Moveware reports may be generated in a range of formats to be printed, saved, or e-mailed. In this section we will discuss how to generate a report. See Printing Reports for more information on how to print reports.
Navigate to Reports in the main menu.
Navigate to the required tab, e.g. Operations, in the Reports module. A list of available reports will be displayed, organized by category. Reports exported in Excel format are highlighted in green, and reports exported in Word format are highlighted in blue.
Select the desired report from the left column of the tab.
The middle column contains a number of filters to allow you to get more specific information. Most fields can be specified by double clicking. For instance, I can run a Jobs Summary report listing only Jobs that were Entered By Moveware Admin. Double-click the Entered By field, and select Moveware Admin:
You can choose as many filters as you’d like to specify a date range for the report, or a specific Sales Rep, or a specific type of Job (Cost Centre), or any of the other filters available for that report.
In the right-hand column there are several options for customising the generated report, depending on the report type:
Select the desired export format from the available icons at the top right of the tab to generate the report:
See Printing Reports for more information on printing reports.
Word Output: Double click the Word Output row to change the type of Word file generated. The file may be:
Editable: An easily editable report with no text boxes, drawing objects, pictures or borders.
Rich Text: A report identical to the Print Preview, with each text section in a text box. Not recommended for frequent manual editing.
Excel Output: Double click the Excel Output row to change the type of Excel file generated. The file may be:
Normal: The formatting and layout of the report is retained
Data Only: No formatting or layout retained, useful for data manipulation
Non Crystal: Original Excel report exported by Moveware
Version: Listing reports can be generated as a summary or detailed version. Double click the Version row to change the report from Detailed to Summary.
Shading: Shading (highlighted rows) of Crystal Reports is on by default. To hide this option, double click the row or ask your System Administrator to set the System Parameter Hide Shading when Printing Crystal Reports to Y.
Graph: Graphs may be included in some reports. Double click the Graph row to set the Graph option to Yes, which will display graphs instead of data in the exported report.
Sort By: Double click a Sort By field to change the order of report records.
Page Break: Click the Page Break (PB) icon to insert a page break when a new group of records begins.