App Store Release date: February 14 , 2022 (Please note, once release to app stores, there is an approval process which could take up to a week)
Issue Key | Summary | Description |
NEW SETTING: Added Special Handling Button | Added ability to edit special handling from main inventory screen. | Setting |
NEW SETTING: Handling Check off exceptions | Traditionally, the user had no option, but to add an unknown/erroneously scanned barcode as an object or inventory item to the job. Now, with a new setting, the user gets two options:
| The new setting is as the follows: In terms of Usage:
IMPROVED: Barcoding Validation | Improved the inventory Start Numbers feature for Barcoding validation. Previously when using the Start Numbers setting to set a barcode, all subsequent barcodes were auto assigned the same number. Now the barcode will increase incrementally | No change in settings or usage required. |
IMPROVED: Inventory Button Capacity | Previously users with too many inventory quick buttons configured would find buttons being cut off. Now users will be able to scroll the quick button menu. | No change in settings or usage required. |
IMPROVED: Removed inactive Check off Locations button | Removed Inactive Button in check off screen | No change in settings or usage required. |
IMPROVED: Text Display | Previously some fields did not have text wrapping and long words could have been cut off. Text wrapping has now been added to these fields. | No change in settings or usage required. |
IMPROVED: Room Filtering on Inventory Screen | When using Tablet Inventory display, some users may have found the room view defaults to the first room in lookup list rather than defaulting to blank. This has now been set to default to blank. | No change in settings or usage required. |
IMPROVED: Added user alerts for Barcoding on Tag Numbers | Previously there was a possibility for conflicting data in Moveware and Mobi where Moveware had a tag limit maximum of 9999 and Mobi didn't. An error message has been added to Mobi to alert the user of the issue at the time the tag number is set. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Fine Art Object location reverting | Previously, some users may have faced an issue with locations of objects being reverted to old locations in Moveware, when data is synced from Mobi. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Volume Refresh | Previously some users may have found the volume not refreshing correctly. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Alignment of Charges section on PDF reports | Previously the Charges section was not aligned properly with other report sections. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Mobi- Server Report Sync Prompt | Users trying to generate a Server report with un-synced changes will receive a prompt to sync first. Previously selecting "Sync" on this prompt would lead to continuous loading. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Fine Art- Condition Photos. | Previously, Fine Art users may have faced an issue with the "Photo" button available on the condition screen of objects. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Fine Art- Workflow Object Refresh | Previously Fine Art users may have noticed a discrepancy in object dimensions in the work flow vs the Inventory screen caused by a refresh not being triggered. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Breaktime not displaying properly when Comma separator is being used. | Previously users using a Comma Separator instead of Decimal Separator may have experienced display issues with the break time being set in Timesheeting. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Fine Art- Object counts | Previously Components would not be included in the object count. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Fine Art- Object relocation Spinner | Previously, some users may have faced an issue where the spinner would spin continuously after searching for a location in the location lookup, or, when changing an object's location via Warehouse -> Search screen. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Bug In Quantity Function | Previously items that had a packing material assigned to them in Moveware may have experienced a bug with the volume display. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Items classed as "Not Going" were included in Total volume display | The display for total volume previously included items categorized as "Not Going". These have been excluded from the total count. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Sync Burst Mode (admin setting) | Previously Sync Burst Mode would not retrigger after a file sync. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |
FIX: Fine Art- Delay in relocation setting | Previously some users may have experienced a delay in the notification confirming relocation success. This has now been fixed. | No change in settings or usage required. |