The Costing module has a distinct Life Cycle that runs parallel to its respective Job Life Cycle, moving through its own different statuses as the job progresses.
Review the table below to find out more about the individual statuses that may appear in these columns:
Column | Details | Possible Statuses |
ST: Costing Job Status | Each Cost Option has a Status that generally matches the Status of a Job. As the Job progresses though it’s Life Cycle, the Costing Job Status will be updated Accordingly. The only exceptions to this rule are when there are multiple Costing or Quote Options and some of them aren’t selected by the customer. These Options are then set to have a Costing Job Status of C for cancelled. | P (Pending) – Job has been quoted and is Pending a decision from the Client. W (Won) – Job has been Won (or Booked) and Costing Option was chosen by the client. L (Lost) – Job has been Lost. C (Cancelled) – Costing Option not selected by the client, the Job was Cancelled or the Cost Option was entered incorrectly. |
In: Invoicing Status | The system is capable of generating Invoices direct from the Costing module. If this is the case, the Costing Invoice Status is used to keep track of this invoicing process and to make sure that updated invoices are not incorrectly modified, especially after they have been processed through to the Customers and G/L modules. | N (Not Invoiced) P (Printed) and Sell Price Locked – When this status is set the Estimate Costs and Sell Price of the Job can be edited. Only Actual Costs can be entered. U (Updated) and Invoiced to Customers and General Ledger – Estimated Costs and Sell Price cannot be edited. Only Actual Costs can be entered. F – No charge |
C: Costed Status | The Costing Completed Status is used to finalise the Actual Costs on a Job. Once this Status has been set to U no further Actual Costs can be entered against the Cost Option. | N (Not Costed) – All Cost Options start with this Status set to ‘N. Not Fully costed and Sell Price not locked. R (Ready for Checking) - If you use Costing Approval, this means that the Cost Option is ready for a final check before getting the P status. This is achieved by locking the sell price. P (Pending) - Sell Price and Estimate Costs are Locked. U (Updated) – Estimated Costs, Sell Price and Actuals are all locked. All information relating to the costs of this Option have been finalised. |