Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Select the desired employee and navigate to the Pays screen.

  2. Ensure that the record date of the pay is showing in the top right corner of the screen. This can be changed if desired.

  3. Select the Add button in Timesheets – A new pay record will be created and if desired a comment or header can be entered in the space provided > Select Save

  4. Select the Add All button in Timesheet Details – The categories that have been previously chosen for the employee on the Pay Setup screen will appear. You can manually add or delete pay lines by using the Add or Delete buttons.

  5. Enter any hours or quantities that are required in the ‘Hours’ or ‘Amount’ columns, e.g. for time and a half and double time hours. This is used when employees take leave that may comprise multiple weeks, e.g. Annual Leave. This must be done prior to entering in any Wage amounts.

  6. Moveware automatically calculates Gross and Net amounts combined with Tax, Super, Deduction and Expense amounts. These are displayed on the right of the screen. Employee allowances and deductions may be adjusted before updating payments, otherwise the payment must be reversed.

  7. Click on the Save button once you have completed the pay.
