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App Store Release date: November 28th , 2023 (Please note date is not fixed, once release to app stores, there is an approval process which could take up to a week)

Issue Key



NEW SETTING: Vehicle Lookup

Add ability to filter vehicle lookup by fleet or template types

Code Value: ShowTemplatesInVehicleLookup
Description: Show Templates in Vehicle lookup?
Answers: TemplatesOnly,NonTemplateOnly,Both
Default Answer: Both
Parent: User
Comments: TemplatesOnly: Shows Only vehicles where template=Y
NonTemplateOnly: Shows only vehicles where template=N
Both: Show both Template and non template vehicles
Status: Active
Control Type: Combo

NEW SETTING: Autoflip for Zebra Devices

Previously Zebra devices could not lock screen orientation of Mobi. Added a new setting to disable display auto-flip

Code Value: DoNotFlip
Description: Do Not Flip Screen
Answers: Yes,No
Default Answer: Yes
Parent: User
Comments: Set to ON to prevent the screen from flipping when the device is upside down
Status: Active
Control Type: Toggle

IMPROVEMENT: Add Tag Number in file name for inventory pictures

Added Tag# to photo file name for easier identification

No change in usage.

FIX: Furniture filtering by room

Fixed an issue with default filtering of furniture items by room

No change in usage.

FIX: Reviews Screen

Fixed issue with reviews not showing in some instances

No change in usage.

FIX: Please select vehicle pop up

Previously the "Please select Vehicle" pop up would trigger in all review screens until the user entered a vehicle. This has now been removed so it only displays the pop up on the review screen requiring the vehicle selection

No change in usage.

FIX: Object Images Error Message

Fixed problem with images not displaying in some instances

No change in usage.

FIX: Decimal limiting when splitting objects

Previously splitting an inventory item could show many decimal points on reports. This has now been limited to 2 decimal points.

No change in usage.