As mentioned in Service Order Initiation, a new Job is created in Moveware based on the data received from PRISM. From that point forward, updates should be made in Moveware only. Any updates to a (PRISM) Job in Moveware will automatically sync the updated data back to PRISM.
List of data that sends from Moveware to PRISM:
Parsifal field name | Parsifal Comments | Moveware field | Moveware field description |
*supplierKey | GUID provided to suppliers when they begin to use the PRISM Supplier APIs | Pull from backend MoveSupport database | |
*referenceID | Obtained from Reference ID feed | removals.r-spareint[7] | Job Details - PRISM# (must be numeric) |
*fileNbr | removals.r-order | Job Details - P.O Number (Order No.) | |
supplierMoveCoordinator | User Email - used to log into PRISM | removals.r-manager -> payemp.pay-email | Job Details - Move Manager -> Employee Details Work Email |
firstContactDT |
| Job Diary - firstContactDT diary (key) action - from original job. | |
*introCall | True/False | Job Diary - If Completed introCall diary (key) action exists then True - from original job. | |
*infoPackageSent | True/False | Job Diary - If Completed infoPackageSent diary (key) action exists then True - from original job. | |
surveySchedulingCallDT |
| Job Diary - surveySchedulingCallDT diary (key) action - from original job. | |
surveyFollowUpDT |
| Job Diary - Followup diary (key) action - from original job. | |
scheduledSurveyDT |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Survey diary (key) action date - from original job. | |
actualSurveyDT |
| Job Diary - Completed Survey diary (key) action date | |
loadCallDT |
| Job Diary - loadCallDT diary (key) action date | |
qASiteVisitDT |
| Job Diary - qASiteVisitDT diary (key) action date | |
*packingConfirmationSent | True/False | Job Diary - If Completed packingConfirmationSent diary (key) action then True | |
originAgentID | Obtained from Agent Feed | removals.foagentid -> oagents.o-sparechar[?] | Job Details - Origin Agent -> The ID value from Agent Settings: Parsifal |
destinationAgentID | Obtained from Agent Feed | removals.oagentid -> oagents.o-sparechar[?] | Job Details - Destination Agent -> The ID value from Agent Settings: Parsifal |
estimatedPackFromAir |
| Job Diary - the earliest Uncompleted Pack diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
estimatedPackToAir |
| Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Air | |
actualPackFromAir |
| Job Diary - the earliest Completed Pack diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
actualPackToAir |
| Job Diary - the latest Completed Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Air | |
estimatedPackFromSea |
| Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Pack diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
estimatedPackToSea |
| Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Sea | |
actualPackFromSea |
| Job Diary - the earliest Completed Pack diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
actualPackToSea |
| Job Diary - the latest Completed Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Sea | |
estimatedPackFromRoad |
| Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Pack diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
estimatedPackToRoad |
| Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Road | |
actualPackFromRoad |
| Job Diary - the earliest Completed Pack diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
actualPackToRoad |
| Job Diary - the latest Completed Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Road | |
estimatedLoadFromAir |
| Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
estimatedLoadToAir |
| Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Air | |
actualLoadFromAir |
| Job Diary - the earliest Completed Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
actualLoadToAir |
| Job Diary - the latest Completed Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Air | |
estimatedLoadFromSea |
| Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
estimatedLoadToSea |
| Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Sea | |
actualLoadFromSea |
| Job Diary - the earliest Completed Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
actualLoadToSea |
| Job Diary - the latest Completed Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Sea | |
estimatedLoadFromRoad |
| Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
estimatedLoadToRoad |
| Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Road | |
actualLoadFromRoad |
| Job Diary - the earliest Completed Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
actualLoadToRoad |
| Job Diary - the latest Completed Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Road | |
exportCustomsClearedEstimateAir |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
exportCustomsClearedActualAir |
| Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Origin (key) action where Method = Air | |
importCustomsClearedEstimatedAir |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
importCustomsClearedActualAir |
| Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
*exportClearingNotRequiredAir | True/False | Job Diary - If Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action is marked as N/A and Method = Air | |
exportCustomsClearedEstimateSea |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
exportCustomsClearedActualSea |
| Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Origin (key) action where Method = Sea | |
importCustomsClearedEstimatedSea |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
iImportCustomsClearedActualSea |
| Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
*exportClearingNotRequiredSea | True/False | Job Diary - If Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action is marked as N/A and Method = Sea | |
exportCustomsClearedEstimateRoad |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
exportCustomsClearedActualRoad |
| Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Origin (key) action where Method = Road | |
importCustomsClearedEstimatedRoad |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
importCustomsClearedActualRoad |
| Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
*exportClearingNotRequiredRoad | True/False | Job Diary - If Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action is marked as N/A and Method = Road | |
*importClearingNotRequiredRoad | True/False | Job Diary - If Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action is marked as N/A and Method = Road | |
airportOfDepartureID | Obtained from Port Feed | waybill.w-portoriginID -> ports.port-acos | Waybill - Rail/Port - Origin Method = Air |
estimatedAirportOfDepartureDT |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Departure diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
revisedAirportOfDepartureDT |
| ||
actualAirportOfDepartureDT |
| Job Diary - Completed Departure diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
airportOfEntryID | Obtained from Port Feed | waybil.w-portdestinationID -> ports.port-acos | Waybill - Rail/Port - Destination where Method = Air |
airportOfEntryEstimatedArrival |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Arrival diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
airportOfEntryActualArrival |
| Job Diary - Completed Arrival diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
portOfDepartureID | Obtained from Port Feed | waybill.w-portoriginID -> ports.port-acos | Waybill - Rail/Port - Origin where Method = Sea |
estimatedPortOfDepartureDT |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Departure diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
revisedPortOfDepartureDT |
| ||
actualPortOfDepartureDT |
| Job Diary - Completed Departure diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
portOfEntryID | Obtained from Port Feed | waybil.w-portdestinationID -> ports.port-acos | Waybill - Rail/Port - Destination where Method = Sea |
portOfEntryEstimatedArrival |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Arrival diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
portOfEntryActualArrival |
| Job Diary - Completed Arrival diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
airwayBill | waybill.w-obl | Waybill - OBL/AWBL where Method = Air | |
flightNumber | waybill.w-routvoyage[1] | Waybill - Flight where Method = Air. First route only | |
airline | waybill.w-routecarrier[1] | Waybill - Carrier where Method = Air. First route only | |
oceanBillOfLading | waybill.w-obl | Waybill - OBL/AWBL where Method = Sea | |
voyageID | waybill.w-voyage | Waybill - Voyage where Method = Sea | |
steamshipLine | waybill.w-vessel | Waybill - Freight where method = Sea | |
vesselName | waybill.w-vesselname | Waybill - Vessel where Method =Sea | |
containerID1 | remcost.rc-number | Waybill - Container Number -1st Container from either the first job or any of the sequenced job, whichever one comes first. | |
containerID2 | remcost.rc-number | Waybill - Container Number - 2nd Container of the job if there are no sequenced jobs. If there are sequenced jobs, then 1st Container from any of the sequenced job, whichever one comes first. | |
roadBillOfLading | waybill.w-obl | Waybill - OBL/AWBL where Method = Road | |
originAirSITInEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
originAirSITOutEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
originAirSITInActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
originAirSITOutActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
destAirSITInEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
destAirSITOutEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
destAirSITInActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
destAirSITOutActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
originSeaSITInEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
originSeaSITOutEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
originSeaSITInActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
originSeaSITOutActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
destSeaSITInEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
destSeaSITOutEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
destSeaSITInActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
destSeaSITOutActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
originRoadSITInEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
originRoadSITOutEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
originRoadSITInActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
originRoadSITOutActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
destRoadSITInEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
destRoadSITOutEstimate |
| Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
destRoadSITInActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
destRoadSITOutActual |
| Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
midCallAttempted |
| Job Diary - midCallAttempted diary action date | |
midCallCompleted |
| Job Diary - midCallCompleted diary action date | |
estimatedDeliveryFromAir |
| Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
estimatedDeliveryToAir |
| Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Air | |
actualDeliveryFromAir |
| Job Diary - the earliest Completed Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Air | |
actualDeliveryToAir |
| Job Diary - the latest Completed Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Air | |
estimatedDeliveryFromSea |
| Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
estimatedDeliveryToSea |
| Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Sea | |
actualDeliveryFromSea |
| Job Diary - the earliest Completed Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Sea | |
actualDeliveryToSea |
| Job Diary - the latest Completed Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Sea | |
estimatedDeliveryFromRoad |
| Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
estimatedDeliveryToRoad |
| Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Road | |
actualDeliveryFromRoad |
| Job Diary - the earliest Completed Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Road | |
actualDeliveryToRoad |
| Job Diary - the latest Completed Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Road | |
oACallAttempted | Job Diary - oACallAttempted diary action date | ||
oACallCompleted | Job Diary - oACallCompleted diary action date | ||
*propertyDamage | True/False | Job Diary - If Completed PropertyDamage diary (key) action exists then True | |
*hHGDamage | True/False | Job Diary - If Completed hHGDamage diary (key) action exists then true | |
*allDeliveriesComplete | True/False | Job Diary - If Completed allDeliveriesComplete diary (key) action then true | |
*signedDeliveryFormReceived | True/False | Job Diary - If Completed signedDeliveryFormReceived (key) action then True | |
propertyDamageComments | Job Diary - Completed PropertyDamage Comments - Includes comments from all sequenced jobs, separated by ' // ' | ||
hHGDamageComments | Job Diary - Completed hHGDamage Comments - Includes comments from all sequenced jobs, separated by ' // ' |