An employee’s pay details are entered from the Pay Setup tab of the Employee Management module.
Note: Payroll Categories can be added following the steps here. Categories that generally appear for all Employees include: Base Hours/Salary, Superannuation, PAYE Tax, Annual Leave, Sick Leave, LSL and RDO Leave (Entitlements and Wages).
Navigate to Employee Management > Pay Setup tab.
Set the Pay Basis field to Hours (for waged Employees) or Salary.
Set the Pay Method to Cash (C), Cheque (Q), Bank (B) or Already Paid (A). If the Bank method is used, the employee’s bank account information must be set up.
Set the Tax Scale (this is usually 2). See Adding new Tax Rates.
Enter the employee’s Tax File Number.
Enter the Cost Centre. Pay Categories are allocated to an employee in the General Ledger for the cost centre specified.
The Holiday, Sick, RDO and LSL hours are automatically calculated from updated pays.
(NOTE: The opening balances of Annual Leave, RDOs, Long Service Leave and Sick Leave are set up by completing an initial pay for an employee. This is created and processed as a normal employee pay, with only leave entitlements included.)Enter the pay Frequency and Base rates (for hourly wages or annual salary).
(NOTE: The Employee’s Superannuation Account Number field is not applicable, as it is now stored in the Bank Accounts tab. See Setting up Bank Accounts.)Enter the amounts for Fringe Benefits Tax, Total Rebates and Extra tax. Enter the general ledger account to be used as the Wages Expense Account.
Click Save.