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A new Corporate Account may be added to Moveware at any time.  Steps for adding new account in the Details tab of the CRM module are similar to adding a new Customer in the Details tab of the Customer Management module. See Adding New Customers.


How to Add a New Corporate Account: 

  1. Follow steps 1 to 4 in Adding New Customers. At step 2 set the Corporate Account field to Y.

  2. If the Corporate Account belongs to a parent company, a parent account must be allocated using the Pricing button. See Linking Corporate Accounts.

  3. A Corporate Account should be given a Status of “Suspect”, “Prospect”, “Active”, or “Corp Only”. Corp Only accounts will be available to add as the “Corporate” of a Job, but not as the “Bill To”.  Active accounts can be invoiced as the Bill To like any Active Customer.

  4. Click Save.

For a Detailed description of the fields on the CRM (Corporate) Details tab, see Corporate (CRM) – Details Fields.