Versions Compared


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  • Please note the release date typically falls on the second Monday of every month, barring any international holidays.

Issue Key




Fixed - Continuous Barcode Scanning stopped working

Previously, when using an external scanner (NOT the device's cammera), the barcoding was being turned off with every scan, so users were forced to 1. Press on the barcode button in checkoff to enable /2. Use external scanner to scan a barcode - Item cheked of / 3. Repat 1 and 2 for EVERY Item. This has now been fixed so users can 1. Press on the barcode button in checkoff to enable / 2. Use external scanner to scan a barcode - Item cheked of / 3. Repeat step 2 only (barcoding stays on). No change in settings or usage.


Fixed - Day Flow menu incorrect alert message on next button

Previously users that started any DA workflow, when they clicked on the next button to go to the Summary screen, then clicked on the previous button, they received a message saying "you are on the first task", which is correct. Subsequently if users clicked on next, they got a message saying "you are on the last task", which is incorrect. This has now been fixed. No change in settings or usage.


Fixed - Diary was not displaying properly when invalid labour was present

Fixed issue where invalid labour stops diary from displaying in search. No change in usage or settings.


Fixed - Duplicate questions in reviews

Previously, some users may have faced an issue wheresome review questions would appear twice or more times in reviews that were configured to have only one copy of the question. This has now been fixed. No change in usage or settings.


Fixed - Erroneous display of Next and Previous button in workflow

Fixed an issue where the workflow buttons do not respect diary/job summary display. No change in usage or settings.


Fixed - Labour lookup Filters using display branches

Previously, when a company enabled display branches (multi-brand), employee lookups in labour add was using display branches for its filter, but the filter should be based on active branches, instead. Same with cost centres. This has now been fixed. No change in settings or usage.


Fixed - Packer Lookups

Previously, some users may have faced an issue where lookups for Packers would not follow sort as set. This has now been fixed. No change in usage or settings.


Fixed - Piece & Package Count Repeated on Job Summary

Previously, some users may have faced an issue where Piece and Package count gets repeated for each package record in reports. This has now been fixed. No change in usage or settings.


Fixed - Removed Refresh button in lookups

"Previously a refresh button was available in a few lookups, but the button would work only on objects (asset management). The refresh button has been removed from the following pages to not confuse users:

  • Item Materials for an inventory item (Inventory item > Packing) / - Materials > Add"


Fixed - Sort order of materials in lookups

Previously, some users may have faced an issue where lookups for materials would not be sorted as per their assigned sort order. This has now been fixed. No change in usage or settings.


Fixed - Sync succesful message when a sync error exists

Previously, while syncing review questions from Mobi to Moveware users that received an error saying the files could not be synced, would still get a green pop up saying Sync Successful after that. This has now been fixed. No changes in settings or usage.


Fixed - Syncing diary ations when labour is unconfirmed

Fixed issue with diary ations syncing even though labour was unconfirmed and unconfirmed labour resources not appearing correctly in Mobi. No change in usage or settings.


Fixed - Time sheeting bulk entry error

Previously, some users may have faced an issue where, when bulk updating timesheet records in the timesheet screen, some records did not get updated. This has now been fixed. No change in usage or settings.


New Functionality! Improved the way we manage adding duplicate rooms

Changed the way we create additional rooms. Previously every time a user clicked on an existing room in the rooms list lookup, this would create a second version of that room, with a number added to the name (e.g. "Kitchen 1"). Users were often confused by this behaviour. We have ammended this by adding a dedicaed "+1 button" nxt tio the room's name field. Users can now select a room (e.g. "Kitchen") in the lookup, and subsequently click on the "+1" button to create a new room.


New Functionality! Choosing when Items are numbered automatically in Actual Inventory

"Previously, Inventory items could only be added ""without"" an inventory number when the settings ""Use Barcodes in Inventory"" and ""Use Separate Barcode field for barcodes"" were set to ""Yes"".
This has been changed and the only setting that now controls inventory numbering is ""Auto Generate Numbers for inventory"".

The setting can be set as the following:
Code Value: ""UseAutoInventoryNumbers"",
Description: ""Auto Generate Numbers for inventory"",
Answers: ""Yes, No"",
Default Answer: ""Yes"" (or ""No"")
Parent: ""User""
Control Type: ""Toggle""
Lookup Sort: ""357""

In terms of usage, this setting can be accessed from the list of buttons up -top the inventory screen, on from the settings menu. "


New Functionality! Inventory Room Selection Improvements

"Two improvements introduced to inventory display in tablets with rooms and destinations alwats in view.

  1. The ""NO ROOM"" and the ""NO DEST"" options will always be at the top of their lists respectively, so they are easier for the user to select.

  2. In IOS, we added a cancel button to the rooms and destinations lookup as there was no way to ancel out of this menu, and users were forced to add a room or dest once there.

We added a 'Cancel' option next to the 'Save and Close"" option. When pressed, this simply closes this page (back to inventory) with no action taken. "


New Functionality! New Setting to display editor on checkoff

We have added a NEW setting ShowConditionCheckOff which, when enabled, will auto popup the condition submenu of items when checking off items


New Funtionality! Option to clear Packing method and Packer

"Previously, when you added an item to the inventory, any changes done to the 'Pack method' and 'Packer' fields, any other item you add afterwards to the inventory would inherit the same values (the same pack method and packer default). We have added a setting for users to be able to choose to NOT have these two values default to subsequent items:

Setting: Retain Pack Method for Each Item
Anwsers: Yes / No
Yes = Current behaivour
No = All new items added have these two fields blank "