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  • This line was added.
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*Please note the release date typically falls on the second Monday of every month, barring any international holidays.

Issue Key



NEW SETTING- "SyncCompletedDiary"

This setting controls whether all diary actions or just the job's incomplete diary actions are synced to the device. Previously users with too many diary actions (100+) would see delayed sync times and crashes.

The setting that enables this is:
Code Value: SyncCompletedDiary Description: Sync Completed Diary actions to Device
Answers: Yes, No
Default Answer: No
Parent: Sync
Comments: Sync Completed Diary actions to Device
Control Type: Toggle
Admin Only: Y
No change in Usage.

NEW SETTING- "AllowErroneousScan"

There has been a new setting that controls what happens after an erroneous scan on the check off screen. Previously the user had no option but to add an unknown scanned barcode as an object or inventory item to the job. Now with this new setting the user gets two options:

  1. Add new Object/Item or dismiss the scan

  2. Keep scanning with a list of erroneous scans displayed as a footer in the check-off screen.

The new setting is as follows:
Code Value: AllowErroneousScan
Description: Allow Erroneous Scan in Check Off
Answers: Yes,No
Default Answer: Yes
Parent: User
Comments: If allowed then user will be able to rapidly scan barcodes and the erroneous scans will be visible in the footer of check off screen.
Otherwise, after an erroneous scan, the user would be prompted to decide future flow.
Control Type: Combo

Usage varies based on setting:

  1. With the setting set to No:

a.) User will be prompted to either add or not add the newly scanned item.
b.) No footer for erroneous scans should be visible.
c.) With the dialog box open, users should not be able to scan more barcodes.

  1. With the setting set to Yes:

a.) User will not be prompted in 1(a).
b.) An erroneous scan footer will be visible with all unknown scans.
c.) The list of erroneous scans should be saved to diary comments.

NEW FEATURE- Added report button to Object Screen for Fine Art Warehouse users.

Previously, there was no way of accessing object specific reports from the warehouse search screen. Now, a new reports icon has been added that gives access to object specific reports.

No change in settings or usage required.

FIXED - Object Location Updating

Previously, some users may have faced an issue where Fine Art Object Locations were being reverted after image files were synced through.

This has been fixed and no change in settings or usage required.

NEW FEATURE- Added ability to handle duplicate review sets in Mobi & Moveware

Previously Moveware was limited to one unique set of responses per unique review question. Now users can capture and store responses for each review question multiple times.

No change in settings or usage. Moveware 9.0 is required.

NEW FEATURE- Added Pack Button for warehouse users

Added Pack Button to Objects in the Warehouse Search Screen.

No change in settings or usage. Process for Packing and unpacking has been made consistent for crew & Fine art warehouse users.

NEW SETTING- used to adjust Report Time & Date formats.

Added ability to change date & Time format in reports

Type: MobiReportFilter
Code: Date
Desc: Date Format
Default: Default
Extra: Combo
Lookup Sort: 75

Type: MobiReportFilter
Code: Time
Desc: Time Format
Default: Default
Extra: Combo
Lookup Sort: 80
Comments: HH:mm,hh:mm a,Default

Change only required if default setting does not apply. No change in Usage.

FIXED - Scanning a new Barcode Multiple Times

Previously, some users may have faced an issue where scanning a previously scanned unknown object/item would add another object/item. This resulted in multiple objects or items with the same scanned barcode.

This has now been fixed so the user is alerted with a prompt when they scan the same new item multiple times. No change in usage or settings.

FIXED- Address Syncing

Previously, some users may have faced an issue where address edits were not synced back to Moveware under certain scenarios.

This has now been fixed. No change in usage or settings.

FIXED- Inventory Dimensions

Previously, users may have faced an issue where dimensions set for an inventory item in inventory management may not have copied to inventory items in Mobi.

This has now been fixed and there are no changes in usage or settings.

FIXED- Mobi Check Off by Package Setting

Previously, some users may have faced an issue where in the check off screen, scanning a container's barcode may have not checked off packed objects/items.

This has now been fixed and there are no changes in usage or settings.

NEW- Added additional Event Logging

Additional Event logging added for changes to Removal details, Address Details, Diary actions and Review Ratings

No Change in settings or usage.