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App Store Release date: March 11 , 2024 (Please note date is not fixed, once release to app stores, there is an approval process which could take up to a week)

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Diary Filter auto set on Materials Page

Previously, if a user wished to allocate packing materials to a specific diary action, they would need to select the diary action from the lookup even if they were working on a specific diary action already. Now, if the user already has a diary action selected then the packing materials will be automatically assigned to that diary action.

No change in usage.

Improvement: New Furniture items in locations

Previously when adding a new inventory item in Mobi and checking that item off into a location, the item would be set as Active in Moveware. This was because the locations screen in Moveware wasn't able to display inactive items. This has now been improved with an Active/Inactive filter on the locations screen meaning new items are visible on the location screen without having to add the newly created item to the mater furniture list.

No change in usage.

Improvement: FINE ART

Added extra translation tags to allow the Start Day, Object screen and report screen to be translated using the Moveware language table.

No change in usage.

Improvement: Check Off Edit Bug

Removed Fine Art specific fields from Asset Management Check Edit screen

No change in usage.

Improvement: Fine Art Object Modification

Previously when editing an object a user would receive a pop up saying "Object has been updated" where the user would have to select "OK" to acknowledge the message. This was found to interupt the workflow and has now been removed.

No change in usage.

Improvement: Objects edit backend change.

Backend change only. Previously changes to the objects edit screen would save the Moveware inventory table twice. This was unnecessary processing and has been amended for better performance.

No change in usage.

Improvement: Connection check

Backend change only. Updated the way we handle database connection check to speed up sync.

No change in usage.

Improvement: Sort cleared after refreshed

Previousy when pressing the refresh button, the sort view would be cleared forcing a user to resort. The sorting will now remain as it was after a user refreshes the screen for new data.

No change in usage.

Improvement: Object Edit Refresh

Previously when updating fine art objects, some details were not being checked for Moveware updates. We've updated this so the object details are checked before the screen displays for the user.

No change in usage.

Improvement: Create Sync record for all updates

Added backend sync records for live updates.

No change in usage.

Improvement: Removed popup alerts for successes

To limit the number of interuptions in the workflow for the user, we've removed all pop ups for successes. The user will instead see pop ups if anything in the process has failed.

No change in usage.

Improvement: Sync only changes

Limited syncs to only send updates instead of the full job. This limits un-necessary sycing and should speed up the process.

No change in usage.

Improvement: Check Off report

Fixed up formatting of check off report to better align columns for jobs with up to 10 checks. Also fixed grouping display.

No change in usage.

Improvement: Mobi Images download

Added the ability for Mobi to download pictures and files from 'download' menu.

No change in usage.

FIX- Start Time decimals

Fixed Start time display to job summary screen

No change in usage.

FIX- Uncaught TypeError

Fixed an issue with "uncaught Type Errors" popping up in some instances.

No change in usage.

FIX- File Extension of review photos

Fixed issue where files being renamed with a full stop at the end would cause issues with the file extension

No change in usage.

FIX- Room and Destination filtering by Branch Codes

Fixed issue with rooms and destinations not filtering correctly by branch.

No change in usage.

FIX- Fine Art Container refresh issue

Previously when creating a new packing container against an object, the object screen would still show "No Packing" even though Moveware has the new container assigned to the object. The Mobi screen will now be refreshed to show this newly added container right away.

No change in usage.

FIX- SMS sending set up

When setting 'SendSMSOnDiaryEdit' was added to the Mobi configuration, it could still trigger a message to be sent when answer field was set to blank and setting not inactive. This has now been fixed so only an affirmative setting will trigger the sms.

No change in usage.

FIX- Fine Art Object Expansion

Fixed an issue where the object buttons would at times not expand by default

No change in usage.

FIX - Fine Art object Record locks

Fixed a backend issue with object record locking incorrectly.

No change in usage.