overseas' for all cost centres beginning with 'DS' in the Destination lookup. Previously, the combo-box was set as 'Domestic' with 'Only Show Regions' toggle as checked.

To select a Removal with cost centre beginning with ''DS', double click on the origin/destination code fields where the Type lookup is set as 'Overseas' with 'Only Show Regions' and 'Include Regions' checkboxes unchecked.

309884 - Labeling change on removal screen

On the removal detail screen, the size has been relabelled to Kids and conf to has been relabelled to Visa.

From removal detail screen while running old removal detail, fields are relabelled for JM.

311030 - Grospiron Only - Exclude removal uplift date from being updated by waybill ETA date

Exclude removal uplift date from being updated from the Waybill ETA date.

When the user updates the Waybill ETA date from the Waybill Details screen, the Uplift date on the removal/job will not update based on the value entered.

311236 - Bug Fix - Fixed the sort order on the Postcode & Suburb column in the Distribution Summary screen

Fixed the sort order on the Postcode & Suburb column in the Distribution Summary screen

Previously, when the user clicked the above column, the records did not sort in any order.

The user can click on Postcode & Suburb column to sort accordingly.

311263 - Harrow Green Maintenance - Delete cancelled jobs in daily maintenance

Previously, the procedure looked for FS type jobs for the customer 218195 of certain set of diary actions that are older than 90 days. And now, cancelled jobs are deleted too in maintenance run.

The maintenance for database is run daily which deletes cancelled jobs along with diary actions of type matching jobfinish,Move,Move In,Move Out,Collection,Issue,Exchange in,exchange out,Transfer that are older than 90 days.

311452 - Sobolak Only - Remove the By column and add Sales Person column in Sales Followup

For Sobolak, Moveware has added a column labelled SP (Sales Person) to the Sales Followup screen, and removed the By column to make way for the new column.

The SP column is the Account Manager field in Removals/J

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