MoveSurvey – Inventory

MoveSurvey – Inventory

Inventory items are added by selecting the required Job in the Search window and navigating to the Inventory window.  This is where estimated inventory is added during a survey.

How to Add an Inventory Item

  1. Select a room from the Room List.  

A room on the list may be edited by tapping twice on a room.  Additional rooms can be added using the image-20240903-201341.png  icon on top of the room list, or use the image-20240903-201355.png  icon to make another copy of the highlighted room (Bedroom 2, Bedroom 3, Bedroom 4, etc.)

  1. Select a Method from the Method list under the Room list.  Selecting All from the list will display a list of items for all destinations.

  1. Click on an item the Pick List at the right of the window.  

The list will display items that are set up to display for the room you’ve selected in step 1.  The Pick List may be filtered to view only room or packing items.  See MoveSurvey Inventory Icons for additional filtering options.

  1. Click the Qty field to increase the quantity of the item by 1.

A number pad will also pop up, allowing you to enter a quantity faster.

  1. Tap the item again to add detail. 


  • Edit the Method or Room

  • Select a different Origin or Destination address (if multiple options are available)

  • Press the Packing field and select the required materials for this item specifically.

  • Press the image-20240903-201425.png  icon to the right of Pack By to choose who is packing the item

  • Press Details to add any additional detail

  • Press Cond to indicate the condition of the item.  Choose the Location (for instance, Top) and the Condition of the location (for instance, Bent)

  • Enter a Serial number into the Serial field

  • Indicate if it’s a Bulky Item in the Bulky field

  • Enter the item’s Value

  • Enter the item’s dimensions

  1. Take a photo by pressing the image-20240903-201445.png  icon. Use the Attachments image-20240903-201459.png  icon to add any additional files such as a video.

  1. Modify the properties of several items at once using the checkbox at the top of the Inventory list:

This highlights all items on the screen.  You can then edit a property such as the Room, press Save, and all checked items will update.  This is useful if you’ve accidentally added items to the wrong Room or Method and want to adjust all of them.

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