MoveCrew – Account, Charges and Receipting

MoveCrew – Account, Charges and Receipting

All charges related to a selected Job are displayed in the Account window. The billing and invoicing information for the Customer is populated from the Job details and displayed in the Billing section.

Charges associated with a Job are managed in the Charges window.

How to Manage Changes to a Job

  1. Navigate to the Charges screen

  2. Click the Job Type Creator to add charge lines for a Job Type.  Alternatively, click the Add button to add charge lines individually.

  3. If you need to add a Cost Option, you can use the Job Type Creator button, which will create a Cost Option in Moveware and populate the invoice, as per Moveware defaults. (Note: Internet access is required for creating Cost Options.)

  4. Edit the charge details as required and click Save.

How to Create a Customer Receipt

A customer receipt can be created in the Payment window to receive and record a deposit. This amount is recorded in the Job Diary. It is important to note that a formal invoice and receipt in Moveware is not created for amounts receipted in MoveCrew.

  1. Once the details of the Job charges are correct, click the Payment tab.

  2. Edit the details of the staff member processing the payment and the customer.

  3. Select the Payment Type from the drop-down list.

  4. Enter the payment amount and any relevant comments.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Yes to confirm the payment. Click OK. The receipt is logged as a diary action.

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